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What will the characters of mk 10 be like?


"The smart stuff"
I hope there's dash-blocking. I love how fast the game is.

I hope they don't give sub-zero a teleport.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
and, i forgot, about characters of mk10 :p, Shinnok will be a zoner, Quan Chi will still have rune trap, and Cyrax's bombs will be blockable, like Joker's teeth.


Dojo Trainee
It would be really cool if they brought back every single character they have had in an MK game back for this one with a full move set and etc. I wouldn't mind waiting a 4-5 years for a 70+ character roster with the exception of bosses not being playable. Imagine the depth the game would have. Also, original stages and music would be cool along with a run button. It would be really interesting to see how a run button would work.


Dojo Trainee
I hope Sheeva is viable in the next MK. She is my favorite character besides Raiden and I would love to be able to use her in tournaments lol.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
It would be really cool if they brought back every single character they have had in an MK game back for this one with a full move set and etc. I wouldn't mind waiting a 4-5 years for a 70+ character roster with the exception of bosses not being playable. Imagine the depth the game would have. Also, original stages and music would be cool along with a run button. It would be really interesting to see how a run button would work.
i'd rather have MKDC/KOF's run system, and maybe run cancelling, like mk9's dash cancelling.


You inspire no fear.
I actually hope Scorpion's Injustice costume is in MK10, it's easily my favourite so far. And of course, Peter Seitz to return as VA.
Please give us a new 'Get over here' and 'Come here' sound, just let Seitz do it. They didn't even redo it in Injustice.

Apart from that, I hope Kabal is in, for starters, and I hope he has his costume from his MK9 ending.