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YouTube Copy"right" or Copy"privilege"?

So this new copyright system that has gone into effect here on YouTube has affected a lot of us in the video making game. To be fairly honest this security implementation is one of the most half-baked blanket system I've seen in quite some time. Especially since there will be many people who are just innocent bystander channels who aren't doing anything malicious that will be forced to make some changes that are detrimental to their channel's success.

Couple of things of note: I'm aware that some companies are embracing the Let's Players and I'm also aware of the positives that do come from the exposure. However this monetization thing was more of a perk. Unfortunately the perk is removed but some YouTuber's are acting like they're entitled to it. In closing I suppose I'll leave with the following tidbit:

This Copyright ID system is only Blanket due to the large amount of video content uploaded to youtube is done so in such bulk no HUMAN could ever even begin to fathom who is innocent and who is guilty. My video above will be more explanatory as usual. Thanks for your time, God Bless you all... if you believe in a God. If not, may Shao Kahn have mercy on your lost soul.

Back to Megaman Let's Playing.

This thread was made because it is provocative.
While I have little to say in this matter, I do want to mention that this was enlightening and you have interesting viewpoints on the situation.


Confused Thanagarian
Jeremyjahns (I'm a movie buff) had to deal with some BS because he jokingly said you'd be better off ripping some movie he reviewed (don't remember what, may have been a Twilight film) than spending money on it. That's my experience with this. I would hope they fix this system down the road, but hey, corporate America, fuck us plebs


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Well said brother. Rockstar did this with GTA V and I commend them for it. They flat-out said before the game's release that it is entirely okay to monetize videos of multiplayer, but anything with Single Player cutscenes would be struck, which is how it should be with ANY game with a linear story.
While I have little to say in this matter, I do want to mention that this was enlightening and you have interesting viewpoints on the situation.
I appreciate that sentiment. Unfortunately there's a few people out there who think the whole "fair use" comes into play on YouTube when unfortunately it doesn't really.

Jeremyjahns (I'm a movie buff) had to deal with some BS because he jokingly said you'd be better off ripping some movie he reviewed (don't remember what, may have been a Twilight film) than spending money on it. That's my experience with this. I would hope they fix this system down the road, but hey, corporate America, fuck us plebs
Unfortunately this blanket system is quite sensitive so there will definitely be innocent bystanders that get taken down for no reason. Like back when SEGA implemented their anti copyright game called Shining Force. Even if no gameplay was shown of the game or was talking about something completely different than the game. SEGA had it take down just for having the phrase "Shining Force" in the title/description/tags. Which is crazy but that's how it works in the big scheme. Although the 2nd part of what I want to say here will be down in the reply to ShadowBeatz.

Well said brother. Rockstar did this with GTA V and I commend them for it. They flat-out said before the game's release that it is entirely okay to monetize videos of multiplayer, but anything with Single Player cutscenes would be struck, which is how it should be with ANY game with a linear story.
I play do Let's Plays of games with linear storylines. But I don't typically play them on camera until they've been out for at least a year. The two games I'm playing now came out on the GameCube. Don't think I'll be hurting their pockets by playing them now. However we all know many people have whole walktrhoughs "without commentary" monetized within 24hours of the game dropping to public audiences and if someone has a review copy. We'll have whole LPs before the game is even released which is kind of saddening however people don't tend to think it through.

Also people claiming this whole "Fair use" in order to defend themselves need to look at something through a factual lens. For one imagine you're at your work place, a job and a common one at that. If you were to say build a habbit of swearing and making certain customers make feel uncomfortable. Even if the swearing is not malicious in any way. You're going to be fired for not being professional. Now you can sit here and say "Freedom of Speech! Freedom of expression! 2ND AMENDMENT! AMERICA FUCK YEAH" all you like. It won't change management decision to let you go. If YouTube is a source of income then technically it is a Job. YouTube would be the overseer (boss) in this case. And as a Private owned company, they can dictate what they see fit, when they see fit, how they see fit, and for how long they see fit to better suit their needs. Sure it sucks that this ripples down via trickle down effect hurting big time channels like (AngryJoe) (PewDiePie) (KSIOlajidebit) the midsize channels like (Shokio) and the small ball channels like my own. [Shameless Plug] ;) - Also keep in mind that the gaming portion of YouTube is an absolute joke in terms of the big scheme of things. We are one of the smallest niches of videos, falling behind crazy kids, cat videos, memes, and all things of those natures. So them "pissing" us off is a minuscule price to pay in the long run. Especially if it keeps them out of legal trouble in the future. Its all about protecting your best interest and lets face it folks. American society awarded millions to a person who spilled coffee on themselves because Mcdonalds didn't tell them "This coffee is hot". Also apparently Apple can sue people for making rectangular tablets... So they really can't play it too safe. Now the videos that are up I don't think should be taken down "as far as LPs go" But should they be monetized, no. However the content is there for the viewers to see and their audience would like to see it to fruition. Maybe if any monetzation goes on it should head to the developers.

GG. Hey look at that. My videos almost done uploading :)