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NEC is around the corner: Who do you want to see do well/get bodied?

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I want Claude to body two top players, one from the EC and one from the WC with HG only doing Mace Charges.
Then let me know how much fun you guys have :)
YOu know what you should do, bet 50 bucks to someone they won't pick HG against a top player an Mace Charge their way to victory. I'll allow all forms of mace charge. and even super!!

But I don't want to lose 50 bucks.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Me, because I'm still surprisingly decent for someone who barely gets to play. I read, son.

Also: Maxter, there's still the matter of our Sub-Zero VS Johnny Cage runback that we never got to have.
My body is ready.


Best Doomsday in the world
Blind_Man needs to win, then I'll be happy.

And I guess I'll be the one to start saying who should get bodied. Sorry, but I kinda wanna see sonicboombrad get blown up lol
Love you too brah. <3
You're developing a very strange obsession with me. I'm not sure if I should be creeped out or flattered. Look out for my rose shirt I'll make sure to say hi. <3


Do Well: Anyone from GA
Get bodied: Killer Frost players except the ones I like

We'll see how that turns out.


Scrub God Lord
I wish they put pig in pools with nothing more than sinestros, the salt would be god like l0l
I would like to see m2dave,rico,reo,saltface,Chris G,arma and fraudphox in top 8.
I would like to see theo win the tournament or at least top 3 with nothing more than superman so that KDZ can find his way back in time for evo.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I wish they put pig in pools with nothing more than sinestros, the salt would be god like l0l
I would like to see m2dave,rico,reo,saltface,Chris G,arma and fraudphox in top 8.
I would like to see theo win the tournament or at least top 3 with nothing more than superman so that KDZ can find his way back in time for evo.
I'd honestly like that too

MU downloaded sir
Do well: first I have to go with AK Pig Of The Hut (He deserves it), next is TRASH OF TYM (cause the whole world is in need of a classic Brady pop off), EMPEROR_THEO (cause I want to be positive we'll see Brady vs Theo on stream)

Get bodied: @PLAYING TO W1N (cause based off things he's said and posted, I don't particularly like his attitude towards other players)