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How strictly should TO's enforce tournament rules? And Jim's version of events from Frosty Faustings


My blades will find your heart
If that's the case it seems like a no brainer to me.
I mean, the TO gave the game to Jim though, so I dont see the issue. It already is a rule in most FG tournaments.

The real problem was PL blatantly pausing in the first place, which is an extremely shitty thing to do.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Jim, great post man. You're description of yourself as a player reminds me a lot of myself.
In my opinion, I think the best way for these situations to be handled is still for both players to provide input, with the opinion of the player who is not at fault to have a bit more weight.
I honestly think PL was just being disrespectful and douchey in this instance, and while I completely agree with your mentality of earning the win, he should know better. You realize your controls are somehow still switched up? Fine, pause in between rounds and fix it; that's HUGE for the gameplay. But vibration? Pffffft..... get the fuck out. That's crap, and he should know better. But I don't want this to become a thing where the TO will always just give the match to the other player either, because I something happens to me where a controller has an issue or the controls get jumbled for whatever reason, I too would like to have some say in how things proceed.
Sorry that happened to you man, but I guess now it's just another experience that you can learn from and adapt to. If someone messes up like that and is genuinely sorry, I think (hope) I will always give them the benefit of the doubt because I too want to earn my wins. But what happened to you at Frosty Faustings sounds like a seasoned player being a dickhead and possibly even trying to get in your head a little. Full disclosure: not a big fan of PL; never met him, but seems like a douchebag, and these events support that theory.
Better luck next time Jim! Sorry you got robbed, but keep working hard at GGA and your time will most certainly come.
I mean, the TO gave the game to Jim though, so I dont see the issue. It already is a rule in most FG tournaments.

The real problem was PL blatantly pausing in the first place, which is an extremely shitty thing to do.
Well we all agree that PL shouldn't have paused the game. I don't think anybody is going to defend that. He's clearly the guilty party here. The TO isn't the badguy. That being said, he did something Jim pointed out probably shouldn't have been allowed to happen and I think more TO's should be aware of. He gave him the option to decline the foul....and he probably shouldn't have. I'm sure he didn't think anything of it and probably thought it was the right thing to do, but I can see how that's a difficult position to put a player in and it really shouldn't be their call at all.
Reactions: Jim


Well-Known Member
My questionable rule-breaking issue with PL at Frosty Faustings:

Loser's Final
Stage rules are double random 50/50.

After PL's and my button check we are at the character select screen (Themiscara in the background as one of our 50/50 stages). PL backs out to the main menu as if it was an accident while we were about to pick our characters. He goes back to versus and selects his character. New background stage is Arkam/Joker's Asylum.

I didn't say anything because there was a lot on my mind being in top 3 trying not to lose my cool etc.

But does that mean that people can "accidentally" back out to the main menu once the first 50/50 stage is shown? How many times can we "accidentally" back out? Until we see a stage we like?

This has changed my opinion of PL.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the post, but didn't the TO give you the first game (the one he paused)? So what's the problem?

EDIT: To be clear, I completely agree that it sucks if it were left up to the player to decide, since you either look like an asshole or you risk losing your concentration and losing the match. But in this case, if I understand correctly, the TO made the right call and gave you the match, right?
He's not talking about the TO, he's bringing up the mind game that it puts in the player who is supposed to either "man up" and play out the set anyway or "puss out" and take the set. There are enough jitters associated with tournament play to begin with, especially when you're just starting out. To be put in a situation where you have to make a decision like that on top of it all is horrible.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
My questionable rule-breaking issue with PL at Frosty Faustings:

Loser's Final
Stage rules are double random 50/50.

After PL's and my button check we are at the character select screen (Themiscara in the background as one of our 50/50 stages). PL backs out to the main menu as if it was an accident while we were about to pick our characters. He goes back to versus and selects his character. New background stage is Arkam/Joker's Asylum.

