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Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
Your 17 still in school calm the fuck down. I'm 19 and don't even have a job atm.
I feel ya. I decided to take a couple months off after high school so I can get some money in my pocket.

I've applied for about 25 jobs already with no response.


Worst. Player. Ever.
Don't stress over making the "perfect decision" right now. There is almost no way to know what you want to do with the rest of your life at 17. I changed majors three times in college (film, sports medicine, physics) and ended up in a career where I don't use any of it...
In today's market, it is important to have a college degree but it is rarely important to have a specific degree--I would say that most employers will provide training for the position. They tend to look for reliable people that are able to learn and adapt.
My recommendation would be to pursue a degree in English. With the preponderance of "textspeak" in society, proper communication skills are becoming increasingly rare. An English degree helps build verbal and written skills that will make you more attractive to a prospective employer.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Focus on you're GPA and scholarships for now man. You have so much time to figure out what really makes you tick and what to focus on in college, but you gotta get there first. Take it from me, the last thing you want to do, is use 'not knowing what you want to do' as an excuse to not go to college immediately after high school. I did this and I regret it, horribly. Granted, I was doing the whole 'I am going to be a musician' thing, but I still should have gone to school.

Perhaps take a little more of an active role in the guidance process. That's what they are there for. Rather than waiting to be called in, schedule an appointment to speak with them and try to get to the bottom what it is you are interested in doing as a career. Just don't try to focus too much on 'ERRMAHGERD WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!', it will do nothing more than cloud your ability to tap into your potential. You're at the point in your education, where you MUST take the initiative and make things happen for yourself, creating your own opportunities. And if nothing else, you can try to narrow down your path once you start seeing college counselors and what not. But like I said, you gotta get there first.
First of all, you don't have to elect a major in college until sophomore year at the earliest the majority of the time. Second, look up careers in life that might interest you and what you would have to do to get that job. Don't say you're worrying about what you want to be if you aren't even looking at the options. Search for jobs that interest you and then (if you're proactive) actually go out and shadow someone doing that job.


I took general classes (lots and lots of math lol) at community college for two years before I decided what major I wanted to work toward and transferred to a bigger school. Cheaper and less pressure while still earning college credit. Plus I got to live at home and work a part time job to save up even more money while figuring it out. Best of luck and don't stress too much, college years you're all young and healthy. Kinda guaranteed you're gonna look back on it fondly, even if you were confused... Which I think all 17 years olds are lol :)


My blades will find your heart
Even if you did know what you want to do with your life, you probably would change your mind anyway.

What are you best/favorite subjects in school?

Jay Rupp

Human Smoke or Riot
I heard Seth Kylian tell a story once about something Diago's father told him once " son, find one thing you like. Do that one thing long enough and eventually someone will pay you to do it."
with your new age and after your graduation you will find yourself with all this freedom. So much that it maybe overwhelming. You need to go out and figure out what exactly you care about and get involved in it. It can be anything at all, long as you enjoy it. Just step out of your comfort zone and try something you normaly wouldn't for fun. you never really know where a path may lead till tread.
Wise words.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2


I took general classes (lots and lots of math lol) at community college for two years before I decided what major I wanted to work toward and transferred to a bigger school. Cheaper and less pressure while still earning college credit. Plus I got to live at home and work a part time job to save up even more money while figuring it out. Best of luck and don't stress too much, college years you're all young and healthy. Kinda guaranteed you're gonna look back on it fondly, even if you were confused... Which I think all 17 years olds are lol :)
Yeah thx what you did sounds like the best thing to do, cheaper and you give yourself time to think what you wanna do. What did you major in? if you dont mind me asking


Yeah thx what you did sounds like the best thing to do, cheaper and you give yourself time to think what you wanna do. What did you major in? if you dont mind me asking
I had med school aspirations at one point but ended up going for a major in biology, minor in chemistry.


Even if you did know what you want to do with your life, you probably would change your mind anyway.

What are you best/favorite subjects in school?
I know, it'd be nice to get out of highschool and know exactly what you want to do though. I'm sure there are some few people who have got it right the first time.. I like space science and cosmology alot. I did good in a Earth and Space Science class my school offered. Anything to do with space just really interests me


I was like you when MK9 came out at the end of my junior year and I was playing it non-stop and couldn't care less about school. Played MK9 all throughout senior year and never really thought about what I wanted to major in so I was undecided my first semester of college. Then I realized I liked video games and computers so I chose to major in computer science cuz I want to make games in the future or at least some sort of programming. So yeah you still have time to decide just don't stress out over it and make sure you choose something that you like to do, not what random people on a forum tell you.


