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Special AKA Tomorrow (dec 26th) Feat Woundcowboy and Blackula


Scorpion Scrub
Zod and Sinestro are very tough for GL at the highest level, Zod slightly worse I'd say.

Lord Hollow

The Sage Of Michigan.
For the love of Sweet Buttery Jesus, if there are any none streamed good matches, someone please come and make sure the tall guy in the glasses with the camcorder and tripod knows! I will be at Frosty on Saturday, so any and everyone give me a heads up when dat Injustice starts, or I'll, I dunno: kill a puppy or something...


Come On Die Young
i was actually thinking of finding a way to go this week if you were running something. but penguins are in NC tomorrow i cant miss this :/

edit: maaaaaan i misread and thought this was tomorrow
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