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The Community, Hype, and going too far.


TYM White Knight
Lately there has been a lot of blowups going on via podcasts, videos, and forum posts.

First and foremost, these blowups are needed. It creates hype and drive for competitors while sweetening the pot for spectators.

Some of our newer members that may not be familiar with the scene may not exactly know how to handle this environment. So, for the purpose of education, let me explain how our scene works.

Dating back to MK9, our scene was a hotly contested affair of extremely competitive players, character loyalists, online warriors, and OG's who were all trying to make a name for themselves again, or for the very first time. Rivalries were formed and feuds were created as well as settled.

Most of those players now, are actually very close friends! These arguments never got personal. They never attacked the person, just the character they portray.

To an extent, every poster on this board is a character. View yourself as a wrestler. Your forum personality is an extension of yourself, while not being quite true to yourself. You may post something on a keyboard or behind a microphone that you would never say in your day to day life.

Speaking from experience, I am a teacher. I do not worry about grammar on my posts, I hardly spell check, and I spout profanity like no tomorrow. Why? Because in my life I get few outlets to do so. I enjoy it, and therefore I do it. I also don't mind stirring the pot for mine or anothers enjoyment. There is however, a fine line that one must not cross.

The personal line.

I learned very early in my experience with this scene that crossing the personal line is a big no no. You can assault Tournament credentials, quotes taken on the board, or anything that a user airs out to the general community, but digging into their home lives, personal endeavours, jobs etc is considered a MASSIVE no no.

Doing this will ostracize you, and for good reason.

That being said, once people get to know you as an actual person and not a keyboard warrior, attitudes change and friendship are formed. You get in on an "inner circle" of other players that understand what you are doing and of course play along.

You may have noticed certain "cliques" on the boards. These are people who have become very good friends through the previous drama and games. We all understand that nothing is personal. At least most of us do.

When I for instance call out General M2Dave, AK Pig Of The Hut, TRASH OF TYM, GGA 16 Bit, etc. It is not a personal attack on the players. Most of the time I am just trying to air out. If I saw those same people after calling them massive dickwads on the forums, (which they are not IRL) I would still be hospital to them if I met them in person.

This isn't me being two-faced, this is me being a good person. All of the individuals on this site lead very different lives. Drama and hype are fun, but if you obsess about it and take it to seriously, it will become very toxic. If you have fun with it, it becomes very fun and engaging.

All and all I felt that it was important to make a clear distinction between attacking someone's persona, and attacking them personally. Pig Of The Hut can be a douche sometimes, but TakeAChance can be a misinformed asshole too. Brant and Chance however would probably have a good time in person.

Seperating the two distinctions once and for all will allow people to just have fun again and stop being so but hurt.

TLDR: Hype and forum drama can be fun as long as it doesn't cross a personal line. That being said, taking an attack on your persona personally is an indication of the wrong frame of mind. Look at it like wrestlers cutting promos. At the end of the day, they all probably go out for a beer. But on "TV" or "TYM" they may seem like they are ready to kill each other. Have fun with it.


bad player
Not sure what prompted this, as it should be obvious but I do want to point out that Life on Boon Street was a way to distinguish the characters from the people. This forum produced great content previously and I hope to see it all happen again.


Infinite Meter Kombos
This is a very serious thread. Please do not lock it as there are people who have played video games and have been physically attacked as a consequence of it due to online gaming.


TakeAChance I both agree and disagree at the same time. As a moderator I've seen FAR too many vicious personal attacks on people and their personal lives. On the other hand, I've seen FAR too many people put their personal lives out there for the public to consume and use/misuse as they choose.

That being said:

There are some basic rules that I adhere to when posting, and this goes for any site, anywhere at anytime.

1. Anything personal you post about yourself can and LIKELY will be used against you.

2. The internet is a mostly consequence free environment. Remember this. Remember that as easily as it is for you to attack someone without(or with very few) repercussions, it can be done to you as well, and you won't laugh at it the same way when it's done to you.

