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How in the world do I get my girlfriend into the FGC?


Filthy Casual
Have any of you had success in getting your significant other (boy/girlfriend, wife/husband) into attending or at least watching FGC events? I get that a lot of enjoyment of a competitive event comes from understanding the rules/systems involved in the competition. For example, I like football and I've tried to get my girlfriend into that as well but she has a tough time keeping tracks of things like "first-downs", "ball possession", and how points are earned. However, she'll enjoy being at a live event because of the energy and spectacle around it (despite maybe not understanding the full significance of big plays.) I see the same issue with a fighting game because unless you understand the nuances of the mechanics involved, it just looks random as hell.

So, I'm asking you (especially any females in the community) how/what can I do to get my girlfriend interested in enjoying FGC events? Also, (female specific) what got you into the FGC? I'm not looking for her to necessarily want to compete mind you, just share in a hobby that I'm growing to enjoy without it being strictly "I'm just doing this to humor you" type of situation. However, as it stands now she thinks it's pretty goofy and childish. Thanks for any and all feedback.
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My blades will find your heart
Just expose her to it. If it grows on her than cool, if it doesn't but she still humors you anyway at least she is willing to let you do what you love.

Some people dont like FGs, nothing you can really do to change that.

Mr. Mileena

Well, you can't force her into something she doesn't like.

Most guys don't like shopping. And girls do.
Most of the times the girl forces the dude to go shopping with her, using the excuse, "spending quality time with you"

If that's the case, tell her, since you make me do xyz with you, try giving video games a try. It doesn't mean she's going to get into them and play them when you're not around too. She can just be a casual gamer and play once in a while with you, just like you have to go shopping or do whatever she likes that you don't.

This is one of the reasons I don't like women lol. We have nothing in common that we like to do


RIP Ex Smash
If you somehow manage to get her to play the game you want, make sure you make it an enjoyable experience for her. If you successfully achieve this, everything will fall into place.

I speak with plenty of experience in this particular area.

Females can frighteningly obsessed with games in general in the right circumstances
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Have any of you had success in getting your significant other (boy/girlfriend, wife/husband) into attending or at least watching FGC events? I get that a lot of enjoyment of a competitive event comes from understanding the rules/systems involved in the competition. For example, I like football and I've tried to get my girlfriend into that as well but she has a tough time keeping tracks of things like "first-downs", "ball possession", and how points are earned. I see the same issue with a fighting game because unless you understand the nuances of the mechanics involved, it just looks random as hell.

So, I'm asking you (especially any females in the community) how/what can I do to get my girlfriend interested in enjoying FGC events? Also, (female specific) what got you into the FGC? I'm not looking for her to necessarily want to compete mind you, just share in a hobby that I'm growing to enjoy without it being strictly "I'm just doing this to humor you" type of situation. However, as it stands now she thinks it's pretty goofy and childish. Thanks for any and all feedback.
This is an up hill battle my friend. I have got my wife to support me being competitive within the FGC but she has no interest in learning stuff about the game and watching. Shit my 4 year old appreciates tech i have found or my gimmicks more. I have even spun it like, "You're a gamer like me. You go all tryhard on Candy Crush, Temple Run and Angry Birds. So Watch Injustice." And still nothing.

If you do succeed, let me know how. lol


This mean you don't like me?
I've had a surprisingly vast amount of female constituents take surprising interest in street fighter. Although they demolished my analog stick by assuming the harder and more violently you mash buttons, the more success it yielded, they were somewhat enthralled by the mechanics and variety, and mode of thinking it requires. The mainstay was the characters themselves. HOWEVER they were very afraid of playing other human players, and called me a scumbag when I let them win, and a scumbag when I beat them.

The point is, I would start off by seeing how the guage watching the game played. Streams. Videos of people screaming at hype matches. They tend to like certain characters more than the way the character plays so you can start from that. One was mimicking Ibuki and found Sakura adorable, but thought Akuma was some kind of demon. Which he is. They will no doubt fall in love with the game's characters/ quirkiness first, then the actual game and meta game second. Go from there.

I know some couples who both love watching/ playing a certain sport that did not feel the same way initially. Now his other half is more up to date on the roster than I am, and it comes through finding what interested them most and going from there. Also, some people just aren't into things for the same reasons as you can you just gotta kinda hold that.

