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Why I'm glad I bought a PS4 & Not an Xbone

AK Black Preon

Since the release of the Xbone and about 20 hours logged with the Xbone and roughly 30 hours with the PS4, I can safely say that I feel even more enthusiasm for my PS4 purchase. Although I must be fair in saying that the PS4 seems to benefit from the fact its company has not pissed off their core audience with their corporate agenda. Coupling that with the long chronicled saga between "Gamer Rights vs. Microsoft" and that whole spiel over the course of the Xbone’s debut to its official release.

♦ We all know taking it from the top, the Xbox One is an extra $100 over the PS4. Stacking with the fact that Xbox Live is an extra $10 over PlayStation Plus. I know there are online deals sometimes, but that goes for BOTH systems.

♦ Also this may just be nitpicking, but how is it the console that is the bigger of the two, but at the same time less powerful, and runs hotter than the PS4? It even has a power brick while the PS4 does not.

♦ Out of the box, the system doesn't even work. It's like buying a $500 useless box until it gets the update. So, without an internet connection, there is no way for your Xbox One to do anything! I think we can all agree that you should at the very least have something that functions on the simple plug and play basis.

♦ You know those cool Xbox One features such as Skype, NFL extras, Netflix and Hulu Plus? They require the $60-a-year Xbox Live membership to access. The PS4 only has Online Multiplayer and the Bonuses from PlayStation Plus behind its paywall. Not features you've already purchased elsewhere such as aforementioned services.

♦ Also why are there still ads littering up and clogging my dashboard with my paid subscription. With most other paid subscription services, PAYING disables the ads or greatly reduces them. It shouldn't encourage them.

-- I understand that they might want to cater to my "interests" by targeting ads towards me, but if anything that should be an optional feature. Several online services allow you to opt out of targeted ads, so why isn't this an option? While I do play a lot of racers, that doesn't mean I want an ad for Kauffman Tire. --

♦ Early comparisons show that the PS4 currently has an edge in the graphics department. It's nothing major, but it's noticable.

♦ Xbox Live banning people for swearing. "Xbox One owners using "excessive profanity" while playing games, uploading recordings of their gameplay using the share function, could see themselves banned from Xbox Live."

Customers complained that they were losing the ability to use Skype and other applications reliant on Xbox Live on their new consoles, with one user known as rbevanx complaining

"I get the message 'Choose something else to play' simply because I assume MS was not happy about a video I uploaded."

TYT - Excerpt

I found this kind of weird considering Microsoft's flagship titles such as Halo, Fable and Gears of War are rated M which means they have profanity in them. Does that mean those get you banned as well?

Graphical Comparison
Xbone: http://images.anandtech.com/doci/7528/xbone-ghosts.png

PS4: http://images.anandtech.com/doci/7528/ps4-ghosts.png

Check that "Authorized Personel" sign on the right. PS4 is more crisp with its Anti-Aliasing.

Both Side By Side:

Conclusion. No doubt both of these consoles are going to be pretty stellar when its all said and done. But as it stands right now. I can say I have zero reason to own the Xbox One. Might change at some point in the future.

So Xbox One Owners, serious question time. What are you liking most about your system and can you inform me on other bright spots of your system?


A prop on the stage of life.
Inb4 It has Killer Instinct whereas Ps4 has nothing right now. Kind of true. But Microsoft has the best and worst games in its launch library. Those being Killer Instinct and Ryse, respectively. I only like the xbox for Fable and have very little friends on it. I'll wait to see if the console is worth it for me personally since I'm in a FG slump and the revival of a 17 year old game that I didn't play way back when isn't going to do it.

(This is all my opinion, MY OPINION. Think about it before I get a response with some tude plz)

AK Black Preon

Inb4 It has Killer Instinct whereas Ps4 has nothing right now. Kind of true. But Microsoft has the best and worst games in its launch library. Those being Killer Instinct and Ryse, respectively. I only like the xbox for Fable and have very little friends on it. I'll wait to see if the console is worth it for me personally since I'm in a FG slump and the revival of a 17 year old game that I didn't play way back when isn't going to do it.

(This is all my opinion, MY OPINION. Think about it before I get a response with some tude plz)
Honestly I think someone will jump on you for having a pony avatar before they get into logical debates with the "attitude" over the subject at hand. Anyway the current build of KI seems more like a demo at this juncture. With its lack of content it wouldn't hold my attention for more than say a couple of weeks tops. My friend is the owner of the Xbone and I got to say I got my fill of the KI experience after the first couple sessions. Also with Ryse it practically plays itself. Also I'm getting tired of the QTEfest games. Don't know why it just never "clicked" for me.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Inb4 It has Killer Instinct whereas Ps4 has nothing right now. Kind of true. But Microsoft has the best and worst games in its launch library. Those being Killer Instinct and Ryse, respectively. I only like the xbox for Fable and have very little friends on it. I'll wait to see if the console is worth it for me personally since I'm in a FG slump and the revival of a 17 year old game that I didn't play way back when isn't going to do it.

