tru, i'm a girl.Rico, CDjr, Spinky, Rampage, Lexianthius, Mr. Mil.... probably more
I may be grouping "cute" and "hot" into one category here.
It's important to keep notes on these things...
Aww thanks <3Yo real talk? Where's Lex Luthor II?
This thread is for looks not skillsEmperor Theo, CDjr, Maxter, Pig of the Hut, RunwayMafia top 5.
Totally get that joke now thanks to the "best threads of 2013" thread.Birdsongs.
I've seen things that I cannot unsee.
You might if you looked in the TYM photo thread sir. I keep my nerdy real life separate from my nerdy video game life.Lumpymoomilk
Oh wait, I don't know what he looks like because he WON'T ADD ME ON FUCKING FACEBOOK
Shaven Arma looks like he is like 12 thoughCD Jr., Rico Suave, Pig of The Hut, PimpimJim, ForeverKing, Lulzlou, and shaven Darth Arma.