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The TYM NHL 2014 thread!


Worst. Player. Ever.
I like it as well

Having 4 of the Original 6 in the same division is pretty awesome, but my only objection is splitting up the Red Wings/Blackhawks rivalry...nothing is perfect. Also wondering if the league is going to attempt expansion again to even out the numbers since both Eastern Conference divisions have 8 teams and the West have 7 each. Given their current economic situation, I can't think of two solid western markets to give teams and I would hate to see more crappy franchises that have to move (ahem, Atlanta Thrashers)...


Mid Tier
Having 4 of the Original 6 in the same division is pretty awesome, but my only objection is splitting up the Red Wings/Blackhawks rivalry...nothing is perfect. Also wondering if the league is going to attempt expansion again to even out the numbers since both Eastern Conference divisions have 8 teams and the West have 7 each. Given their current economic situation, I can't think of two solid western markets to give teams and I would hate to see more crappy franchises that have to move (ahem, Atlanta Thrashers)...
I hope they don't try to expand again, they still have the Pheonix thing to deal with as well.

I have heard rumors of Vegas and Seattle, but honestly who the hell knows with Bettman,

What do you guys think of the new Hybrid Icing this year?


Worst. Player. Ever.
I hope they don't try to expand again, they still have the Pheonix thing to deal with as well.

I have heard rumors of Vegas and Seattle, but honestly who the hell knows with Bettman,

What do you guys think of the new Hybrid Icing this year?

They had to do something about it--too many guys got totally jacked up against the end boards. As a former player, it was always scary as shit going full tilt for a touch-up when you know someone is right on your ass at top speed, just waiting to pancake you into the glass. That being said, it was always part of the game and I've seen plenty of times where the offense was able to sneak in at the last second and get the touch before the defense--lots of big plays have come from it.
The NHLPA was fully supportive of the rule change so I'd defer to their judgement.
Wonder if this will be used as a precedent by the NFL for their proposed kickoff changes...

Vegas would be a disaster--Seattle could work...I had heard a lot of talk about the Isles moving to Kansas City before they solidified the Brooklyn deal so KC may be an option.


Mid Tier
They had to do something about it--too many guys got totally jacked up against the end boards. As a former player, it was always scary as shit going full tilt for a touch-up when you know someone is right on your ass at top speed, just waiting to pancake you into the glass. That being said, it was always part of the game and I've seen plenty of times where the offense was able to sneak in at the last second and get the touch before the defense--lots of big plays have come from it.
The NHLPA was fully supportive of the rule change so I'd defer to their judgement.
Wonder if this will be used as a precedent by the NFL for their proposed kickoff changes...

Vegas would be a disaster--Seattle could work...I had heard a lot of talk about the Isles moving to Kansas City before they solidified the Brooklyn deal so KC may be an option.
Yah I've heard the Kansas City thing too,

I still play rec hockey, and we have no touch icing, and I love it lol

Edit: it's "no hitting" cause I'm a 31 year old man, but it still gets rough, It's nice to not have to race into the boards at 100 miles an hour with another huge dude lol


Worst. Player. Ever.
In my experience, "no hitting" always meant "no hitting for the first 5 minutes." Even in friendly house leagues, guys would end up getting smeared with no calls--nature of the game, I guess.
I totally feel your pain--I'm 39 now (almost at the big 4-0) and haven't played in a while (2 kids, long work hours) but really miss it. Couldn't imagine playing against some 18 year old out to prove himself. Those were always the guys that were looking to fight and I am way too old for that crap (although I vaguely remember being that 18 year old jackass...;)).


Mid Tier
In my experience, "no hitting" always meant "no hitting for the first 5 minutes." Even in friendly house leagues, guys would end up getting smeared with no calls--nature of the game, I guess.
I totally feel your pain--I'm 39 now (almost at the big 4-0) and haven't played in a while (2 kids, long work hours) but really miss it. Couldn't imagine playing against some 18 year old out to prove himself. Those were always the guys that were looking to fight and I am way too old for that crap (although I vaguely remember being that 18 year old jackass...;)).

lol, yah man, I actually took last year off, I forgot how fast the game is, lol four games in though and I've got a 2 goals and 4 apples, so It'll come back I think, lotta big wiffas on one timers though lol. when we put our team together we were all early twenties and laughed at the "older" dudes, now we are the older dudes lol , second in our division though. no hitting seems to mean no open ice "body checks". the war zone that is the front of the net seems to still send me home with bruises weekly. Still, I probably only got a couple more years, then my kids will be in so there won't be extra money for my fees. Hockey fees are insane these days.

Anyone see Thorntons qoute on if he had scored those 4 goals the rookie got on the Sharks? lol that shit was awesome.


Either way I hope the bolts beat the pens tonight

Edit: well bolts lost, but that's tone expected when Linback is the goalie. We have to score more than 5 goals to win whenever he's between the pipes :/


Worst. Player. Ever.
How does everyone feel about the mid-season break allowing for the pros to participate in the Olympics?
When they first started this years ago, I had mixed feelings--specifically because of the possibilities of impacting the season (key player injuries, killing momentum, etc.) as well as the potential for it being fraudulent (players mailing it in and not playing hard to avoid injuring teammates--almost like watching the North America/World format All-Star Game).
However, my fears were allayed by the pure awesomeness of the quality of play. Yes, it does take away from the "amateur spirit" of the Olympics, but you truly get the top level of competition--especially since they do play hard for national pride. I still worry about the interruption of the season and what can come along with it but in all honesty, after the last few lockouts I have tended to lose interest in the NHL--until the Olympics roll around. It reinvigorates my interest in the game which carries over to the NHL and I pay much more attention to the regular season, at least until the next lockout...


Mid Tier
How does everyone feel about the mid-season break allowing for the pros to participate in the Olympics?
When they first started this years ago, I had mixed feelings--specifically because of the possibilities of impacting the season (key player injuries, killing momentum, etc.) as well as the potential for it being fraudulent (players mailing it in and not playing hard to avoid injuring teammates--almost like watching the North America/World format All-Star Game).
However, my fears were allayed by the pure awesomeness of the quality of play. Yes, it does take away from the "amateur spirit" of the Olympics, but you truly get the top level of competition--especially since they do play hard for national pride. I still worry about the interruption of the season and what can come along with it but in all honesty, after the last few lockouts I have tended to lose interest in the NHL--until the Olympics roll around. It reinvigorates my interest in the game which carries over to the NHL and I pay much more attention to the regular season, at least until the next lockout...
Its some of the best hockey ever, I love it. And I hope it doesn't change. It's also brings countrys together to cheer hard for there team.

Every Canadian I know, knows exactly where they were when Crosby scored that goal last olympics.

This year should be just as good, because there is no real power house country, there are so many good hockey players out there. I love when teams like Belarus get upset wins.


Mid Tier
Side note, I scored a goal tonight and my team won in a shootout!

Was pretty fun, but a pretty rough one, buncha dick heads on the other team. Gonna have some bruises tomorrow. Refs were letting every thing go, lol I fuckin leveled a dude in the corner who was coming at me to hit me, he'll be feelin it tomorrow.(no hitting league, but the ref told me after he didn't call me because the other dude was coming to crush me)



TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
OMFG GUYS I AM HAVING AN AVALANCHE-GASM SO FAR THIS YEAR! Patrick Roy is some sort of wizard or something. 12-1 hell yes. MacKinnon is a monster, and him and Duchene are going to be a ridiculous pair for the next decade.