(This is all my opinion, MY OPINION. Think about it before I get a response with some tude plz)
Simple answer. The games. Ki, titanfall, project spark. Playing games for single player experiences isn't my main priority, especially this generation when most of the life has been sucked out of adventure titles and jrpgs (HOW DID TOMB RAIDER GET ANYTHING ABOVE A 6)? I'm about l4d, not uncharted. Not to mention the fact that what few sony exclusives I would have been interested in are no longer exclusive (kingdom hearts 3, the evil within). What sony exclusives could you possibly care about? While a big fan of the ico series, I'd rather miss out on the last guardian than a game that won over 60 awards at e3...


A prop on the stage of life.
*silly gif

Honestly I think someone will jump on you for having a pony avatar before they get into logical debates with the "attitude" over the subject at hand. Anyway the current build of KI seems more like a demo at this juncture. With its lack of content it wouldn't hold my attention for more than say a couple of weeks tops. My friend is the owner of the Xbone and I got to say I got my fill of the KI experience after the first couple sessions. Also with Ryse it practically plays itself. Also I'm getting tired of the QTEfest games. Don't know why it just never "clicked" for me.
Nah man, you gotta be careful not to slander the price point or power of the xbone. It gets the job done and quite frankly I'm annoyed that COD and basically ever other title the consoles share will have aesthetic differences. I really thought both consoles would run third party titles the same this generation. Also the stairway in the background of those pics is more detailed on the ps4. It's really just nitpicking in the end I suppose. I'm glad with my purchase of the ps4, but to say I wouldn't want an Xbone would be a lie. I'd like to try KI, but I picked sony for its track record from the last 3 consoles. *shrugs It's not my fault one of my favorite game series' conclusion came out on ps3 and it hasn't really let me down since.


Right now I'm just waiting to see how both consoles turn out and if KI gets a PC port and/or Riptor. Prices will go down, bugs will be sorted out, DLC chars will be released, etc. It just seems better to wait right now. I do think that without KI (and any other console exclusives people may like), PS4 would be the console to buy.

AK Black Preon

Simple answer. The games. Ki, titanfall, project spark. Playing games for single player experiences isn't my main priority, especially this generation when most of the life has been sucked out of adventure titles and jrpgs (HOW DID TOMB RAIDER GET ANYTHING ABOVE A 6)? I'm about l4d, not uncharted. Not to mention the fact that what few sony exclusives I would have been interested in are no longer exclusive (kingdom hearts 3, the evil within). What sony exclusives could you possibly care about? While a big fan of the ico series, I'd rather miss out on the last guardian than a game that won over 60 awards at e3...
L4D on PC has got to have one of the best communities I've ever been apart of. Also as far as exclusives go it seems like a lot of JRPGs are keeping the Sony touch, while on the FG horizon the Xbone has KI. But the PS4 will have Guilty Gear / BlazBlue incoming. The Xbox's Halo series is becoming a little less hype with each reiteration and installment. (In my opinion). Outside of that the PC holds me over for the rest of the gaming content I would ever need. I feel as though content wise I'd be missing out on more great titles if I bought a Xbone and not a PS4. Although Forza I still think is the king of Simulation racers I can at least throw that nod in Xbox's way.


Thin privilege is being worse than the ps4 just because your a bit bigger. But really a lot of these are negligible or easily fixed by updates in the future if they are deemed that bad.

In the end topics like this are pointless because regardless of your views I'll still have fun with my system of choice

AK Black Preon

Thin privilege is being worse than the ps4 just because your a bit bigger. But really a lot of these are negligible or easily fixed by updates in the future if they are deemed that bad.

In the end topics like this are pointless because regardless of your views I'll still have fun with my system of choice
- Ads
- Power Brick / Size
- The Banning is a moral issue not a "can they fix it" issue.
- The Price

So I'm going to assume that the Price, Power Brick, and the advertisements are going to be patched right? Also as I said in post. Both of these consoles are going to be great in the long run. So not seeing how this thread is pointless. I'm actually enjoying the conversations with the "other side". Actually want to know how other people's experiences are going. This isn't a I'M GOING TO CONVERT YOU INFIDELS thread. Not yet anyway. Also. Have fun with your Xbone.

