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"You're Fired!" -- Joker General Discussion Thread


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Lol that's how you said you wanted to play now though- go all out at every possible situation.
I think patience is the key to playing Joker. You really have to know how to best exploit each and every situation in each matchup, so it's a lot of work :(, but it's the safest option. Then, combining with your mentality, every time you touch someone, make the absolute most of it with whatever resets you think you can land or the best damage you can get.
that corner combo is either very hard to time or impossible, i had to adjust to lagless monitors so i didnt even go for any d2 teeth combos, the times i did i got d2 crowbar
Are you talking about the starter, mb rlg, d2 teeth, j2 mid teeth, 32 teeth, 213? I can land it pretty regularly now, so I'm pretty sure its at least possible... lol. It's not easy at first, but you have much better execution than I do, so I'm sure you'll get it. Definitely becomes a bitch when there's lag though. I use the mid teeth to make the timing on the 32 easier in order to prevent the preceding teeth don't whiff, but you may have better luck without the mid teeth? Idk. Which part are you finding difficult to time?
The only thing I'm not 100% sure of is whether the super hard KD this produces has the same properties as this same combo without the 32 teeth portion in the middle; if anyone can verify, that would be awesome. I'm pretty sure it does, but not certain.


The one I use now is
starter xx mb rlg, b3, j2, 32 xx gun. Carries them to the corner from starting screen if you use ji2, 32 or only 32 as your starter.

You have enough time to dash in twice or dash in once and enough distance to threaten them with Crowbar for OTG heaven.


Joker waiting room
Lol that's how you said you wanted to play now though- go all out at every possible situation.
I think patience is the key to playing Joker. You really have to know how to best exploit each and every situation in each matchup, so it's a lot of work :(, but it's the safest option. Then, combining with your mentality, every time you touch someone, make the absolute most of it with whatever resets you think you can land or the best damage you can get.

Are you talking about the starter, mb rlg, d2 teeth, j2 mid teeth, 32 teeth, 213? I can land it pretty regularly now, so I'm pretty sure its at least possible... lol. It's not easy at first, but you have much better execution than I do, so I'm sure you'll get it. Definitely becomes a bitch when there's lag though. I use the mid teeth to make the timing on the 32 easier in order to prevent the preceding teeth don't whiff, but you may have better luck without the mid teeth? Idk. Which part are you finding difficult to time?
The only thing I'm not 100% sure of is whether the super hard KD this produces has the same properties as this same combo without the 32 teeth portion in the middle; if anyone can verify, that would be awesome. I'm pretty sure it does, but not certain.
all out does not mean no patience, whats frustrating is that i could see that one mistake even at the first lifebar cost me the entire game n the grand finals, e.g when wakeup air goddess beat my mb f3 when i shouldve baited it, it was reset orgy if I just blocked and didnt risk it.


Joker waiting room
The one I use now is
starter xx mb rlg, b3, j2, 32 xx gun. Carries them to the corner from starting screen if you use ji2, 32 or only 32 as your starter.

You have enough time to dash in twice or dash in once and enough distance to threaten them with Crowbar for OTG heaven.
same thing with the normal, more damaging combo, you dont have enough time to dash more than once because if they tech roll they recover much faster.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
The one I had mentioned was specific to the corner. Just the highest damage version of the super hard KD (213) combo that I could figure out.


ill have to check what can punish the double dash. in any case, after one dash they cant jump since they are in d2 range also

i was just referring to getting them in the corner lol my bad.

i dont know of any other combo besides flower that does more than 45%


Joker waiting room
ill have to check what can punish the double dash. in any case, after one dash they cant jump since they are in d2 range also

i was just referring to getting them in the corner lol my bad.

i dont know of any other combo besides flower that does more than 45%
J2 32 MB RLG B3 D2 far teeth F23 far teeth 3 flower 3 flower


IMO the best corner combos are

the far teeth f23 far teeth 213 ender and almost every combo ending in crowbar because we can use the free otg in the form of b1 crowbar for wallcarry "in" the combo


Joker waiting room
The one I had mentioned was specific to the corner. Just the highest damage version of the super hard KD (213) combo that I could figure out.
I need to work on that, the first 5 mins I tryed it it was hard for me, gonna try doing it later.


Yea bro the combo i use is only for midscreen. Ill measure the wall carry of your combo later anyways though :) Ill gladly give up 2% for a near undroppable combo that ends in a KD though.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I need to work on that, the first 5 mins I tryed it it was hard for me, gonna try doing it later.
Yeah, first time I was doing it I think it took me about an hour to get it at 10/10 success rate lol. And then I dropped it every time in matches :mad:. When you start landing it, lemme know if the KD properties are the same. There is sometimes a timing issue where they fast stand for some reason... but almost always, it gives the SHKD, just not sure if it's 100% as long-lasting as the others.


I take back starter xx mb rlg, b3, j2, 32 xx gun. It sucks.

starter xx mb rlg, b3, j2, f23 xx crowbar, forward dash, b1 xx crowbar.
Is the most optimal wall carry I could find.It carries them from mid screen all the way to the corner, no gaps. The damage will be based on your starter of course but as a reference, the ji2, 32 starter is 42% (I am including the guaranteed OTG chip damage) .

You don't even need to include ji2 for this. 11, 21, 32, and f23 will ALL push them to the absolute corner of the screen.

Opponents will read the OTG and block. Their wake-up is taken away in the process and they are in the corner as well though. If they didn't read the OTG? shame on them, lets OTG again, this time with meter and really mix things up.
This combo is practically undroppable too.

J2 32 MB RLG B3 D2 far teeth F23 far teeth 3 flower 3 flower still leaves a very big gap between them and the corner btw. 3.5 / 4.5 lines on the Rooftop stage.


