AK coolcmcgee
For those of you who follow the Atlanta Kombat Arena weeklies, there has been a change in their schedule. Starting tonight, all AKA gatherings will share Tuesdays with the Break Weekly. Now this may bother those of you who will feel troubled about trying to watch two locals at once, but do not fear: archived footage of each AKA is uploaded to their YouTube channel just as the Break Weekly does with their footage, so you shall miss nothing!
A special treat for fans of WoundCowboy - he will be at this AKA gathering along with those held for the next two weeks. In fact, he's playing right now, so you better hop over to their stream channel and check it out!
Side note: AK Pig Of The Hut offers a steak dinner to any player who manages to defeat WoundCowboy in a first to ten. Let's see if someone can collect that bounty!
UPDATE: Due to unfortunate circumstances, the AKA crew will have no stream to present to you tonight. But we encourage you to follow their channel below all the same.
Twitch channel: www.twitch.tv/atlantakombat
Credits to AK coolcmcgee for the information.
- Article edited by AK GamerBlake
A special treat for fans of WoundCowboy - he will be at this AKA gathering along with those held for the next two weeks. In fact, he's playing right now, so you better hop over to their stream channel and check it out!
Side note: AK Pig Of The Hut offers a steak dinner to any player who manages to defeat WoundCowboy in a first to ten. Let's see if someone can collect that bounty!
UPDATE: Due to unfortunate circumstances, the AKA crew will have no stream to present to you tonight. But we encourage you to follow their channel below all the same.
Twitch channel: www.twitch.tv/atlantakombat
Credits to AK coolcmcgee for the information.
- Article edited by AK GamerBlake
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