My blades will find your heart
I know, it'd be nice to get out of highschool and know exactly what you want to do though. I'm sure there are some few people who have got it right the first time.. I like space science and cosmology alot. I did good in a Earth and Space Science class my school offered. Anything to do with space just really interests me



I was like you when MK9 came out at the end of my junior year and I was playing it non-stop and couldn't care less about school. Played MK9 all throughout senior year and never really thought about what I wanted to major in so I was undecided my first semester of college. Then I realized I liked video games and computers so I chose to major in computer science cuz I want to make games in the future or at least some sort of programming. So yeah you still have time to decide just don't stress out over it and make sure you choose something that you like to do, not what random people on a forum tell you.
Cool, computer science is actually one that I am thinking about, I see computer and science, and I assume that I automatically like it, I really know nothing about it though. What is it like? and thx that is good advice.


Master of Quanculations

Don't fret too much about not being one of those people with an early vision of their future.

In highschool my dream was to be a game designer. Then I got into music. Then I played in a rock band and became a local music producer and studio engineer. Now I'm teaching english to chemical engineers in Mexico.

You can't plan where you go.


Cool, computer science is actually one that I am thinking about, I see computer and science, and I assume that I automatically like it, I really know nothing about it though. What is it like? and thx that is good advice.
At first I thought computer science had something to do with...well science and I hate science. but then I found out that it was computer programming which was what I wanted to do. I actually don't know too much about it, I just know that I should be able to make programs and possibly games in the future, and I heard that you can get some good jobs with a CS major. There might other people on this site with CS majors that know more than I do.

So far I've taken Computer Science I and Calculus I (courses required for my major). Right now, I'm taking Computer Science II, Calculus II, and Discrete Structures I. In Computer Science, we're learning C++. It's not too hard for me, kinda depends on your teacher and how well he/she teaches. I think there are other languages I'll have to learn in other courses like Java and HTML.

Here is an example code you might learn in C++:
cout << "Would you like to see the contents of the array?" << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == "Yes")
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << m_array << endl; (there should be a left bracket followed by i and right bracket after m_array)
cout << "Finished." << endl;

It looks kinda confusing at first. cout is what displays to screen. cin is what the user inputs. The for is a for loop that repeats from 0 to 10 and displays everything in the array (which can store items in it, this one holds 10 items).

Basically the assignments we are given are to write codes for different situations, like write a program that calculates the sum/average of two numbers or write a program that displays to screen the multiplication table. It requries some thinking to figure out some of the problems, but so far I haven't been having too much trouble. I managed to barely get an A in Computer Science I and right now I also have an A in Computer Science II.



Don't fret too much about not being one of those people with an early vision of their future.

In highschool my dream was to be a game designer. Then I got into music. Then I played in a rock band and became a local music producer and studio engineer. Now I'm teaching english to chemical engineers in Mexico.

You can't plan where you go.
I wanted to be a musician in high school but now I want to be a game designer lol.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
I don't know what i'm doing with mine. I'm 17 and play Injustice Gods Among Us. The first quarter of my senior year just ended. Monday through Friday I sit through highschool until 2 pm, I get home, blast my favorite songs and start playing. I don't know what i'm doing with my life. Around 2 weeks ago, I was called down to the guidance office, my guidance counselor asked "what are you going to do after you graduate". My answer was "I don't know". After that I started thinking about my future a lot more lately, and I can't even see past tomorrow.

I don't want a career I wont enjoy. I don't want to feel like i'm just living though the motions. I want to be able to do the things I want. I want to live through amazing experiences. I want to change the world, I want to end something bad, or start something good. I want to invent something. I don't know what I want to do.

These are my only ambitions. There is an obvious problem here, so I ask of you TYM, what do I do?
1. If you start working hard now there is a small potential for you to make your living via injustice or just video games in general. The pipe dream version is that you will be able to make a living via sponsorships and tournament winnings, and the realistic goal is to try and get into the video game industry.
2. Go back to your guidance counselor, and see if they have any skill assessment exams that will tell you jobs you may be interested in.
3.Military is always an option. Some of my friends love it, others got screwed and hate it, but it is an option.

But no one knows what the hell they want to do, even if they think they do, once they get there they will want something else. The grass is always greener on the other side.



Don't fret too much about not being one of those people with an early vision of their future.

In highschool my dream was to be a game designer. Then I got into music. Then I played in a rock band and became a local music producer and studio engineer. Now I'm teaching english to chemical engineers in Mexico.

You can't plan where you go.
Wow thats amazing. Sounds like you live you crazy life