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Who else though the Green Lantern movie was a**


The Green Lantern 2011 was just ass and i felt like Ryan Reynolds did not do a good job with GL. The script and overall take on GL story sucked too, so much that they need to make a sequeal or another movie along with the Flash movie that should be on its way. If they are making a new GL movie i dont want to see reynolds. Who do you think would make a better GL?

Plus GL ride at six flags sucks.

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Neutral Skipper
This needed a thread? Everyone thought it was ass.

...But to answer your question, I want Idris Elba if they ever do Jon Stewart.
I actually thought it was okay. Good special effects. Of course, I watched it at home w/o paying full price at the theater. Also, I had heard so many bad things about it, I was somewhat pleasantly surprised it was ok. Not as bad as the first Hulk, Daredevil, Dolph Punisher, etc. Ryan Reynolds does tend to play Ryan Reynolds in everything, but I like Ryan Reynolds, so I didn't mind. I think one criticism of it is that so much of it took place in space or on a far away world. Needed more tying to Earth.

I'm a little sad there isn't a sequel. The Sinestro they had was pretty good, and part 2 probably would have been about him turning from the Corps. Plus, second movies are often better since the whole origin thing is taken care of, so they can get right into it. I'm not saying Green Lantern 1 was great, but I definitely didn't hate it. Yet, I know I am in a minority on this one.
Mark Strong killed it as Sinestro, the rest was pretty ass.
That's why I think the second one might have been good. Generally, superhero movies hinge primarily on the bad guy. Think of the Batman movies (Nolan and Burton). That the bad guy in the first Green Lantern was a giant yellow Kuato wasn't the best. I kept waiting for him to say "open your mind...."


I love GL so idc I enjoyed it. Could have been much better but I'm not a comic book fan so it satisfied me.


Noob Saibot
Hope they make a second one so Strong can really shine. I thought his Sinestro was amazing and he fit him perfectly.

Even if they do reboot the series, I want Strong as Sinestro. I don't care who they get to play as GL.

I broke my back... It's spinal.


blink-182 enthusiast
As somebody who legitimately likes the first Hulk movie, I thought GL was fun. But then, I have a hard time disliking superhero movies in most any capacity
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Scrub God Lord
I felt that the first half of the movie was great, all the lantern training stuff was fun to watch.
Everything went down hill afterwards. I would love to see stewart as the next lantern, he was such a badass in the JLA animated series.
Am still waiting for my flash movie, but for now the Arrow and the soon to come Flash TV show will do.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
the only green lantern movie that should be made is one about the time hal went crazy killed everyone almost destroyed the universe and kyle saved the day


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I hated it the first time I watched it... spent $6 for it at a pawn shop and felt totally ripped off.

Watched it again after buying Injustice and thought it was ok. RR as GL was stupid because he was such a goof-off, but Sinestro was badass.


Truth, justice and the American way.
Fuck Ryan Reynolds.

You know what? If he has just played the part of Green Lanten AS Ryan Reynolds - I probably would have liked the movie more. Instead - he's trying to act. And it's horrible.

Mark Strong - as many have already said, killed it. Amazing actor. Filled the role amazingly.


It was the kind of movie that makes for a fun night out at the movies, followed by never thinking about it again due to forgetability.

Reynolds was not the problem, the problem was 1. An overly cheesy script, 2. It was too predictable/no surprises, and 3. Lack of character depth -no single character is made to be particularly interesting or unique. A second film would need to improve in these areas.


Play Monster Hunter!
IMO a big factor for why it sucked was the CG, well for starters it was terrible and looked really low budget.
But even with higher quality CG, I think Green Lanterns constructs are always going to look very weird in real life, and I think this has mostly to do with the color, green energy just doesn't look that good in real life, compared to how awesome it looks in comics or in animated shows.

See through green energy in real life is always going to look like snot to me.

It's a huge shame DC and WB refuse to do high budget theatrical animated movies.


Long live b13 minigun
I went on opening night to the theatre release and bought the special edition dvd set with the ring when it came out. Not a fan of the movie but I'm a HUGE GL fan so I try to support him becoming more popular however I can. Although in this case my 40 dollars probably won't do shit for a sequel >.>

P.s. Why the fuck was Parallex a cloud