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MPT plays Oculus Rift (virtual reality console) for the first time.

The game i played was a 3D simulation of a house on an island during a sunny day in Tuscany. Move around with WASD, and move your body with the mouse. .

The oculus is much like being asleep. Taking it off every single time is like that split second you wake up realizing your conscious and its no longer a dream. once the headphones go on your instantly detached from the outside world. Even when speaking out loud, the other voices just fade off into the distance. The audio does wonders for the immersion and the feeling of moving around in open space/room is unreal.

so enjoy not seeing my face and me acting goofy af lol.

Tony at Home

This looks so cool!

I would definitely want to own one, but my roommates are the kind of guys who would use the opportunity of me being blindfolded to replace my beer with toilet water.

At least i'm pretty sure they'd do that because that's sure as hell what I would do…


This looks so cool!

I would definitely want to own one, but my roommates are the kind of guys who would use the opportunity of me being blindfolded to replace my beer with toilet water.

At least i'm pretty sure they'd do that because that's sure as hell what I would do…
Replace the water in your toilet with beer and your good to go
I played a few things. mostly a bunch of theme park style sims where you ride roller coasters and crazy rides. Minecraft maybe the biggest threat to the next generation in america. I even tried out a virtual lap dance ( with great immersion comes great humiliation)
The best thing by far is the Titans of space

Its like you have died and god is flying you across the galaxy to show you just how small and insignificant you really are. I was honestly in tears tripping out at the scale and majesty of the planets and stars. The audio was loud af and I was extremely high.