I didn't say anything because there was a lot on my mind being in top 3 trying not to lose my cool etc.

But does that mean that people can "accidentally" back out to the main menu once the first 50/50 stage is shown? How many times can we "accidentally" back out? Until we see a stage we like?

This has changed my opinion of PL.
I noticed that as well. Complete crap. I mean, I have genuinely his back too many times after changing my buttons as well... but considering the other bullshit PL pulled in this tournament.......... idk man. That guy can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
I noticed that as well. Complete crap. I mean, I have genuinely his back too many times after changing my buttons as well... but considering the other bullshit PL pulled in this tournament.......... idk man. That guy can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah, it might be some mind trick shenanigans to throw you off your game before the match. But as far as I know, that breaks the rules. Or at least it should.


Lets take a couple of differing examples to illustrate this from different angles....

First up, I'm playing MK with w1nter warz. We're playing off-stream but the first station is like 5' from the commentary table. K-frog is on commentary and says something that really hits my funny bone hard as I'm playing. I burst out into giggle fits so bad, I can't even hold my stick! W1nter is just looking at me and is like "Dood, this is a tournament match...." and I'm like "I know, I know." So what does w1nter do? He beats the ever lovin piss outta me. Did he do the right thing? Of course he did. He could have chosen to be a good guy and paused until I stopped laughing but it's a tournament. There is no shame in an easy win.

Second up, poor Emperor Theo @EVO '13. His converter glitches and it's a lost round. His converter glitches a second time and it's "Hello Losers Bracket". Was Theo to blame for this, in spite of the fact it was an accident? This may not be the popular opinion but yes. Yes it was. It's all a part of being responsible along with registering on time, being present when your pools are running and MAKING SURE YOU ARE NOT PLAYING WITH FAULTY EQUIPMENT. On the off chance that something does happen, have a backup. I know most of us broke-assed mothers don't rate this high on the list of priorities, but extensive practice and travel wear down our precious controllers and sticks. Be ready for the unexpected.

And as far as insulting people's manhood for taking the round? GTFOH with that shit. It's called playing to win. If you want to hand your opponent a free win, don't blame him for taking it. At the end of the day it's all about taking wins and getting paid. That's it.

Seriously, the EVO example should be the standard. If a competitor interrupts the game for any reason, 1 match. A second time should equal loss. If a non-competitor interrupts the game because he was too stoopid to de-sync his controller, it should be a restart. Shitty I know, but the interruption has already destroyed the momentum at least with a full re-do, you can build your momentum again. A match in progress should NEVER be stopped until someone loses.


Well-Known Member
I saw him pick a character I think vs cowboy , go to stage selection then back to character selection then back to stage
Yeah, that is complete bullshit.

I wish we just had strict standard rules. As this tournament and some others shown how these lax current rules can be abused.

The PantyChrist

Rest in Pantiez
The stage thing I feel like Isn't a big deal. Player one can put their cursor over the same level as the previous character select background and the p2 can remain random. As for intentionally pausing that is pretty lame especially over vibration. Something like that can be changed between matches if it even needs to be changed at all. Just kinda whack from a supposed top player

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios

GGA 16 Bit

Also GGA on blast here giving young innocent AK Glass_Sword Shit for taking that game at GBS

So Gga needs to either back up JIM here and apologize to glass sword or blow up Jim right now like glass sword was

....your move

I said Glass Sword was justified on stream like 5 minutes after I popped off.

Great thread Jim.


blink-182 enthusiast

You stand up and take the god damn game

You give no fucks about it

You look them in the eye and tell them

I didn't do this once and am still pissed .

In tournament be an asshole, maybe it'll teach whoever to be prepared and do those necessary checking earlier
That sentence is really funny to me for some reason. That said I agree, no handouts when the games count

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
I'd say only let it slide if you're playing a chum who you know isnt dicking around. In which case, if said pause could turn the tide, the person who is responsible for the faux pas should automatically concede, being a "friend" and all. If it was a slip up from the onset, one can be more lenient. At a major though, against some dude you dont know from Adam, fuck em', take it.


