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The official "I'm dropping Injustice for KI" player list


Master of Quanculations
I've been beyond curious how this game is going to turn out. And while I don't have an Xbox One and likely won't unless my roommate gets one, I'd like to see who from TYM is officially making the jump from Injustice to full time Killer Instinct. For myself, and for a reference for the community.

Tag me in this thread and I'll put your name to this and I'll try to update it as often as possible to keep it up to date (or to remove names if someone changes their mind later).



Master of Quanculations
Here we go again with "we can't play more than one game?"

But seriously, if I had an Xbox One I would be playing KI right now... :(
Oh I don't mean in anyway to suggest not playing both games. But I know there are going to be some people who really have just been waiting for KI to come out and just focus on that. Or that play it and suddenly find themselves surprised and way more interested in it than Injustice. I'd like to see who they are. It's really just my curiousity.


Low tier? I was born in it, molded by it
quit injustice a week ago and not because of KI because of how bad the game is. If i had a xboxone I'll be grinding KI right now!
On same boat kinda. Injustice is still kinda fun for me but I just cannot take it seriously as a competitive game because of how the game's designed overall.

I will probably pick up XBox One when I get my tax returns lol


This mean you don't like me?
I really wanted to try Killer Instinct. If I was able to purchase an Xbone instead of the PS4 due to political reasons, I would no doubt be playing the hell out of it. It, however, would not make me quit Injustice or shift my focus from it entirely. I'm obviously not in the majority here, but I love Injustice and have fun playing the game and learning new things. And that's a thing I think people are neglecting: learning due to the game being hella young. Killer Instinct seems like a game built from the ground up to promote and accentuate hype. From the announcers, to the mind game and read based system, to the flashy multi 100 hit combos, to the inevitable moments of awe that the game no doubt lends itself to. I don't feel it's without substance, however, as from what I can see, the system is tweaked and designed very very admirably to make the game one that people can be playing for a while and has depth up the wazoo. Two top players reading and mind fornicating each other at a high level will no doubt be a great experience. However it is not one that can overshadow the great experiences I can also achieve when playing Injustice. Perhaps I just like to enjoy things for what they are instead of dwell on what they aren't. It hasn't been the first game I've enjoyed in spite of its issues.

Ra Helios

Omnipotent God-like Selina Kyle Player
I would 100% drop Injustice Gods Are among us and never look back. Catwoman is broken and not balance. She needs a

Faster Mobility Speed

Some of her frames need to be positive for a rushdown character.

catstance should be positives except for Pounce

Her whip tools are useless. Buff it where it can be more useful.

I just hope they fix her when the next igau 2 comes out and make sure they put in projectiles for her.

That is the only character I like in the game. Looking forward to see black canary and star fire.

Dropping this game for Killer Instinct. I like Sadira and orchid and I love dragon ball z like combos!!!!


If Killer Instinct is so hype and awesome (I think the game looks great mind you), why do people feel the need to try to tear down Injustice in the process or any game for that matter?

Killer Instinct being awesome speaks for itself...it amazes me how many people go out of their way on this type of stuff...


A prop on the stage of life.
So shit threads like this can keep open but funny m2dave threads get closed? yeah nice delete of my post too. maybe i better post things like "yeah igau is trash, killer instinct is awesome" maybe no nazi mod deleting then. smh
Assimilate or die!