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Mortal Kombat: Fatality Make-over! Ep 3: Rain's Second

Fatality Make Over!

With Guy DiNardo

Ep 3. The Rain in Spain Falls Mainly Flat... (Fatality #2)

Guy smiles at the camera.

Guy: “Hello, friends. Tonight is very special. And, due to a last second cancellation, we were able to find a man that needs no introduction. Mostly because you would forget his name after he was introduce. A man who's driver's license reads only 'Who?' But apparently, he got some measure of popularity as the Star Wars Kid. Don, let's bring him out here... RAIN!”

Don: “Our guest is the grand marshal of all wet T-shirt competitions during Senior Week in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Let's hear it for RAIN!”

Rain enters sullen but in his purple goodness. He walks about and someone immediately puts plastic on the sofa before he sits.

Guy: “Rain, you know why you are here?”

Rain reaches in and brings out a soggy coupon.

Rain: “Free moist towlettes.”

Guy takes it and looks at the audience.

Guy: “Um, yes. Well, not exactly. You are here to have your fatality redone and made better. Spiffier. Something to write home to momma about.”

Rain: “I am an orphan who lost his family on the fields of battle against Shao Kahn's forces. I have seen great men fall at my feet and at Shao Kahn's feet.”

Guy: “Yes, and you have seen the great minds of your generation succumb to madness, no doubt.”

Rain: “You mock me, human?”

Guy: “I mock everyone. Heck, I mock turtlenecks” waits for the rim shot that never comes. He coughs nervously “But seriously, your second fatality needs some work.”

Rain: “I created a sword of water. That is impressive aquakinsesis.”

Guy: “Yes, it's impressive. It would have been great in a M. Night Shiyamalan kiddie picture but you aren't a 14 year old girl. And if you are, you have to tell me as I must maintain 500' distance from them at all times.”

Rain: summoning a large blade of water and points it at Guy. “Yes, it's very impressive. So impressive that you will feel it as you die sad and alone.”

Guy: “Please put down the soggy blade, k? We are here to help you. See I even made a flip book for you to see your first proposal. But, first, let's see the real thing.”

Guy looks at the audience.

Guy: “You think he needs some help?”

One guy meekly croaks a “yes” and is quickly glowered at by Rain.

Guy: “See, he thinks so. You are Rain. The Purple Helmeted Warrior tasked with being awesome. And you didn't drop a little red corvette on your victim. Why?”

Rain: “I don't know what you speak. What is a 'corvette?' “

Guy: “You get one. You won't have to wear purple to get chicks. That's all I am going to say about it. But, here's simple idea from myself about your fatality. But, I thought I would bring a personal touch. Now, we are going with keeping your awesome water sword. It's the one thing that most would consider great. But, you did a fatality that was a redo of, ironically, the guy in the video's: Quan Chi. So here's my idea.

Guy shows his flip book idea:

Rain does a charged up Super Kick that sends the victim flying. Rain summons up the water sword and swings it in the opposite direction. The victim enters from that direction and is cleaved in twain longways like nagiri sushi.

Rain looks at Guy.

Rain: “What manner of sorcery is this? It's a book that moves? Did Quan Chi create this for you?”

Guy: “No, my nephew did. I have to stay away from him as well, but we do have two more ideas from our writers. The first is labled: 'Good bye, Old Chum.' Let's see what it is.”

The video flickers and shows a guy dressed up as Rain. A bad computer animated bubble forms completely around the victim. The victim struggles. The water sword forms and Rain slices through the large bubble several times. The large bubble becomes red and is separated into several water bubbles. They pop in order of creation after Rain snaps his fingers, leaving bloody chunks.

Guy: “Really? That's the best Larry came up with. Send him to the bench. We will let him watch Jeff Dunham. That should be ample punishment.” to Rain “But, still better than yours.”

Rain: “I guess I could incorporate more bubbles into my dealing of death.”

Guy: “And I could incorporate more bubbles in my champagne. It's not Korbel, by the way. Roll, our third contestant.”

Video rolls again and shows the Rain stand-in creates a bubble around the victim's legs. The legs are crushed by it and the victim drops to his stumps and hands. Another pair of bubbles form around the victim's arms and they, too, are crushed. As the victim wallows in pain, Rain drops into the ground with his watery teleport. A gurgle of water forms under the victim and Rain leaps out with his water sword cleaving the victim in two, long ways. With a sling of his hand the water sword splashes to the ground.

Guy: “See, much better. And you keep blowing... bubbles to hurt your victim. By the way, why does the water hurt the victim in that fatality?”

Rain: “I make the pressure as the depths of the deepest ocean and it crushes their limbs.”

Guy: “You and 'Depth' do not exist in the same world.” turns to the camera “Fans, this was our take on helping the new guy with fatalities. So, now it's your turn. Heap some bloody loving on us so that we can show that anyone can help the needy. And the clueless.”

Guidelines: The water sword must deliver the fatal blow. Simple

(Next weeks Ep: Sonya. This will be a long one (that's what she... um nevermind) since she has 2 bad fatalities that need major work. Until then, enjoy)


Funny as always, really enjoyed the pedo shtick lol. That first remake sounds pretty awsome to watch, although that may be because I love anything with "in twain" in its description.
Funny as always, really enjoyed the pedo shtick lol. That first remake sounds pretty awsome to watch, although that may be because I love anything with "in twain" in its description.
I should have changed the Nagiri to Sashimi as it would be more apt. I am going to make Guy a bit more... noticible in coming posts. I do feel bad for Sonya, though. Know how hard it is to change a fatality that involves legs? I don't care how long her's are. How long, soft, curvy, ..... nevermind. I mean that is a tough task. But, hopefully it will be entertaining if not mind numbing. The shang one was 5 pages. I am certain that Sonya's will be about that long as well. 1 fatality is about 2.5 pages.