I've had it come up twice where my Hitbox unplugged during tournament match. And I have no idea how many times online.

The first time was during injustice .. My opponent asked if I wanted to start over and I said absolutely not. I'm disqualified. That's it.

I know he was trying to be nice, and felt bad for me because it's so not something I did deliberately - the cord just came out of the jack, I've already had it replaced once.. But yea, no, my controller my responsibility, my loss, next round. It didn't even occur to me to grab anyone else to ref the situation. I'm no newbie, I know damn well what happens if a menue comes up mid match.


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
Second up, poor Emperor Theo @EVO '13. His converter glitches and it's a lost round. His converter glitches a second time and it's "Hello Losers Bracket".
My converter only glitched once against Slayer at EVO which cost me the first match. That was the match that would eliminate me from the tournament, rather than put me in the loser's bracket. Perhaps you're meaning to talk about Nightmare SF, since his converter did glitch on two different matches.


I think I saw PL, do that shit twice with the stage select. With cowboy and with max. Such BS. We all know he is a good player, but he seems shady as fuck sometimes.


My converter only glitched once against Slayer at EVO which cost me the first match. That was the match that would eliminate me from the tournament, rather than put me in the loser's bracket. Perhaps you're meaning to talk about Nightmare SF, since his converter did glitch on two different matches.
My apologies. I think I got you confused because you're both Batman mains (or were at the time) right?
I want to hear Perfect Legend give his side of the story, personally.

This is funny you guys are trying to paint me out like a scumbag.

The problem here is you all have different rules in different scenes. I care not to keep track of.

Midwest does "double random" then keep the same stage if someone loses.

California does double random then loser picks stage or character or something.

East Coast does double random then double random again regardless.

It doesn't matter what the stage is. Also there is no point for me to pick my character then button check I am just trying to get the button check over cause it is mad tedious especially having to make sure vibration is cut off.

In other normal (Keyword: Normal) fighting game communities they do the same shit. Whichever char the damn cursor is on they just press the button to get into the match to check buttons. But no you guys want to know what char someone is gonna use and whatever. Like you want me to tell you the strategy I am going to use and how I am going to start the match? You want a manual? Want me to hold your hand and pour you a glass of milk. Sir would you like me to tuck you in at night? What else would you like? How about I get you some cheese with your wine.

Don't get mad at me cause you are salty you lost.

Another note: Jim your prep talk or whatever with 16bit that sounds good and all but if you really feel like you would have won we can run back the match up for $$. Same with Emperor Max.

Shout outs to Jim for giving his life story so people will sympathize with him lol.

Funny story. Emperor Max who comes on here and calls me a scumbag asks me after the tournament "who should I pick to take away banes match ups" and I actually give some real advice to help the guy out, but I am a scumbag. I beat you and then I gave you advice. Yea I am soo bad.

Whatever both of you can play me for money with the same characters in the same conditions. You can also pick the stage.

I'm sorry that I came to your scene and bodied you while you all play this game constantly offline within your crew and I play with barely anyone in crappy online conditions or practice mode while I am cycling through the other 5-6 games that I am practicing.

I am sure you all are also mad that PPJ went to NEC and beat people with the unfamiliar stuff and then got his back blown out at a tournament he was guaranteed top 3.

Max do you think us being on TheMyscira would have changed the outcome? We can gladly run it back on themyscira.

I like how now people are making excuses for me beating them and getting backed up/praised, but if I say something like how for example the stream monitor had lag because of the hook ups used to stream it and show it on 3 different tv's. Also how one of the floor tv's set up was laggy too. Oh no but if I say something I am complaining. But Jim and Max nope they aren't complaining they are being reasonable.

Final Statement: I zipped you all up and sent you back to GGA in body bags.

Should've said something at the tournament I would've gladly ran the matches back