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GGA Slips wins GGA's Ghost Battle Series #16!

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios

Combo breakers and martians could not stop the Injustice hype in Chicago as GGA Slips won this week's Ghost Battle Series. Using his demonic hellfire Scorpion burnt a path through the winners bracket defeating my Catwoman and not one by two Flash players to earn the right to face previous week's winner Max's Bane in the grand finals. While Max tried his best to break the ninja's back it was the rules of the game that were broken in the end, giving Slips his record 5th GBS win.

Rational Jim provided arguably the hypest story of the tournament, with an impressive early round upset against Max. Jim proved hard work in the lab and casuals at GGA can pay off with a his first ever top 3 placing. JIM JIM JIM JIM JIM JIM JIM JIM JAMES.

With Saucy Jack dropping Doomsday for season 2 we had all thought the Windy City was finally free of that monster. However in fitting fashion Doomie proved he cannot be stopped when Jeremiah brought back the Canadian destroying, Earth shaking DOOMSDAY.

Wound Cowboy's master and Peoria resident Chaossphere made a rare GGA appearance to challenge "Hollywood" Fill Pops for the coveted title of "Lobo of the Midwest". It went poorly for him.

1. GGA Slips(Scorpion)
2. Emperor Max(Bane)
3. Rational Jim(The Flash)
4. GGA Jeremiah(Doomsday, Martian Manhunter)
5. GGA 16 Bit(Catwoman)
5. Grawlix(Wonder Woman)
7. Fullmetal(Aquaman, Batman)
7. "Lobo of the Midwest" GGA Fill Pops

bracket: http://gga.challonge.com/gbs16

Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyChlyni9HqNNNtcDyOpLN3LlR2HuDDfn

Stream archive: http://www.twitch.tv/gallopingghostarcade/b/485251782

1. GGA Slips 13 points
2. Emperor Max 11 points
3. GGA Pimpimjim 7 points
4. GGA Jeremiah 9 points
5. GGA HAN 6 points
5. GGA 16 Bit 6 points
6. GGA Fill Pops 5 points
7. Rational Jim 4 points

Seeding tracking: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...QyalZ2dDhvM2NOd0pnQUJ3MGc&usp=drive_web#gid=1

Thanks to everyone who continues to show up to enter or watch our stream. It's great to see Chicago, the home of NRS keeping the Injustice hype going strong. Let's keep it up. We are now only a couple of weeks away from Frosty Faustings. Also as announced on the stream tonight...for the December 26th post Christmas tournament we will be doing a special SECRET SANTA! The gifts will be given on stream so stay tuned for some trademark GGA offbeat shenanigans coming soon.
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It felt really good busting Doomsday out. I hadn't played him in forever but it felt right. Looks like I will be splitting my time between Doomie and Martian now.


<3 Slips. Will we see him compete in anything other than locals soon? Is he going to FF?

The bracket and Youtube link are for last week's tourney, by the way.


Shame that scorp aint at NEC.

That could of really thrown a spanner in the works for a lot of people....


Emperor of the Moon
Good shit Slips.

Super happy with taking 3rd. I was pretty emo with how I played last two tournaments and feel I played much closer to how I should be. Always love the really hype commentary for my matches by 16bit. Keep watching the stream guys, it is so great to know we have people all over supporting GGA.

Also I've said it before but I'll keep saying it. If you can even think of going to a GBS you have to do it. They are even more fun they look on stream.


Good shit Slips.

Super happy with taking 3rd. I was pretty emo with how I played last two tournaments and feel I played much closer to how I should be. Always love the really hype commentary for my matches by 16bit. Keep watching the stream guys, it is so great to know we have people all over supporting GGA.

Also I've said it before but I'll keep saying it. If you can even think of going to a GBS you have to do it. They are even more fun they look on stream.
I'm really surprised you and Max were able to keep a straight face with 16 Bit on commentary. I was cracking up during that final match. Then he pops off on random people on youtube who were supposedly blowing you up for not punishing Bane. Awesome stuff by the way.

PS: What's the origin of the Jim chant during Flash's combo?
Reactions: Jim


Mama's Little Bumgorf
No No No, you're doing it wrong 16 Bit. You're supposed to speak of yourself in third person and write a thesis.