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RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
The benefits outweigh the negatives here, IMO. Many more people being covered is worth the problem of having inferior plans.

And the way some businesses have been going about this makes me sick. Many of them are threatening to cut benefits and employees because of this when they don't have to. Yet they're the victim...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

People can call me an asshole for this if they want to, but I'm more concerned with my medical coverage than the coverage of other people. If they can't afford it, that's not my problem. I look out for me and the people close to me before I look out for random people.

I don't see why businesses have to take moral high ground at the cost of spending money they don't have to. That's a huge amount of money to be saved. That's just the way I look at it.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
The main reason was the chemical weapons. I think Obama wanted to make sure other nations know that the U.S will not tolerate chemical weapons being used against ones own people. I believe he saw this as the only option to stop this type of behavior, and when Russia proposed a weapons exchange he was all for it.

To me it was just an overreaction to a terrible act. Now that they have agreed to hand over the weapons I think the issue wont be around for much longer.

No one seemed to care when Sadam Hussein was torturing and terrorizing his own people. Everyone told Bush that he should just leave them alone. He might not have had any nuclear weapons, but if we are using the logic for Syria, then that just sounds like some biased reasoning if you ask me.


My blades will find your heart
No one seemed to care when Sadam Hussein was torturing and terrorizing his own people. Everyone told Bush that he should just leave them alone. He might not have had any nuclear weapons, but if we are using the logic for Syria, then that just sounds like some biased reasoning if you ask me.
And no one has cared the past two years while Assad has been murdering people either. But chemical weapons nit only kill thousands of people, they also can lead to cities becoming uninhabitable, which means they have much more longstanding effects than traditional weapons.

As far as the healthcare goes, what people don't realize is their coverage won't go down significantly. You will have marginally the same coverage, while allowing those who really need it to have it.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
I still intend to respond to some of the other stuff in this thread, but I have to wonder about a topic of my own. Do you guys think the federal government will actually be forced to go into shutdown? And if it does, who do you think loses out hardest, besides the hapless populace? I think the GOP is in the midst of digging their grave - they have far more people depending on government aid and subsidy than the democrats do in their electorate. When stupid old white people suddenly can't get their Medicare payments, we'll be seeing some shit.


My blades will find your heart
I still intend to respond to some of the other stuff in this thread, but I have to wonder about a topic of my own. Do you guys think the federal government will actually be forced to go into shutdown? And if it does, who do you think loses out hardest, besides the hapless populace? I think the GOP is in the midst of digging their grave - they have far more people depending on government aid and subsidy than the democrats do in their electorate. When stupid old white people suddenly can't get their Medicare payments, we'll be seeing some shit.
I think the main losers will be people who have government jobs, pretty tough going weeks without a source of income.

I am more interested whether Obamacare passes or not. If it doesn't, it means the tea party have officially taken over the conservatives. If it does pass, there may be hope for a more moderate republican party.

Either way, should be interesting to see how it all pans out.
I have trouble respecting anyone that is against legalizing gay marriage. I find it ironic that most of the people against gay marriage are for economic freedom and for the government staying out of their business, yet they are fine with letting the government stop someone from getting married to another human being. I feel that there is no argument, moral or religious, that can actually be made for not allowing the legality of it.

On some of the other issues, I think that weed should 100% be legalized as it has nowhere near the addictive qualities of tobacco or the danger of alcohol. I don't necessarily smoke it, but legalize and tax it like it should be as it actually in many cases has positive medical effects.

Finally, I am very pro abortion. I personally don't believe in souls so I see no reason that before the baby has developed fully, it should not be able to be aborted. I see it like this, if the baby is actually born, it will be unwanted and may be treated with hostility while causing the parents to ruin the rest of their lives. Why save a baby that doesn't have conscious thought when plenty of children live in poverty or in orphanages? Until their are no children living in orphanages with no parents or children living in crappy situations in he US, I don't think abortions should be banned. That's all from me for now.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Both parties are corrupt and suck. That's why there needs to be a classic Constitutional party not afraid to uphold what our forefathers wrote many years ago, instead of the posers now days and the radical ones screwing up the country now.


