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Best tournament pool match at NEC!


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
So when a random poster on the site starts screaming that the Alley stage needs to be banned we will all know who it is, lol seriously it looked like this guy didn't even wanna try to get away from the corner.


This mean you don't like me?
lmao.he should of push blocked it so it bounced towards his opponent but problem with that is If batman has meter he could push block it back.now we have dc pong.
Stage>Arkham Asylum>Mess Hall.

Raven>Trait>Throw pig>teleport behind them.>throw pig>teleport behind them>throw pig

One sided volley ball.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I remember within the six weeks of this game, I was up at GGA. I played a casual set against Dizzy's Aquaman with my Batman on this stage.

I think that the set that we had was the moment for both of us when we realized how crazy stupid this dumpster is for tech characters. We were both laughing about it, while Dizzy was going: "Oh my god, I have to kill the dumpster first and THEN you!"

Good times...


Blue Blurs for Life!
*starts the video*

*watches the first match and gives a nod of approval*

*watches second match*

*Sinestro player loses first life bar*

*the dumpster abuse begins*

*starts chuckling*

*five uses of the dumpster later and the chuckling becomes a full-blown fit of laughter mixed with head-shaking*

*likes the post and favorites the video*


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Well if anything since I main a tech chracter I fully know what stage to practice on now.


Stuff like this is why I destroy that damn thing right away, even if it's not gonna hit them. To hell with giving someone the chance to set that kinda shit up. =P