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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Ep. 35 with GGA Pimpimjim


Frieza Saga > Buu Saga > Saiyan Saga > Cell Saga > Android Saga
Best Fights(No order): Goku vs Vegeta, Goku vs Ginyu Force then SSJ vs Frieza, Gotenks vs Majin Buu, Goku and Vegeta then Vegito vs Super Buu, SSJ2 Gohan vs Cell, Majin Vegeta vs Buu, all kid buu fights.


Drops combos
Pretty much how the election went down. No one really won.
With how screwed up congress is nowadays, nobody is going to win for a long time. Republicans in the house won't work with Obama and the next time a Republican President is elected the Democrats probably won't work with him just to get back at them. It's pretty silly.....