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The History of the Modern MK community: Final Chapter

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
the site was in turmoil we just didnt know it yet.

An Argument arose in the shoutbox between MeSoFly and JTF. Fly had just won an online set convincingly and JTF was salty as hell about it. I found it hilarious he claimed everyone had a bad connection when he was playing an original xbox game online from Europe. Anyway, the argument got more and more heated until all of a sudden out of nowhere JTF shut down the site and left a message saying something to the effect of "blame mesofly for this you ungrateful people". That would be the last we'd hear from JTF.

Sulking we all dragged our asses back to MKO with our tails between our legs. There was hope though. I recieved a PM from Bobby Blaze saying they had started a new site. Him and Darktrax, Funded by Gerchap the site didnt have a name for a few days. As a community we came together and everyone chipped in what they could to build it. This was one of the first times the PSN and XBL sides got a long for a mutual purpose. We All decided there was no better name for our home than Mortal Kombat United.

In its hayday the site was always busy with people in the shoutbox at all hours of the day looking for matches, GGs thread was always on the top posted threads and tech was shared openly for all to help with. We anxiously awaited the announcement for midways new MK game. 2 years we waited for a massive dissapointment.

The announcement was made and it started a riot. Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. It was no secret that this was one last desperate money grab from midway to stay out of bankruptcy. We were pissed. They left a hell of a cliffhanger to the MKA story and a lot of us were expecting the sequel, and some answers, and a game thats playability was viable and not completely broken like MKA. They started releasing photos and character reveals and renders and we eventually started to warm up to it a little bit. Then they dropped probably the biggest bombshell ever.

This game would be rated T.

How are you going to have a game thats main draw is blood and gore, and your going to take that out? we were furious, and midway knew this, but their hands were tied. We were forced to deal with this upsetting turn of events.

MKDC came out and resident bad boy Playing to win had managed to get a copy a day early and found an inifinite with superman before the game had even officially launched. An omen of things to come. More and more infinites starting popping up, and we knew we just had another broken game with broken promises from midway. They announced 2 DLC characters Harley Quinn and Quan Chi, but sadly Midway went bankrupt before they could be released.

The only company to bid on the mortal kombat was WB. No other company took interest so they ended up getting the deal. But we were focused on other things. A member started posting on the forums about how things people were doing "would never work offline" and to "attend tournaments to see how the game should be played". This was the man, the myth, the legend, Mr. Tom Brady.

Tom stated that tournaments are what really showed skill and you were unable to judge from online. This made a lot of us furious. We only had access to online gaming, there were no tournaments and to some like myself, MK tournaments were unheard of. We started in a big argument over whether skill could truly be assessed this way or not. We had all been online for so long and made so many player tier lists we were used to it, and argued our points. But slowly one by one, people started seeing Tom's point of view. They started looking into SF4 which was recently released and started seeing what tournaments are all about and before we knew it, the site was split. No longer was the console you owned the deciding factor. Now it was whether you played with someone next to you, or over a microphone and internet.

Eventually, the staff was torn and the site started experiencing admin difficulties because of inability to get along. This is when the group of offline believers branched off and created there own site, and Left MKU to be an online haven.

This new site was called Mortal Kombat Empires.

I admittingly dont know much about the MKE site other than its main purporse was to promote offline play and events and get butts off couches and into tourneys. The site struggled at first but eventually lifted up and surpassed its old counterpart MKU and renamed itself Test Your Might. The very site you visit today.

MK9 was released and it was BY FAR the most important MK game to date. It was a tournament viable game with no characters that needed to be banned(other than kratos because of console). It was the first game NRS supported after launch as well. No other game had recieved patches or DLC. The most exciting thing for a lot of us though, was to see established tournament players playing our game. and see the numbers we got for tournaments. MKDC tournaments were small, about 10-15 people on average. MK9 had a ridiculous amount leading up to 500+ at EVO 2011 where Perfect Legend emerged as the MK champion. Tournaments were now recognized by every player and everyone wanted to participate, and with this, online was used more as a training tool than a competitive one. We had found a happy medium thanks to our new game.

There is so much history in these forums. As you've read, people who have seen and stuck with NRS/midway for years and years and despite their struggles, play for the love of the game and the characters and the competitive feel. I felt it was important to share these stories with all of you that werent around to experience the early days of our games, so you can appreciate what we have now as opposed to what we had then. When i see people complaining about mods overreacting and threads getting deleted or people getting banned, it reminds me that at one time, our site was just taken from us and we had nowhere to go. Were lucky that we have a consistent place to share news, and stories and tech with each other. Because your all here for one common reason, and thats the game we love. I urge you to hold on to your memories of what your MK9 experience was, or for you Injustice guys what your experience was so that you can share it and appreciate what comes in the future because you are furthering this site and this community.

Perhaps one day you will write your own series of threads explaining where it is you came from, and your experiences. But you cant share if you dont create. So keep having fun, making friends and lastly keep playing...


- STB|EGP Shujinkydink

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
LOL I come from TheMortalKombat.com Forums. The official MK9 forums where the admins are dead and there are porn everywhere. Not to mention scrubs who don't know what the fuck they were talking about and all you see are threads requesting DLC. AKA the exact same thing we all saw in this site when Injustice first came out.

God I hate that site. A few people from here such as Chongo , Cossner and RYX know how it was.


King of the Jobbers 2015
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Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I still have fun trolling around. I'm RandomPerson (no one will ever find me).
Yeah those forums were complete trash, but we had a lot of fun posting pictures of Nicolas Cage and stuff.


omg I laugh at my own jokes, I'm a sad person :(

I remembered creating an alt account and trying to start over because I left the site with the bad impression essentially blowing all the people there up because of how much of a filthy scrub they were trashing on TYM and stuff but I still left shortly because I just couldn't stand all the facepalm inducing posts there.