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!!!FINALLY!!! Its the TYM "I have a dog!" Thread!!

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
Name: Harley (named after Harley Quinn)
Age: 1 year old
Breed: Bull Terrier x American Staffy
Gender: Female

My girlfriend and I adopted her from a dog shelter earlier this year. She'd been shuffled through dog homes all over my city for 5 of the first 7 months of her life, and had she been left there much longer, the story wouldn't have been as happy. It's still completely beyond me why anyone wouldn't want a puppy with such an amazing temperament. Easily the happiest dog I have ever met in my life.

Harley likes stepping on my crotch when I'm asleep, playing in mud, eating Vaseline out of the garbage, running down the hallway full speed (and crashing into the walls) and grunting like a pig whenever she approves of anything.


fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
my dog chewed a hole in the floor of the house we were renting at the time lol i covered it with an armchair :eek:
crazy bastards


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
your dog has 3 arms man

lol yea and she seems to have to scrubby baraka player attached to her aswell, i should take her to the vets to check that out.
she'll start barking in code about the sub zero vs baraka mu
I see some pugs...and I see some beagles...behold the puggle!
Name: Stark
Age: 1 year
He's more my gf's dog than mine..I still need to scan the picture of my dog in.
never have i felt so much despair and sorrow staring into the eyes of an animal :( ;_________;


blink-182 enthusiast

Here's a video I scrubbed up on Youtube from when my sister's dog was a puppy and my dog was still alive (along with a surprise cameo from the back half of my Uncle Buster's dog).

The Yellow (she's basically white) lab is Tess, who's 6 now but not even 1 in this video. She used to love digging in the water dish at her own reflection, now her hobbies include walks and curling up into the cutest ball ever and snoring when she's not busy being super affectionate and rolling over to get her tummy rubbed :)

Cub (the dog you can only see the back of) is my uncle's, and he's also a chocolate lab. He's a blockhead, still kicking today and being just as lovably dumb as the day he was brought home.

Bubba, (the darkest one, he's in the back) was my chocolate lab. He lived until the ripe old age of 11 and passed on about a year and a half ago. He was the most mellow friendly dog I've ever met, he was nice to anyone and anything else, people and animal alike. He put up with me as a little kid playing with him incessantly and never so much as raised an eyebrow, and he grew up with me from the days he was barely almost 2 and I was 7. Yes this does sound sappy and yes I do cry about him every now and then and yes, it probably is a girly overreaction. But fuck you, he was my best friend. RIP old buddy, you were the best dog a guy could've asked for:(


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I appreciate this. I just got done being all sad about it, it's good to hear somebody else say that it's okay to feel that way

the only people who would think thats not ok are people who never had a dog or even a pet :) aka fools.
my dog is like my best friend, i know its clique buts its true. ill be devastated when she goes and could see myself always being upset by it, same like if a human friend dies, friends are friends.