I play for FUN!
I kind of look at myself as a conservative in the political spectrum. that being said, that doesn't mean I'm not open to new ideas.​
  • Abortion: Why are we still discussing this? since the Reagan administration I've seen this issue come up in every election. I think the woman has the right to do what she wishes with her body, but what about the men? Do we not have a say? After all a woman doesn't get pregnant by herself. The whole issue for when does life start...is just too complicated. If you're religious you may or may not believe that it starts at conception. II think personally think it starts a birth but that's just me.
  • Gun Control: I think is funny when they say guns kill people, really? Hah well I think we all have the right to bear arms. I just think we need to be a better job when it comes to the selling/distribution of arms.
  • Syria: We were just discussing this on my politics class. This is interesting issue because if we were to take any military action against Syria, what kind of consequences would occur? What would Syria's only area on the are, Iran, do if we deploy troops. Also not sure if you guys are aware but just like in Libya, this could have some unforeseen consequences. When we helped Libya during their Civil War we (the government) were very aware that the "rebels" were being funded by Al-Qaeda. When the war ended, Al-Qaeda troops took guns and ammunition and fled the country towards Mali. Ever since then Mali, at least the northern part has been on constant war with Al-Qaeda, they pretty much control this area now.
NOTE: Do some research before you quote me in any of this, I'm just writing from what I can recall.
  • Gay Marriage: This is a touchy subject because according to the constitution marriage is between a man and a woman. That being said, I think you have the right to do and be what you want to be, who am I to tell you what you can't or can do. I don't see the federal government enforcing or passing a bill that allows homosexuals to get marry; it will be up to the states.
  • Marijuana: Not sure I want to get into this. Give me a good reason why you guys think Marijuana should be legal. Other than for recreational and "medical" use what other uses does it have. One thing I know however, is that the federal government can tax the hell out of it if it does one day become legal.
  • NSA/Big Brother/ Patriot Act: I don't really mind the government looking into my personal/private life. I see as its for the greater good. It's not like a person is sitting down listening and reading all your text messages (that may be the case I don't know).
I can go more into-depth with some of this topics, but this is basically my opinion to the topics listed here.


Come On Die Young
  • Gay Marriage: This is a touchy subject because according to the constitution marriage is between a man and a woman. That being said, I think you have the right to do and be what you want to be, who am I to tell you what you can't or can do. I don't see the federal government enforcing or passing a bill that allows homosexuals to get marry; it will be up to the states.
That's not part of the constitution. I'm assuming you're thinking of the Defense of Marriage Act, which was a legal statute. It's been declared unconstitutional though, and I believe it won't be long until it's legalized at the federal level. It's really an eventuality, it's just a matter of time for when it will happen.

Marijuana: Not sure I want to get into this. Give me a good reason why you guys think Marijuana should be legal. Other than for recreational and "medical" use what other uses does it have. One thing I know however, is that the federal government can tax the hell out of it if it does one day become legal.
I don't know what other uses you're looking for? I'm not really knowledgeable about the law enough to know if there are still restrictions on hemp, but I guess that would be one.

The reason we want it legalized is because there's really no reason not to. It being criminalized is doing more harm than good. It's become a huge burden on our legal system and its black market status contributes to horrible crime here and in Mexico. It's not a dangerous drug, you can''t overdose on it and the only long-term effects that might be negative just come from the smoking part of it (which is still debated too). The worst thing you're going to do when you're high is eat too many oreos. If we were talking about something more dangerous like heroin that's another debate, but I can't see it doing anything bad when such a big number of people already use it. It would create a huge number of jobs and the taxes would be a good benefit too, like you said.

NSA/Big Brother/ Patriot Act: I don't really mind the government looking into my personal/private life. I see as its for the greater good. It's not like a person is sitting down listening and reading all your text messages (that may be the case I don't know).
I completely agree. I really hate the paranoia around this. The government has no reason to care about your personal life if you're not involved in terrorism or something. Some people think they're building profiles of every American citizen for some reason. They aint got no time for that shit. The system works by scanning internet traffic for terrorism-related things, and developing cases if something looks legit. Realistically, the worst case scenario for us is that they sometimes accidentally see an American citizen's innocent private message and deem it unimportant.


