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This mean you don't like me?
One day I was so upset at my wife for distracting me with miscellaneous items that needed to be picked up from the store. It was a ranked match on XBL against a decent Nightwing player. I was winning beforehand.I lost the match due to having my concentration shifted to her grocery proclamations. Enraged, I got up, tossed the controller, grabbed my keys and left for the door. "Oh you're going NOW? You didn't say anything..." Seething with even more rage upon viewing my spouse's countenance I walked up to her, looked her in the eye and gave her a very forceful open handed slap. Shocked and in pain, she watched me storm out of the house. I could have sworn I heard a gentle sob as I shut the door. At the grocery store I was relieved to find the items listed were in fact going to slip my mind, had I not purchased them that day. I was no longer upset, but extremely guilty. I literally stopped in the aisle and just pondered what I had done and how bad I felt.

In a feeble attempt to assuage the situation I bought my wife's favorite Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream (that Ameri-Cone one) and left the store. Still guilty, I felt a little anxious and eager to make things right....

....only to come to the realization that I live alone and have not been married for 17 years.


Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I used to rage when I didn't perfectly spedran the first level in Megaman X5.

'til today I still ragequit if I don't do 'City Escape' perfectly in Sonic Generations.


Est In Harvey 1989
I think the worst I've ever done is throwing a controller at the ground when I was younger lol. I'm more verbal then anything. I just do a lot of cursing.


blink-182 enthusiast
I once murdered a stuffed animal when I lost to a friend in Mario Soccer on the gamecube. That game was cheap as shit. I was up 6 with 30 seconds left and he scores 9 goals in a row. I've never EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR been that salty for any other game


King of the Jobbers 2015
One day I was so upset at my wife for distracting me with miscellaneous items that needed to be picked up from the store. It was a ranked match on XBL against a decent Nightwing player. I was winning beforehand.I lost the match due to having my concentration shifted to her grocery proclamations. Enraged, I got up, tossed the controller, grabbed my keys and left for the door. "Oh you're going NOW? You didn't say anything..." Seething with even more rage upon viewing my spouse's countenance I walked up to her, looked her in the eye and gave her a very forceful open handed slap. Shocked and in pain, she watched me storm out of the house. I could have sworn I heard a gentle sob as I shut the door. At the grocery store I was relieved to find the items listed were in fact going to slip my mind, had I not purchased them that day. I was no longer upset, but extremely guilty. I literally stopped in the aisle and just pondered what I had done and how bad I felt.

In a feeble attempt to assuage the situation I bought my wife's favorite Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream (that Ameri-Cone one) and left the store. Still guilty, I felt a little anxious and eager to make things right....

....only to come to the realization that I live alone and have not been married for 17 years.



Ya'll stingy
One day I was so upset at my wife for distracting me with miscellaneous items that needed to be picked up from the store. It was a ranked match on XBL against a decent Nightwing player. I was winning beforehand.I lost the match due to having my concentration shifted to her grocery proclamations. Enraged, I got up, tossed the controller, grabbed my keys and left for the door. "Oh you're going NOW? You didn't say anything..." Seething with even more rage upon viewing my spouse's countenance I walked up to her, looked her in the eye and gave her a very forceful open handed slap. Shocked and in pain, she watched me storm out of the house. I could have sworn I heard a gentle sob as I shut the door. At the grocery store I was relieved to find the items listed were in fact going to slip my mind, had I not purchased them that day. I was no longer upset, but extremely guilty. I literally stopped in the aisle and just pondered what I had done and how bad I felt.

In a feeble attempt to assuage the situation I bought my wife's favorite Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream (that Ameri-Cone one) and left the store. Still guilty, I felt a little anxious and eager to make things right....

....only to come to the realization that I live alone and have not been married for 17 years.

it was me. and i wasn't sobbing when you left, i said, "oww you sexy thaaaang!"

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Yo, who remembers Soul Caliber 3's custom character story mode? Who remembers fighting Seung Mina on the ice stage? Who else broke 2 controllers from that? Who likes four questions per comment?

Back then I didn't know shit about high level FGs so I just mashed with my custom Dancer and Custom Lancer. What pissed me off is the final stage and what I did to win it is I grinded the fuck out of my chars and just let them fight automatically lol.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I can't even...sir, you win this thread.

Offline gamer rage? Umm, none I can think of that is me doing so, but this one involves R.E.O.

PowerUp 2011, REO goes up against this random guy and blows him up with Kabal's block infinite, before we knew it was. Guy lost so badly, REO went to say good game and shake his hand, dude got up was like "No...no..." and peaced out. Good chuckle out of that one.

And then at Summer Jam 2011, when my d4 beat out TRASH OF TYM X-Ray as Kung Lao. I think some of you remember that one lol.


Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I can't even...sir, you win this thread.

Offline gamer rage? Umm, none I can think of that is me doing so, but this one involves R.E.O.

PowerUp 2011, REO goes up against this random guy and blows him up with Kabal's block infinite, before we knew it was. Guy lost so badly, REO went to say good game and shake his hand, dude got up was like "No...no..." and peaced out. Good chuckle out of that one.

And then at Summer Jam 2011, when my d4 beat out TRASH OF TYM X-Ray as Kung Lao. I think some of you remember that one lol.

I remember Tom and I had a brief discussion about that on Twitter lol.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Unless his X-Ray was that off on timing, I should've gotten hit right there lol.

From what I think it's because KL's kurtbox stays grounded when he XRays but the Hitbox rises. And you hit the D4 at max range.

There is also the fact that you D4'd before he XRay'd so you hit him before he hit you.


Mid Tier
I threw a few controllers trying to figure out the Kitana Kenshi match up.

That match up is like Arrow vs Aquaman, there is no point playing it. The only thing you could possible prove is that their Kenshi or Aquaman is horrible, and they in fact could be horrible players.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Play obnoxious characters that are still mid tier like deathstroke at a local every week while admitting to not touching the game since last week and see how many people you will make absolutely infuriated.

my favorite one offlike salt moment ever was when 7L beat pr balrog at TFC and then he ragequit the bracket and told the TO to have him forfeit in losers.
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