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Best guitar solos?


Braindead dude it's only 1:15AM lol. I really like the riff of this song
I'd rather listen to acoustic guitars rather than electric ones, i find it more soothing lol
Edit: I also forgot to mention this one
This one blows my mind every single time


Come On Die Young
I loooove Necrophagist. But I'm sorry Psyopus is shit. Pure musical masturbation.

I know why people think that based on most of their stuff but Imogens Puzzle is awesome either way.

Musical masturbation is cool though imo. Psyopus+Behold The Arctopus are awesome.


So, changing direction from the usual guitar hero suspects, here is Andy James playing "Time and Time Again."...Dat vibrato:

And the greatest live solo ever played (RIP Gary Moore):



Brain Dead Bro
When I opened this thread, first Solo(s) that come to mind is from November Rain.... people don't realize there's so much more to a guitar solo that just speed... you can never name a #1 because there's just too many different kinds but as far as my favorite... November Rain gives me chills whenever I listen.... such a gorgeous sound coming from a guitar.


I want Kronika to step on my face
When I opened this thread, first Solo(s) that come to mind is from November Rain.... people don't realize there's so much more to a guitar solo that just speed... you can never name a #1 because there's just too many different kinds but as far as my favorite... November Rain gives me chills whenever I listen.... such a gorgeous sound coming from a guitar.
man the first time I lsned to it i was like 11 or 12 years old, i lsned to it on a walkman. I didnt know what that instrument was or what would make such awesome sound but i loved it ever since!


I want Kronika to step on my face
1. Tender Sugar - by Akira Yamaoka
2. Ruiner - by Nine Inch Nails
3. Soothsayer - by Buckethead
oh maaan Tender Sugar and Soothsayer are AMAAZING!! those are my favourite type, kindda slow-paced and when they hit the high notes they stick on them for some time as if emphasizing them.. its just amazing


Oh, my days !
Warning: I'm spamming the hell out of this thread with songs of various of my favourite NON VIRTUOSO guitarists (well, except for Friedman!). I'm grateful in advance to whomever has the patience to read through (half at least) the list. Thanks!

With the exception of virtuoso guitarists, I'd have to pick the following...

-ADRIAN SMITH (Man of sorrows , Omega , Stranger in a strange land , Taking Pachendale , Wasted Years , Satellite 15-the final frontier , Trooper , Dance of death , Prodigal son)
-DAVID SABO (18 and life, Youth gone wild)
-EDDIE VAN HALEN (no explanation required)
-GARY MOORE (Parisienne walkways , Shapes of things , Still got the blues , Empty rooms , Over the hills...)
-HENJO RICHTER (Send me a sign , Armageddon , Into the storm)
-KAI HANSEN (especially the "Halloween" barrage plus: Rebellion in dreamland , Heaven can wait , Twilight of the gods , )
-MARTY FRIEDMAN (A tout le monde , Holy wars the punishment due , Hangar 18 , Lucretia , Tornado of souls)
-ROY Z (Arc of space , Tears of the dragon, Tears Of The Dragon , TEARS OF THE DRAGON!!!)
While not my most favorite band, michael keene is an undeniable shred machine.

known to emphasize consistency for live performances (on the left, hard to see him).

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
AK Pig Of The Hut you play the guitar right? do u have videos of urself playing a solo that u'd care to share?
Keep in mind these videos are 6 years old or 7 (2006)

The last song I truly worked on was that Michael Romeo song I posted and could kill it lol

But then I got busy doing 80 shows a year between four bands now a days I do very few selected shows

I still play

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
LOL that string skipping tapping lick is insane.

That said, if I never hear a harmonic minor solo ever again it would be too soon. In fairness, I still enjoy Romeo and Yngwie, but that style has been copied so much that it got old.
Michael Romeo vs wooden chair

Ggs chair