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Yes, N.America's Internet infrastructure is still obsolete.


Administrator and Community Engineer
100%. Google Fiber is trying to provide the first spark in changing this -- but it's a huge uphill battle.


A prop on the stage of life.
My internet is worse than 95% of America's. It's on Curbo's level. It's quite a miracle that I can play with anyone. Side note: I have a harder time connecting with help in Dark Souls but the level 700 Japanese player has no trouble forcing their way into my game and giving me the ginsu treatment. x.x


RIP Ex Smash
Currently studying overseas right now and I must say that first world problems aren't that funny anymore(yes rustled).

BTW speeds are fine(currently), it's just that cable companies fuck us over with pricing and availability.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
From what I understand, most of the cable companies are backed by the gov't, which doesn't help.


Chode Juggler
If you think the Internet is bad in the US then you haven't lived in many places...

But ya pricing and availability are fucked. I remember reading something about how all the different cable companies work together to fix prices, so we can all pay a fuckload for their shitty service no matter what. They pretty much have a monopoly on the infrastructure I think...but then again I rarely know what I am talking about


Can only speak for Belgium, there used to be limits on capacity en there was no way to get unlimited.
For example you could only use 60 GB a month, if you surpassed that limit your speed would decrease to like 20 KB/s.

Right now, there are 2 types of "unlimited" download: truly unlimited and a dynamic limit that is the average of every user.
When it comes to download-speed I get 120 Mbps and 6 Mbps upload for €67 a month.