And they called me a scumbag when I used Sagat's grab because they felt kneeing a schoolgirl in the stomach was horrific, but found no problem chucking daggers at me in the air. A bit of a double standard, but eff me right? Right?

This is bullshit, and I don't play with them anymore.


Warlock Nerd
to be honest, if she doesnt even know the basics of the game of football, the chances that she's gonna get into fighting games enough to genuinely want to watch them with you are slim to none. my advice, dont spend too much time and effort trying to force something you like on her, and instead use that time doing something the both of you have an interest in. im sure you both like movies or television, netflix and youtube always works well for me, give them a shot.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
competitive fighting games are kind of alot more complex than football....well imo at least, for someone to get into it they would probably have to actually want to learn everything about it


More Displacer Raiden, please! ;P
I have some ideas! (after stumbling onto this while doing Injustice searches)

Is there a certain game you'd like her to try? You might be able to try something psychological and tell her that there's a combo you can't do or something that requires a lot of dexterity. I'm not sure if it's really true that girls are more dexterous than guys, but that might help. This would probably be like a last resort as it could be like a bet to see who could do it more consistently or first, but she might say 'if you can't do it, how could I?'

Other than that, if she likes comics, or anime/cartoons at all, introducing her to a game like Injustice might be the way to go. I totally wanted to play IJ cos I like DC comics. It made me willing to overlook its potential flaws :) SF characters are still mostly unknown these days...

Does she care about how many female characters are in a game? My little sis used to play fighters with me as kids, and she usually wanted to pick the girl characters to relate to them or something. I told her that she honestly might get better than me if she kept playing as much as I did, and that seemed to encourage her. She usually liked video games with cute furry characters in hightops; like Crash Bandicoot lol but she could get serious about beating levels. We liked playing the Donkey Kong Country games cos there was 2-player co-op, so maybe a game that lets you switch characters; like Tekken Tag?

Sometimes a game just seems intimidating to ppl. I knew a girl who was getting good at SF3 in the arcades when it was still popular, but when she lost a match, she'd practically run away, and that was on head-to-head cabinets, which shy ppl liked cos they could sorta play anonymously unless ppl walked around to the other side to see whom they played lol. Maybe she'd rather just play against the comp than other ppl.

A game with a good learning curve or giving her a slow introduction to mechanics might help. Then again, I used to have a g/f that already liked action games and games in general, so that helped, but she was still nervous about fighting tough bosses sometimes and would ask me to do it for her. Same thing with girls at my old job when we were on breaks.

Maybe if you just told her why you like FGs, if you can explain the appeal for you, that might interest her. I feel like I could get interested in almost anything if I try hard enough...not sure about knitting, but I bet my interests are more varied than I'd think.

Sometimes you just want to kick ass since you might get arrested for doing that irl lol. that's why GTA 5 made 800 million in its FIRST weekend (or was it, first day?) <:O Maybe you could tell her it's a good way to relax.

If she already likes other kind of games, that could branch out to fighters. Maybe action-rpgs first, like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance games with a lot of characters and simple execution/controls or something.

Sometimes tv shows get me interested in games based on them, or vice-versa. I have a friend that liked Smallville, and I think that made her like the idea of superhero video games more.

HELL...try showing her the different costumes the characters have in some FGs and ask her if she could just tell you which she likes best. Even guys like talking about fashion...if it's their fave' characters' costumes in a video game :D


They love my Grayson
my girl would stop by but she's normally at work or nursing school. She said she would be interested in watching me play on recording, but I ain't trying to force her to watch all that lol

You should let her do it at free will. If she gets really interested in you she may want to ask about the next time you're hitting up a tournament and come see you play. Just mention what youre doing and let her interest arouse a bit. It's normally a feminine thing to drag her along, kinda like when a girl drags you along shopping for clothes. She may want to check it out, you never know. Just let it be.
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They love my Grayson
competitive fighting games are kind of alot more complex than football....well imo at least, for someone to get into it they would probably have to actually want to learn everything about it
From experience I don't think football is that easy; I worked and trained athletes within the sport and it takes a lot more physically and mentally than any game, the intrinsic and extrinsic factors blow it away. Possibly, complicating things even more is a bad idea. But simple in the first place? Laughable. Football, in my opinion, is like Rocket Science. You spend ages preparing every little detail, setting your amazing plan in place - and it can still all fall apart in a matter of seconds. Football has so much to it, so many little variations and unforeseen consequences. Also from my own experiences I hate team sports because the difficulty of building chemistry with your teammates is another component that it's in own dimension. Sports like Tennis, Boxing etc the responsibility lies only on you. I rather work by myself than with others.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I'd only been going out with my girlfriend for like a few months and somehow managed to get her to go to an event. After that she insisted she goes to another one with me, she gets well hyped up.