It sounds simple, and it is. Maybe we are thinking outside the box too much and should look inside the box one more time for stuff like this lol.

If your wondering why I do f23 xx crowbar instead of 32 (1 hit) xx crowbar. It is because it has more wall carry.

The wall carry for them are as follows, 32 (2 hits) > f23 > 32 (1 hit).


Joker waiting room
When you cross your opp from point blank range with j2 do uppercut.

anything else whiffs the first 1-2 hits and you can be full combo punished, saltface was doing it so much to me and i meant to eventually see the j2 properties


Joker here~
When you cross your opp from point blank range with j2 do uppercut.

anything else whiffs the first 1-2 hits and you can be full combo punished, saltface was doing it so much to me and i meant to eventually see the j2 properties
Yeah people have started doing this to me as well. I've been favouring b1/b1 crowbar. Landing a naked d2 isnt that great unless you're doing like d2 crowbar. I guess you could get like a d2 rlg but thats not hit confirmable so its kinda risky.

But yeah your right with the cross up j2 stuff. If it gets blocked, based on the spacing of the j2 the first bit of 2,1 and 3,2 whiff.


Joker waiting room
Yeah people have started doing this to me as well. I've been favouring b1/b1 crowbar. Landing a naked d2 isnt that great unless you're doing like d2 crowbar. I guess you could get like a d2 rlg but thats not hit confirmable so its kinda risky.

But yeah your right with the cross up j2 stuff. If it gets blocked, based on the spacing of the j2 the first bit of 2,1 and 3,2 whiff.
you really dont have to cancel D2 in some matchups, d2 is easily hit confirmable into j2 32 flower/crowbar

atm working on some J3 setups that are probably known but VERY underused. it involves nearly instant air J3 and nearly instant J2. J3 crosses, j2 doesnt.


Joker here~
you really dont have to cancel D2 in some matchups, d2 is easily hit confirmable into j2 32 flower/crowbar

atm working on some J3 setups that are probably known but VERY underused. it involves nearly instant air J3 and nearly instant J2. J3 crosses, j2 doesnt.
yeah true
i gotta really delve into the match ups more specifically to see what can and cant punish d2
I cheated a bit yday and labbed a bit
Superman actually can't punish jokers sweep LOL, even from point blank
With this change I think the only character who can significantly punish it is like GL.

in regards to j3 cross up stuff. I havent really experimented much with it so would be new to me.
Btw I was mucking around with your air to air j3 stuff.
d2 rlg is really inconsistent. Depends alot on the height you hit the j3 at.
if you hit it from too high the rlg whiffs. If you wait to confirm the rlg, if you delay the mb the b3 whiffs.
I'd rather just take the j3 into 2,1 crowbar. Still does decent damage at like 26% (only 6% less) but I save the meter and still can threaten with the otg, which when they respect lets me pressure on wake up.

The j3 d2 is really nice when it hits cuz of that sweep set up you found. But idk feels too inconsistent. You can't hit j3 and then confirm the height to decide. Maybe we'll be able to with time, at this current point you need to be really fast. Or maybe I just need to delay the d2 when hitting high j3's.


Joker waiting room
yeah true
i gotta really delve into the match ups more specifically to see what can and cant punish d2
I cheated a bit yday and labbed a bit
Superman actually can't punish jokers sweep LOL, even from point blank
With this change I think the only character who can significantly punish it is like GL.

in regards to j3 cross up stuff. I havent really experimented much with it so would be new to me.
Btw I was mucking around with your air to air j3 stuff.
d2 rlg is really inconsistent. Depends alot on the height you hit the j3 at.
if you hit it from too high the rlg whiffs. If you wait to confirm the rlg, if you delay the mb the b3 whiffs.
I'd rather just take the j3 into 2,1 crowbar. Still does decent damage at like 26% (only 6% less) but I save the meter and still can threaten with the otg, which when they respect lets me pressure on wake up.

The j3 d2 is really nice when it hits cuz of that sweep set up you found. But idk feels too inconsistent. You can't hit j3 and then confirm the height to decide. Maybe we'll be able to with time, at this current point you need to be really fast. Or maybe I just need to delay the d2 when hitting high j3's.
Its easy to hitconfirm

I do it like this

Crouching while not doing anything to raise their hurtbox - J3 and lay teeth

Not crouching - go to combo

Low to mid air A2A = D2 mb rlg

high height A2A, wait a bit and then do it, the setup still comes out.

this setup will be your go-to one because i found some more very useful crowbar tech which is specific to this setup in usefulness.


Joker here~
Its easy to hitconfirm

I do it like this

Crouching while not doing anything to raise their hurtbox - J3 and lay teeth

Not crouching - go to combo

Low to mid air A2A = D2 mb rlg

high height A2A, wait a bit and then do it, the setup still comes out.

this setup will be your go-to one because i found some more very useful crowbar tech which is specific to this setup in usefulness.
Ahh I see thanks
So i just gotta pay attention to the height at which I air to air


Europe, PSN: "CommonNick"
And always confirm the height before the D2
I'm interested in the clowns lately (Harley, she's fun as hell), and Joker is really interesting as well, but I'm struggling with his Chattering Teeth special attack, can you link me to some good matches? (yours or good tournament players)


Joker waiting room
I'm interested in the clowns lately (Harley, she's fun as hell), and Joker is really interesting as well, but I'm struggling with his Chattering Teeth special attack, can you link me to some good matches? (yours or good tournament players)

recent tournament matches from 4 days ago

footage of gilbagz from 1:20 to 1:27 IIRC


he also has games from previous tournaments but i have no idea on which channel


Europe, PSN: "CommonNick"
Lol just youtube gilbagz and my channel should come up
You got some cool things there, but I don't understand how you make your opponent respect your options so hard if they can poke you when you throw teeth, and than jump attack.