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GGA 16 Bit wins GGA's Ghost Battle Series #13!

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios

The final week of GBS season 1 is in the books and it ended with GGA 16 Bit(that's me for the record) winning a 4th GBS. My Selina beat "Hollywood" Fill Pops' Lobo and Good Ol' Rational Jim's Flash on the way to winners semis. There it was the feline fatale against the embodiment of the league of shadows himself, Bane. Unfortunately the spirit of Doombawks was not enough and Max lost a close 2-1. This lead to me vs. PPJ's Raven in the winners finals and an eventual grand finals set against PPJ again. Undaunted by Glass Sword's pop offs in the stream chat PPJ stuck with Raven but was defeated 3-1.

Also notable this week was The Truth placing a record 5th. This lead to Jim's greatest contribution to the Chicago scene so far when he asked "it's 10 pm. Why is Truth still in this tournament?". Saucy Jack forgot his pad and used his shite alts. Fill Pops failed to upset anyone this week but remains dedicated to Lobo and is still posting weird Lobo images on TYM and Facebook. PPJ's Hawkgirl beat Max with zoning so lame it'd make M2Dave blush. Curly Shay remains MIA.

Now that this first season of 13 weeks is over we have our final standings. PPJ takes the season. He became the #1 seed about halfway through the season and kept the spot until the end. I am in second. Saucy Jack is 3rd. Next week we begin again. Players have started coming after we started or have leveled up so it's a whole new era and things might get shaken up. We will be introducing a bounty bonus for whoever beats the previous week's winner.

Top 8 Results:
1. GGA 16 Bit(Catwoman)
2. GGA Pimpimjim(Hawkgirl, Shazam, Raven)
3. Emperor Max(Bane)
4. GGA HAN(Black Adam, Deathstroke)
5. The Truth(Batman, Doomsday, Zod)
5. "Rational" Southside Jim(The Flash)
7. Fullmetal(Doomsday, Green Arrow)
7. Saucy Jack(Scorpion, Wonder Woman)


Youtube channel (this week will be updated soon): http://www.youtube.com/user/phahn123

Stream archive:

Final Seeding Rankings:
1. GGA Pimpimjim 60 points
2. GGA 16 Bit 53 points
3. Saucy Jack 36 points
4. GGA Slips 32 points
4. GGA HAN 32 points
4. Emperor Max 32 points
5. GGP Soonkerman 14 points
6. McCutty Mayhem 8 points
7. Hruza Da Bruza 7 points
8. GGA Jeremiah 7 points

Seeding chart: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At8xfkgcpIQfdEgzbEQyalZ2dDhvM2NOd0pnQUJ3MGc&usp=drive_web#gid=0

GBS Winners recap:
1. GGA Slips(Deathstroke)
2. GGA Slips(Cyborg)
3. GGA Pimpimjim(Zatanna)
4. GGA 16 Bit(Catwoman)
5. GGA Pimpimjim(Lex Luthor)
6. GGA 16 Bit(Catwoman)
7. GGA Pimpimjim(Shazam)
8. Emperor Max(Bane)
9. GGA Slips(Scorpion)
10. Emperor Max(Bane)
11. GGA 16 Bit(Catwoman)
12. GGA Pimpimjim(Hawkgirl)
13. GGA 16 Bit(Catwoman)

Thanks to everyone who supported our weeklies, both the entrants and the stream viewers. This series has completely revitalized our local scene. Let's keep it up for season 2!​


Joker waiting room
Hmmm, the one where bit wins has a cool picture


I await to see the beard return, the beard acts like a RPG buff.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah, GGA. Good job bit. Good job to everyone this season. Especially Saucy Jack who never got first but was a consistent top placer. 2nd season should be even more hype.

Glass Sword

Man I get shout outs.
PimPim Jim's Hawkgirl and Lex are so far above his Raven I don't see why he bothers. Plus they both fit his style in a way unlike Raven since he gets to go ham and go for crazy setups. Raven is a boring character at a high level and PimPim is exciting and trying to play Raven in an exciting way just won't cut it. PimPim needs to stick to his amazing Hawkgirl and Lex the characters that you know get him wins


I feel ya. I've been doing good with her in casuals again but it just so happened that I got bodied on stream yo ulllll... It's true she doesn't really fit my style but she was my first main not counting demo lex so I still got that soft spot. I'm putting some time in the lab with her again and its actually pretty fun

Plus, you'll forever be known as "That Raven Player" (trademark CD jr.) so it'd be weird if you don't player her.
Reactions: PPJ


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I wasn't in the chat to lend my venom. :( (that's not how you spell my name)

Still, good stuff to you guys at GGA. Very nice.
Reactions: RYX


Emperor of the Moon
GBS Season 1 was awesome. I wasn't able to make everyone but really would love to make all for season 2. Huge shout outs to GGA HAN for how smoothly he runs everything. It has been a ton of fun going to GGA each week and I've actually even seen myself level up.

Anyone that will ever have the chance to come out to GGA you must do it.