She doesnt understand the complexities of the games we play, but can on a basic level.

Recently got her into playing some GTA5 and L4D wimme and my mates, so the ship has set sail hopefully.

It would be pretty cool if she got as good as I am though.
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I never actually tried to get mine to watch it with me, honestly I do it on my own time. She watches things I'm not interested in watching and she doesn't force me to so it's only natural for me to be as considerate. Although I have taught her the basics and gotten her to actually enjoy playing games, something she didn't before so I'm happy she finds joy in something I enjoy myself.

It's best not to push these things.


Hey! incoming girl perspective here.
1. My ex boyfriend was huge into football and we would go out to alehouse or what have you to watch.( He decreed I was a saints fan since he was lol) But I would get annoyed trying to understand what was going on because football has a shit load of rules and it was a kind of explanation as I go thing. :[ I do understand FGs so that "if she can't understand football" is bullshit.... cause I still can't. SHE has to want to do it and take the time herself!

2. I work at a video game bar which is a GREAT example of tons of casual players mingling with hardcore gamers. Especially when these men bring their significant others along who don't really play video games (this isn't limited to women either) Generally when women check out fighting games from me Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter tend to be the top two. BUT streetfighter gets returned faster! They to mash around with them but it gets old quickly IF he consistently wins . Women also love Tekken! I don't know why o_o

3. I have female friends who love cosplay and anime and have gamer boyfriends.....but have been declining to come to CEO with me for years! EVEN WHEN I SAY I GOT THEM FOR FREE ENTRY. Its way too much of a hostile environment to them, which may be something you would like to take into account. If she is interested in casuals or you have a match, im sure she wouldn't mind somewhere where she feels comfortable mingling. But alot of my female friends have just gotten such bad vibes or heard things from tournaments they just refuse to come :(

4. It can get boring pretty quickly if they aren't genuinely interested..... I also have casually dated women who weren't into videogames ( it didn't workout so well) as well as seen some of my friends try this with their significant other and its really up to her! Maybe have her watch stream archives with you and ask you questions. Sounds silly but make her go through the basic tutorials and figure out what character she likes then show her some vids of high level play with that character. Get her a pretty controller? And above all be PATIENT!

I hope this helps <3


Women also love Tekken! I don't know why o_o
Yes, what is up with that? I don't even like or play Tekken but that is her favorite fighting game lmao.
If I put in Street Fighter 4 or Injustice? Nope. So odd but I am not complaining in the least lol.


Me and my girl used to do tekken tag team 2 ladder mk9 team ladder, she usually watches streams with me but usually only for marvel, she knows who chris g is justin wong Filipino champ and mike Ross etc she just had a bit of interest when she saw how hype marvel was, she would never take the time to learn it tho. Just watch hype stuff even when people don't know what's going on they can't deny hype.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Yes, what is up with that? I don't even like or play Tekken but that is her favorite fighting game lmao.
If I put in Street Fighter 4 or Injustice? Nope. So odd but I am not complaining in the least lol.
Because you can roll your face over the controller and profit. XD

Oh, I'm trolling, but you know there's that one girl who got into the game because her boyfriend who wasn't all that amazing to begin with got her to play once and cleaned house because of mashing.


Yes, what is up with that? I don't even like or play Tekken but that is her favorite fighting game lmao.
If I put in Street Fighter 4 or Injustice? Nope. So odd but I am not complaining in the least lol.
Dude this realllly ditzy(super lipstick) lesbian neighbor I had in highschool basically disliked videogames. BUT the only exception she ever made was Tekken I was mind fucked at how much she enjoyed it. Thank you Tekken! Never a complaint from me! xD


My blades will find your heart
My brother and friends also liked Tekken but never any other FGs.

It was because of mashing honestly. But I sucked at Tekken so thats all any of us would do trololol


Because you can roll your face over the controller and profit. XD

Oh, I'm trolling, but you know there's that one girl who got into the game because her boyfriend who wasn't all that amazing to begin with got her to play once and cleaned house because of mashing.
Damn you for reading my life story.

But I am happy she did because it did open the door to other games besides fighters lol.