I typically do not get involved in this topic, but I will make an exception for TYM. I try to stay on the side of impartiality when it comes to these topics, I try to make assessments based off facts and logic rather than base them on opinions.
Abortion: This issue I am on the fence I see the rationality of why it should be allowed and why not. Judging by what I know thus far on the subject. A woman’s body is hers alone to make the call as to what she should do with it not the decision of the government’s. I see abortion should be allowed, but there should be a cut off mark, a stopping point on depending how far along the child is developed. I do not see a late term abortion being allowed. By that time the baby is more developed and is thus far a living breathing child. NO woman should be forced to bare a child they do not want nor have the ability to care for, they should have the ability choose what is right for themselves, especially if the health and welfare for the mother is at stake. There have been cases where the mother has died due to birth complications that could have been resolved by the use of abortion, in which in many of those cases the child was already a still born. Also it should be noted that with giving women the option to safely have an abortion it reduces the factor of the mother going out and finding more illegal and unsafe means to abort the child.
Gun Control: Here is a big issue in its own. Guns are not the issue studies and statistics have shown and proven this multiple times and taking guns away will only make matters worse. Morons will get their guns even if they have to do it illegally plain and simple. It is written within the Constitution and we should never allow our government the ability to circumvent it, for if we do we now give them the free pass to remove and take away more rights and freedoms within our country. This doesn’t mean there exist no issue with gun violence in the country, there is enough evidence to prove there does exist an issue in the US. With that said the factors that are being over looked are that often these guns used with in crimes are not owned by the criminals who commit the acts and in the different cases the recent mass shootings show that the mental health of these individuals is part of the problem itself. If we must place restrictions on weapons, then I say place a registry on weapons, honestly why is it we have to register a vehicle, but not a dangerous weapon that serves the purpose of only taking life. Mental health of the buyers needs to be questioned as well. Better background checks on the level of what is needed to obtain a security clearance IMO is the only way that this is going to be able solve this issue. Oh yeah and less conspiracy theorists coming up new insane ideas about false flag operations too.
Marijuana legalization: It has been proven scientifically to be useful in the world of medicine, proven to be far less harmful than tobacco and alcohol, which are legal. It has cost way too many lives and way too much money to fight against. There are currently people serving prison time simply for even possessing it. It is one of the leading causes of crime and is one of the reasons the drug cartels continue to profit from the US and has aided in funding many of the anti-American terrorist groups that wish to do harm on the US. If the fed. Government were to legalize it, it most likely would reduce crime and the government could manage it like alcohol is managed allowing only people of a certain age and above to have access to it. If it were to be grown and harvested and taxed, it would allow the government to gain a large amount of revenue it wouldn’t even be funny. The fact that it is still illegal is absolutely insane.
Syria: I’ll get back this one later!!!
Obamacare: The scourge of the shutdown. There is so many issues here it’s unreal. For one the insurance companies currently are the gate keepers of medical care and the current for profit medical system is falling apart and has de-evolved into being all about greed and money. There is a reason the republicans do not want this, because it threatens those corporations ability to hold medical care for ransom. No Obama Care is not a perfect system, it will raise taxes and will hurt the economy in the beginning, but in time as the loose ends of this system are tied up, it will become a beneficial part of America. There is a boat load of misinformation about it circulating that many do not understand what it even will do. My favorite argument here is this exact statement I hear everyday “I have to pay for health care fuck you if you don’t money to pay for your own”. Great way thinking in all, but go tell that to the little child who is suffering and dying of a treatable illness, simply because their parents cannot afford to help them. I suffer everyday of my life with Type-1 Diabetes, if I didn’t have medical benefits with my current employer I would be dead now and have to leave a 6 and 3 year old without their father. No one should have to decide their life and health over how much will it cost. The shutdown happened simply, due to two parties refusing to work together to better solidify this act and the sad part is everyone blames one over the other. The republicans wouldn’t let shit happen to move their own agenda and the democrats decided to stubborn and childish over it. Both are at fault not one over the other.
War on terror: Will get back to this later!!!
Gay Marriage: For the love of God, if a person’s only reasoning why this is illegal is simply because “God said its wrong” and they follow a book that tells them how to live their life, then they need to shut it. There has yet to be any valid argument outside of religion that states why this should and needs to be illegal. Folks this why church and state are separated, if we allow religious views to dictate decisions within our government, then we gonna be burning witches at the stake eventually and stoning woman who cheat on their husbands.
Sorry for such a long post, but these are my views and I hope you enjoy reading them J