quit injustice a week ago and not because of KI because of how bad the game is. If i had a xboxone I'll be grinding KI right now!
This, I think I'm done with Injustice competitively. Not worth traveling far for. And very hard to take seriously and want to train for. It just feels like banging your head against the wall repeatedly, hoping for a different result other then a deadly head ache.
Def not dropping it because of KI, I don't even have XBONE, feels like a FG lul for me right now.
People shouldn't think injustice is dying though. People will still play it in tourny. Online basically died when GTA came out, then really took another big hit when COD came out. Now an even bigger hit with the next Gen systems. Number of online players does not represent if a game is dying or not.
People bitch about having to play randoms online, then freak out when there are no randoms to play lol.
Injustice just isn't panning out very well, and I don't find it fun. Some people do, all the power to them, I will still watch streams and cheer for my favorite players, because I am a fan of fighting games. But as for playing it, nah, that shit is so May 2013.