that doesnt make sense at all lol
It does if you play online man. I would say, 99% of the time, someone with a 3 to 1 ratio or higher IN RANKED is someone just trying to be a leaderboard whore. they think it means something. they usually do the same thing over and over and when you have an answer to them, they ragequit.
I JUST got a voice message from a guy I beat that fits this description, yelling at me telling me i'm terrible and to look how at much better his ratio is than mine (i'm not even 2:1... but I play with fellow TYMers the most, i'm okay with losing). he yells LOOK AT YOUR RATIO, LOOK AT MY RATIO DUDE YOUR TERRIBLE.
k but you lost, you got outplayed.
people with good ratios in ranked like to pick on people that suck. they do this because they quit SO many games, it wont count for their losses, and when you quit it drops your trueskill, forcing these players to be matched with beginner players who are at the same trueskill. it's... kinda lame.