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Lab partner?

So, I just bought Injustice recently. I rented it back around release but finally shelled out the money and bought it. Back when I had it earlier, I met some cool people and we would sit around and just play and get better and it really helped. The point is, I'd like to have something similar to that. Another player, or group of players to play with to help me get better, maybe give some advice or teach combos to me, and all that good stuff. My PSN username is Boy_Wonder937. Please, message if interested.


PSN? Damn it. I really need to just get the game for PS3 already. >_<
For me it was just a preference thing, ya know? I've played on both consoles, I just can't make the Xbox Dpad work in my favor. Lmao


Well, I've been meaning to get it on PS3 as of late to play a bigger variety of people. But if I get it here soon, I'll throw you a message/friend request.
I just added you. I usually play Nightwing, Green Lantern, Batman, and Bane. Although I'm trying to learn a few new characters by dicking around in practice. What about you?