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Top 5 best characters in the game?


Injustice modder
In your opinion who is it? I'm completely new so my list maybe a joke to you guys but

in no particular order
1. Aquaman
2. Martian Manhunter
3. Superman
4. Raven
5. Deathstroke

It seems like when I go up against these 5, I almost always lose lol

who's yours?


Meow Hoes
Well I'm new to the game and if for some reason, the characters I listed are weak then I need to gitgud because I lose to them frequently lol.
Deathstroke can be a problem if you dont the frame data. But if you do hes not really a problem from full screen. To me he's upper mid.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
I still find it unbelieveable zod is even mentioned in the top 5 lol there are better characters.

1. Aquaman
4.Black Adam
5. Bane


Injustice modder
What's your preferred style of play? That would make recommendations much easier :).
I have always gravitated to characters with short combos but do good damage compared to highly technical ones with long combos and complex gameplay, lol. Though I came from a different background (SC and Tekken) so it may not apply here in Injustice as the gameplay is completely different.


Stay Puft
I have always gravitated to characters with short combos but do good damage compared to highly technical ones with long combos and complex gameplay, lol. Though I came from a different background (SC and Tekken) so it may not apply here in Injustice as the gameplay is completely different.
Try Grundy, huge damage for short easy combos.


I have always gravitated to characters with short combos but do good damage compared to highly technical ones with long combos and complex gameplay, lol. Though I came from a different background (SC and Tekken) so it may not apply here in Injustice as the gameplay is completely different.
Maybe give Bane a try. He can rack up damage quickly plus his combos aren't super daunting or long. Bane's also a pretty unique, fun character <3.