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The official "I'm dropping Injustice for KI" player list


I'll be back 3ing
I would 100% drop Injustice Gods Are among us and never look back. Catwoman is broken and not balance. She needs a

Faster Mobility Speed

Some of her frames need to be positive for a rushdown character.

catstance should be positives except for Pounce

Her whip tools are useless. Buff it where it can be more useful.

I just hope they fix her when the next igau 2 comes out and make sure they put in projectiles for her.

That is the only character I like in the game. Looking forward to see black canary and star fire.

Dropping this game for Killer Instinct. I like Sadira and orchid and I love dragon ball z like combos!!!!
The same could be applied to Killer Frost.
When your favorite character in the game is just bad the game isn't as fun. At least in KI the character is guaranteed to be top 10 and viable

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I don't see a point in anyone dropping one game for another unless you are winning lucrative locals and/or majors on a regular basis or at least trying to. I play because the game is fun. I currently play Injustice, Tekken Tag 2 and MK9 a bit still. If I had an Xbox One I'd most certainly add Killer Instinct to that list. I just can't afford it at the moment.


I think people will play KI more when it first comes out just because it's new and there's a ton of things to learn and practice. Once the honey mood period is over though, people will likely mix it up and play other games. For example, I'm "dropping" MK for now, but only because KI is fresh and it's exciting and new. In a month or so after the newness wears off, I'll be playing both.
no likes for you
man fuck you ;-;

anyway, I pretty much agree with Espio's comment in this thread. I don't get why KI has to tear down IGAU to become the most bestest fighting game evers. If you don't like IGAU, cool. Don't play it. I also don't understand why nobody can play more than one fighting game at a time. I was able to play UMvC3 and SFxT at the same time with no problem, despite how drastically different the games were. Why drop IGAU so you can play KI when you can just play both?