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I don't know what i'm doing with mine. I'm 17 and play Injustice Gods Among Us. The first quarter of my senior year just ended. Monday through Friday I sit through highschool until 2 pm, I get home, blast my favorite songs and start playing. I don't know what i'm doing with my life. Around 2 weeks ago, I was called down to the guidance office, my guidance counselor asked "what are you going to do after you graduate". My answer was "I don't know". After that I started thinking about my future a lot more lately, and I can't even see past tomorrow.

I don't want a career I wont enjoy. I don't want to feel like i'm just living though the motions. I want to be able to do the things I want. I want to live through amazing experiences. I want to change the world, I want to end something bad, or start something good. I want to invent something. I don't know what I want to do.

These are my only ambitions. There is an obvious problem here, so I ask of you TYM, what do I do?


World's worst GL
Dude, I'm 21 with a full time job and a daughter, planning in going to school soon. Still don't know what I'm doing with my life. Probably won't for a LONG time. You're 17 right now, don't stress out on not knowing what you want to do for the rest of your life yet. You haven't even hit your prime years. Just get through high school. When you're done, go to college, take a break, get a job, do what you want. Maybe one day it'll just hit you? Happens that way for some people.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
Seriously, you have so much time to figure out what you're going to do. I'm 22 work a full time and part time job and am still trying to figure out what my best options are. Just take life one day at a time.


Most people your age don't know what their calling is, so don't fret over it. In addition, many of those that think they *do* know what they want to do will end up changing their minds, either in college or afterwards, the latter of which is a disaster. Its better you take the time to iron this out than to fall into that category.

You should choose your career choice partly based on how long you want to be in college. Are you willing to go to college for 6 or more years to get a Master's/ph.d? If not, then in order to have a solid career path, you will need to major in something practical, which includes but is not limited to: engineering, computer science, and business. Things outside of this scope, which require 6+ years to make a decent living, include the social sciences (such as psychology), philosophy, history, and others.

But if you don't know what even *interests* you at this point, then just take some extra time to work it out. You can take a year off before going to college, which also helps save money for it, or you can just not declare a major in your first year (many if not most colleges permit this).
I heard Seth Kylian tell a story once about something Diago's father told him once " son, find one thing you like. Do that one thing long enough and eventually someone will pay you to do it."
with your new age and after your graduation you will find yourself with all this freedom. So much that it maybe overwhelming. You need to go out and figure out what exactly you care about and get involved in it. It can be anything at all, long as you enjoy it. Just step out of your comfort zone and try something you normaly wouldn't for fun. you never really know where a path may lead till tread.


Thx guys but i need to get a plan. I feel like i cant just wait and let things happens. What am i going to study for in college? How many years am i going to waste majoring in something that i wont even get a job in? Life is to short to be wasting time, i don't want to be older and have all these regrets, like "i should have done this when i was younger" "why didn't i do this". Other kids in my grade are like oh im going to FSU UCF and im going to be this and make this much and blah blah blah.. How am i suppose to choose what im going to do for the rest of my life...?


World's worst GL
Thx guys but i need to get a plan. I feel like i cant just wait and let things happens. What am i going to study for in college? How many years am i going to waste majoring in something that i wont even get a job in? Life is to short to be wasting time, i don't want to be older and have all these regrets, like "i should have done this when i was younger" "why didn't i do this". Other kids in my grade are like oh im going to FSU UCF and im going to be this and make this much and blah blah blah.. How am i suppose to choose what im going to do for the rest of my life...?
Constantly stressing about the future and staying fixated in "what if" scenarios is no way to really live man. Especially at your age. I respect the fact you want a plan of attack, that's good, but you're going to burn yourself out or possibly suffer depression if you keep it up.


I just dont want to graduate highschool sitting around playing Injustice. I want to go to college major in something useful and make good money. I dont want to spend 4 years majoring in something just to waste my time, to end up not even getting a job in it. How do all these kids know what there going to study for? I need some ideas so that i can decide. Also i think the suffering depression part was a little dramatic.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Personally, I've learned that dwelling on the future leads to nothing. I just live in the moment and do what there is to do. As long as you cling to your passion, you will never stop evolving...and eventually, you'll be surprised by the opportunities that unfold before you.

Live for the present, not the past or the future. Don't throw time away worrying about what hasn't happened yet. I don't object to preparation, of course, but all work and no play makes for a dull life.


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
I just dont want to graduate highschool sitting around playing Injustice. I want to go to college major in something useful and make good money. I dont want to spend 4 years majoring in something just to waste my time, to end up not even getting a job in it. How do all these kids know what there going to study for? I need some ideas so that i can decide. Also i think the suffering depression part was a little dramatic.

Be the change you want to see


I dont mean to offend you but i really do mean it, but im 17 and want to have a good career, I don't want to be like 30 something and not have a good job
Fixed. Also when your 19 years old you're in the college time, If your going to try to offend someone do it correctly with actual logic.


Fixed. Also when your 19 years old you're in the college time, If your going to try to offend someone do it correctly.
No i dont mean to offend you. Chilling for a year at home after highschool sounds fun but some people may want to get going right away. You just came off a little rude saying calm the fuck down. "I dont mean to offend you" means I dont mean to offend you. Not everyone tries to be a dick to other people.


No i dont mean to offend you. Chilling for a year at home after highschool sounds fun but some people may want to get going right away. You just came off a little rude saying calm the fuck down. "I dont mean to offend you" means I dont mean to offend you. Not everyone tries to be a dick to other people.
"but im 17 and thinking about this now so i don't end up being 19 and not even have a job."


"but im 17 and thinking about this now so i don't end up being 19 and not even have a job."
Are you offended? Is that what your trying to tell me cause if you are sorry then. If you take offense to someone saying they dont want to be 19 and not have a job, your probably not too happy that your 19 and don't have a job yourself. Why don't you change something then? All im saying is, telling me to "calm the fuck down" was wrong.. Im asking for advice about college and after highschool.


Are you offended? Is that what your trying to tell me cause if you are sorry then. If you take offense to someone saying they dont want to be 19 and not have a job, your probably not too happy that your 19 and don't have a job yourself. Why don't you change something then? All im saying is, telling me to "calm the fuck down" was wrong.. Im asking for advice about college and after highschool.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
How do all these kids know what there going to study for?
Well when I was in HS, my school had some crazy internship programs that had such a huge variety. Internships going all the way from the Penn State Medical center to my own school's IT department....

So like there was mad opportunity to try stuff out and I found my home at the IT department. Which I still work at to this day...
(I'm 18 and graduated this year)