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Stock Market Frosty Faustings Edition: John Waters vs. GGA


This mean you don't like me?
_Bromeo_ :...Dude, Injustice is....it's.....it's-

xBrojanglesx: I know man! It's totally awesome! DC characters duking it out!

Broseph: Yeah I actually thought it might be casual when I say transitions and back ground objects but its-

xBrojanglesx: Tournament viable?

Broseph: Exactly! Tournament viable!

_Bromeo_: I like it....kiiinda...., but...I don't know about tournament viable. I like to play with characters I like, you see...

Broseph: But that's just the thing! Every character is viable, it's not like MK9, bless its soul...

_Bromeo_: No....actually, you guys don't realize I've been attending Injustice locals...I....I think I'm going to drop the game. I've been doing poorly, and we all know it's not cause I suck. Hell as broken as MK was, I did way better and found it more fun.

xBrojanglesx: YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Injustice is incredible, how the hell are you doing to drop it!?

Broseph: Don't do it man!

_Bromeo_: I think I'll take my chances with Killer Ins-

Broseph: Look, bro...you're our best friend. We're not gonna leave you high and dry. All you need is a new perspective you know? A refreshing take on the game. How bout playing other characters?

_Bromeo_: I don't think th-

xBrojanglesx: That's an excellent idea! You can use a different character to see how things fair! Maybe it was your CHARACTER that made you not like the game!

_Bromeo_: You really think so?

xBrojanglesx: Yeah!

Broseph: In any case, character doesn't matter. EVERYONE'S viable. In fact, tell me who you use, I'll give you a paragraph right off the top of my head about how great they are! Go on, I won't even have to think!

_Bromeo_: That might not be a good idea-

Broseph: Nonsense! Go on tell me! The low tiers got buffed, top tiers got fixed, the game is great! Don't be shy, who do you use! Any random character in the cast I can already tell you their dirt. Go on bro! Who do you use? I can tell you right of the bat all the magnificent, splendiferous, awesomeistic, cool things they can-

_Bromeo_: I use Nightwing


NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
"...And be a low tier hero, got stars in his eyyyyyyyes, he's a low tier hero."

Seriously, somebody should remake that song into this.


Well-Known Member
I'm fine with declaring Nightwing dead in the water after not placing top 8 yet if it means I can be a confirmed low tier hero.
Its because no one is using the Damien Wayne skin. Which I would totally use because he's more of a man who gets top 8 and less of a boy, who's comfortable with top 16.


Truth, justice and the American way.
I'm fine with declaring Nightwing dead in the water after not placing top 8 yet if it means I can be a confirmed low tier hero.
Welcome to the club.

Its because no one is using the Damien Wayne skin. Which I would totally use because he's more of a man who gets top 8 and less of a boy, who's comfortable with top 16.
This blasphemous shit needs to stahp.


Come On Die Young
Its because no one is using the Damien Wayne skin. Which I would totally use because he's more of a man who gets top 8 and less of a boy, who's comfortable with top 16.
Dick is 10x the man he is. Poser.

I don't even play nw but I feel their struggle.
Its because no one is using the Damien Wayne skin. Which I would totally use because he's more of a man who gets top 8 and less of a boy, who's comfortable with top 16.

I'm fine with declaring Nightwing dead in the water after not placing top 8 yet if it means I can be a confirmed low tier hero.
??? Catwoman upplayers exist?


Truth, justice and the American way.
People who like NRS's version of Damian Wayne are the kind of people who thought the new Judge Dread was amazing.

You all need to rethink yourselves.

Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
That's right Max, hit em with the logic. Pepsi > Coke
And since this is originally an MK board......


Hey, in fact, at FF, in my pepsi cup... there was Dr. Pepper... which is a coke product. So you can all hold that :D