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Best Anime Theme


After posting a link to tank! on my FB saying its arguably the best anime theme ever, whaddya know a* debate started! So I wanna know tym, what do you think is the best Anime theme song ever? (a link would help because i am kind of removed from modern anime >_< )

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
So weird. I rarely watch anime these days, but I was just listening to this song before work. Easily my favorite. Right behind Pokemon. lol

That was the other theme I thought of too.

I also thought of this:

But that's partly because it's my favorite Anime..


Blue Blurs for Life!
Because it's the only anime I've ever watched religiously, here is my pick.

And if you want a glimpse at a Japanese version...


Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I was just going to put a list of some of my fav themes and the first yugioh jap opening was gonna be on there! I also like shuffle! <3
I think I liked the English Version better. It starts with that fitting Egyptian theme and then proceeds in a dark epic tone. Even has a good short bass solo...

I don't know how I feel about the song as a whole as it doesn't sound like one piece but the short intro version is good.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
This is also really good if ur a gundam fan, even if you don't like the show. ;___;

I've got like hundres of these I could post, but I'll restrain myself.


I am going to TRY and keep this minimal.... Maybe ill separate it in multiple posts...

Hunter x Hunter OP1: Ohayo (this is from memory so correct me if im wrong)

Inuyasha Op3 : owarinai yume

Peacemaker kurogane Op

Cardcaptor sakura op 2 (because we need some shoujo)

Full Metal Alchemist Op4 Rewrite (NOT BROTHERHOOD)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If you do not consider this the best anime theme/opening, you need to go commit suicide.