My blades will find your heart
Legalizing weed would reduce our jail populations, in turn saving more tax payer money. And you will have the taxes on top of that. Itcould actually really help us financially. The only negative I could see is.weed dealers moving on to more dangerous stuff to make their money.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
Legalizing weed would reduce our jail populations, in turn saving more tax payer money. And you will have the taxes on top of that. Itcould actually really help us financially. The only negative I could see is.weed dealers moving on to more dangerous stuff to make their money.
Most pot dealers deal only in weed.
EpitomicaL name one reason that cotton candy should be legalized besides that it tastes good. That is terrible logic for the banning of a substance, if a substance has no documented negative effects and would have a positive impact on the economy, why not legalize it? Besides having medical uses, it is also a safer alternative to alcohol when having fun. Why ban weed but not alcohol when weed is more beneficial to people? If marijuana should be banned, it should be due to an easily seen negative effect, not just because its banned now so there is no need to unban it. I say all of this as someone who does not do any drugs by the way.

I agreed with most of your other points though


Come On Die Young
Legalizing weed would reduce our jail populations, in turn saving more tax payer money. And you will have the taxes on top of that. Itcould actually really help us financially. The only negative I could see is.weed dealers moving on to more dangerous stuff to make their money.
I don't think that will happen though. There isn't a demand for it. People don't go to their dealer for their dealer, they go for weed lol.


My blades will find your heart
So the senate has finally drafted a plan to end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling. John Boehner has stated he will not try and stop the congressional vote.

All I have to say is:


Reactions: RYX


I can't wait for the same idiots who shut down the government because health care for all = ruin of America to get reelected by the same idiots who are allowed to vote


Purple balls covering the screen
Guys, guys...the government shutdown is inevitable. The only thing the government can ever do to fix it is raise the debt ceiling. It is because we have a fiat currency created out of thin air that is all based around debt. The very act of creating currency creates debt. How are we supposed to get out of debt when the only way to pay the debt on the currency already created is to create more currency which equals more debt lol. Default is inevitable because its set up that way.

Sent from Sam Wheat in the Phantom Zone.


Purple balls covering the screen
Here is a video that explains how it works in very simple terms

Sent from Sam Wheat in the Phantom Zone.
Reactions: nwo


My blades will find your heart
Not exactly cause for celebration. The democrats still want to pass legislation to cut tons of social programs.
Yes, but they are doing so only if the republicans raise taxes on the wealthy and increase government spending to create more jobs. It is a more of a compromise, I would hardly say the Democrats are the ones who actually WANT to cut social programs.

Guys, guys...the government shutdown is inevitable. The only thing the government can ever do to fix it is raise the debt ceiling. It is because we have a fiat currency created out of thin air that is all based around debt. The very act of creating currency creates debt. How are we supposed to get out of debt when the only way to pay the debt on the currency already created is to create more currency which equals more debt lol. Default is inevitable because its set up that way.

Sent from Sam Wheat in the Phantom Zone.
There is a lot of ways they could reduce the debt, some of them are outlined in this article


Most of them will never happen because congress is completely incompetent but there are ways to do it.

Id say you know nothing about politics


Purple balls covering the screen
Yes, but they are doing so only if the republicans raise taxes on the wealthy and increase government spending to create more jobs. It is a more of a compromise, I would hardly say the Democrats are the ones who actually WANT to cut social programs.

There is a lot of ways they could reduce the debt, some of them are outlined in this article


Most of them will never happen because congress is completely incompetent but there are ways to do it.

Id say you know nothing about politics
Appearently you don't understand. Our government cant create currency without creating debt. FACT. And honestly other than petty ethical choices I honestly fail to see the difference between the parties as well. Neither one has our (I mean the american peoples) best intrest in mind. If this isn't the case, allow me to ask you a question: Why is it that, even though every so often, the different parties gain and lose control over the senate/congess/presidency, nothing ever gets any better? I really feel in my gut, like deep down inside, that one day our reptillian overlords will reveal themselves and feast upon the entrails humanity. Okay that last part was a joke, but in all seriousness: WE ARE ALL SLAVES AND PAY THE COST OF OUR OWN SLAVERY.