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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange


Shadow Priest
Gliscor (Impish) - Toxic Orb
- Substitute
- Toxic
- Protect
- Earthquake
Dude.. I hate this with a passion. Unless you're prepared to play this Pokemon, it's going to be a long battle.

I trained my a Klefki as well.
I need a good item to give it, but it holds leftovers:
- Substitute
- Swagger
- Thunder Wave
- Foul Play
Dude.. I hate this with a passion. Unless you're prepared to play this Pokemon, it's going to be a long battle.

I trained my a Klefki as well.
I need a good item to give it, but it holds leftovers:
- Substitute
- Swagger
- Thunder Wave
- Foul Play
You IV Breed? Or instacheck?
Nope. Maybe one day I'll test how different Pokemon with Perfect IV is compared to average is. I have obtain almost flawless IVs from trades. I use Instacheck.
Wild Pokemon are outclassed by properly bred Pokemon easilly due to IV's. Wild is randomly generated, and you can pass down natures, and inherit IV's if you properly breed.

Instacheck is still good, but too bad I don't use the computer often.

In other news, got myself a 4IV Lapras. Seems cool, and might as well breed it and get Freeze Dry on it.


Shadow Priest


That is a MUST watch!!! Klefki took out trolled a Mega Venusaur and Yveltal.


Mid Tier
if anyone hasn't added me, please take the couple seconds and add me, I've added everyone on the OP I will go through the last few pages to see if I've missed anyone else.

I can finally go into safari's and I have to catch all these little basterds!!!!

I have a good safari I'm told, so steal my pokemons


TYM White Knight
if anyone hasn't added me, please take the couple seconds and add me, I've added everyone on the OP I will go through the last few pages to see if I've missed anyone else.

I can finally go into safari's and I have to catch all these little basterds!!!!

I have a good safari I'm told, so steal my pokemons
He has ferroseed, Ferrothorn, and klefki in his safari. Those are like the three most annoying fucks ever lol
Have 4 & 5 IV Larvesta's to give. Willing to take anything but would appreciate around 3-4 IV Pokemon. Hit me up for one. Timid + Flame Body.

TL;DR- Free Larvestas
Klefki is still a huge problem if you aren't prepared for it.
Klefki can get bodied pretty hard by Gliscor.... Thunder Wave / Toxic can't touch it. And 90% of Klefkis don't run flash cannon. And Gliscors Earthquake is typically a 2hko (maximum). So Spikes Klefki, T Wave Klefkis, Toxic Klefkis, get bopped for free. Swagger Klefki is 50/50 and I have a work around double screens klefki. But being unprepared for it kind of sucks but its not that great a Pokemon but at the same time might be the early XY meta.

Checks: Gliscor, Marvel Scale Dragonite, Electivire, Magnezone, Arcanine, Mega Houndoom, Excadrill, Hippowdon, Flygon, Garchomp, Krookodile, Alakazam, (Disable) Gengar.

Number 1 Klefki Counter: Anything with the magic bounce ability. Espeon or Xatu with magic bounce... Or ideally mega Absol. Although a +2 Foul Play after the swagger. Will still hurt glass jaw Absol.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Klefki can get bodied pretty hard by Gliscor.... Thunder Wave / Toxic can't touch it. And 90% of Klefkis don't run flash cannon. And Gliscors Earthquake is typically a 2hko (maximum). So Spikes Klefki, T Wave Klefkis, Toxic Klefkis, get bopped for free. Swagger Klefki is 50/50 and I have a work around double screens klefki. But being unprepared for it kind of sucks but its not that great a Pokemon but at the same time might be the early XY meta.

Checks: Gliscor, Marvel Scale Dragonite, Electivire, Magnezone, Arcanine, Mega Houndoom, Excadrill, Hippowdon, Flygon, Garchomp, Krookodile, Alakazam, (Disable) Gengar.

Number 1 Klefki Counter: Anything with the magic bounce ability. Espeon or Xatu with magic bounce... Or ideally mega Absol. Although a +2 Foul Play after the swagger. Will still hurt glass jaw Absol.
and all of those checks force your team to run a certain way. I mean any ground pokemon is not going to worry about being paralyzed... but then you have to worry about it simply switching out as a bait.

I'd say the only REAL counter is magic bounce.