3. When acting "in character" or maintaining kayfabe, remember that others may misunderstand this and not realize what you're doing.

4. When posting genuinely, remember that there are people who post "in character" and you may not know it at first.

5. Feet go in mouths faster than you realize. Engage the brain before setting the mouth in motion.


So we are all supposed to hide behind our "online" persona
and be fine with each other IRL?

That is shady as fuck.

No, but experience goes a long way here.

Let me illustrate:

Member A posts: "My son loves Injustice and uses Superman"

-This member has now divulged a LOT of personal information, though he may not be aware of just how much(Including perceptions about his personal life, correct or incorrect)

-He has a child
--- that he allows to play violent video games
--- that may or may not be mature enough to understand the games he's playing
--- that he may or may not live with

-He had a child with a woman
--- that he may or may not be in a relationship with
--- that he may or may not live with

There is likely more info divulged but because I'm at work and on a time constraint, I will stop and finish my point.

Now take the infinite potential for remarks about this.

Completely fine responses:

"That's cute! I hope your son loves Superman!"

"Awesome, do you play against him?"

"You're a scumbag for letting your son play a broken character."

"Your son's Superman can't beat my Black Adam!"

"The kid obviously knows how to play to win, so he's now the target of the entire community."

Borderline Responses: (responses that would be playful if said by a friend but could be misinterpreted if posted by a stranger/random)

"I'll rape your son from here to Tuesday with my Black Adam!"

"Is your son aware of how much of a douche his father is for letting him use Superman?"

"Wonderful...if your son grows up to be anything like you, I'm going to hang myself."

Over the line responses: (responses that, no matter who says them, are way out of bounds)

"I'll rape your son from here to Tuesday."

"Does your wife know how bad of a mother she is by raising a Tier Whoring child?"

"Does your wife suck as much **** as you? She must because only someone like that would let her kid use Superman."

"I hope she divorced you because you let him use Superman."

"I hope your son falls in a bucket of AIDS for using Superman."

"I hope you fall in a bucket of AIDS for letting your son use Superman."

The problem here is that Member A gave away personal information that he didn't necessarily intend to give away. The way he responds to any of the aforementioned responses, he has to realize are a consequence he brought on himself for giving away his personal info(intentional or not).

What is not his fault, is the severity of the response. That falls solely on the people responding, and those people need to (in a forum environment) police themselves and act with common sense when posting. If you're friends with Member A, then in all likelihood he will understand. If you're a random, then you're just a d-bag. See how it goes?


I learned very early in my experience with this scene that crossing the personal line is a big no no. You can assault Tournament credentials, quotes taken on the board, or anything that a user airs out to the general community, but digging into their home lives, personal endeavours, jobs etc is considered a MASSIVE no no.
Lol what?


I want Kronika to step on my face
Over the line responses: (responses that, no matter who says them, are way out of bounds)

"I'll rape your son from here to Tuesday."

"Does your wife know how bad of a mother she is by raising a Tier Whoring child?"

"Does your wife suck as much **** as you? She must because only someone like that would let her kid use Superman."

"I hope she divorced you because you let him use Superman."

"I hope your son falls in a bucket of AIDS for using Superman."

"I hope you fall in a bucket of AIDS for letting your son use Superman."

holy shit man thats some really awful stuff!!!


A prop on the stage of life.
Guess it depends on the person. I really don't have an "online" personality though. The persona, what little of it I post, is actually me guys. :)


TYM White Knight

I cannot agree more with the responsibility a user has to keep information they want private...private.

Tournament players however, will most likely at some point or another have their real first and last names revealed. Most are comfortable with this.

The main point of the thread tho, was to recognize that a lot of the "Drama" on this site, is not actually intended to hurt anyone personally. Even M2Dave and 16 bit, while maybe giving each other a couple dirty looks at first would sit down and play games and have fun.

I truly feel like 90 percent of our community would be like this.


Est In Harvey 1989
This solves a lot of question I had with the community lol. I always wanted to know what was real, and what was just for show. Keep the peace people.