AK Black Preon

Cool story bro...Just opinions tho.
A cool story it is indeed. Which console do you prefer / play on the most and what features are you currently having the most fun with? Also if you do have an Xbox One. Any future titles you can't wait to get a firm grasp on. Also which "opinions" do you disagree with.


"On your Knees!"
Im not gonna get the Xbox One but thats just stupid on their part, "Banning ppl who excessively uses profanity online" Last time I heard that any online game is not rated on the ESRB and you are gonna hear profanity in online regardless and also in the game offline. Hell any Mature rated game like GTA, Battfield, MK etc. has those kind of stuff, If butthurt parents dont want to hear that then they shouldn't buy their kids the game plain and simple. Also netflix, NFL etc. you can watch TV on the Xbox? Lmfao! that just made me do a facepalm.

AK Black Preon

KI on xbone and Evo announced it will be on xbox. So hoping it proves to be a good investment for future multi platform games. If those two things happened on ps4, I'd have that. I have no company loyalty.
I wish I had company loyalty. I went from the 360 to the PS4. Just haven't liked what Microsoft has been ushering out the past few months. However your gamer resolve fits better with the Xbox One than the PS4 most definitely. Although if you do have an Xbox one first hand. Care to give a little bit of your experience thus far with KI? The netcode is damn good.


- Ads
- Power Brick / Size
- The Banning is a moral issue not a "can they fix it" issue.
- The Price

So I'm going to assume that the Price, Power Brick, and the advertisements are going to be patched right? Also as I said in post. Both of these consoles are going to be great in the long run. So not seeing how this thread is pointless. I'm actually enjoying the conversations with the "other side". Actually want to know how other people's experiences are going. This isn't a I'M GOING TO CONVERT YOU INFIDELS thread. Not yet anyway. Also. Have fun with your Xbone.
Don't be a moron it obvious what I said about the patches was pertaining to the other points you made, also

-ads don't mean much to me when I'm playing games
-I've never decided against buying a console because it was too big, that'd be dumb
-have you ever actually had a good talk with someone in a random lobby? I'll stick to party chats or not talking at all
-buying any console in this day and age is an investment, I don't mind dishing out an extra hundred if I feel I can get good use out of it for a couple years

I may be coming off as a hardass I just think it's dumb that these consoles were made to have fun and then people make threads that are one sided to talk about how they made the "right" choice . It could be inferred that you want to convert people because of your title so I'd be mindful of that if you don't want people critiquing your post

AK Black Preon

Don't be a moron it obvious what I said about the patches was pertaining to the other points you made, also

-ads don't mean much to me when I'm playing games
-I've never decided against buying a console because it was too big, that'd be dumb
-have you ever actually had a good talk with someone in a random lobby? I'll stick to party chats or not talking at all
-buying any console in this day and age is an investment, I don't mind dishing out an extra hundred if I feel I can get good use out of it for a couple years

I may be coming off as a hardass I just think it's dumb that these consoles were made to have fun and then people make threads that are one sided to talk about how they made the "right" choice . It could be inferred that you want to convert people because of your title so I'd be mindful of that if you don't want people critiquing your post
The title was intentional. I like to see if people actually read the whole post before replying. And as for your points here advertisements on my dashboard do annoy me. I've actually met a couple of decent people in lobbies in Injustice alone. And I'm well aware that it is an investment. For those who are traveling for the FGC and don't care much for the anime fighters. Since Xbox is the home of EVO 2014 it would be a no brainer to go get the Xbox One. As for size/power it does matter a bit for me. I always liked the sleek look of the 360 in comparison to the ps3. Aesthetics do play role in the minor details department. I don't mind you coming off as a hard ass I live for the discussion. Although speaking of the investment point, which piece of Xbox One has you captivated the most in backing the machine?


UPR DanableLector
Don't be a moron it obvious what I said about the patches was pertaining to the other points you made, also

-ads don't mean much to me when I'm playing games
-I've never decided against buying a console because it was too big, that'd be dumb
-have you ever actually had a good talk with someone in a random lobby? I'll stick to party chats or not talking at all
-buying any console in this day and age is an investment, I don't mind dishing out an extra hundred if I feel I can get good use out of it for a couple years

I may be coming off as a hardass I just think it's dumb that these consoles were made to have fun and then people make threads that are one sided to talk about how they made the "right" choice . It could be inferred that you want to convert people because of your title so I'd be mindful of that if you don't want people critiquing your post
Don't get butt hurt, the guy is just trying to generate positive conversation because he doesn't see the draw to the xbone.