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Character with the most tech?


supp guys im looking for a character who has a lot of tech obviously. I just want to learn someone as well as Zod who requires a bit of thinking to do well with. Any responses would be appreciated


Although Mmh has a lot of tech as far as a casual to semi serious level you don't really have to think much to win like you asked for I'd say flash man


Although Mmh has a lot of tech as far as a casual to semi serious level you don't really have to think much to win like you asked for I'd say flash man
yeah MMH seams to be one of the best IMO ill give flash a go and see what he has


Lex is a thinking mans character, and fun to use.

As far as tech, not everything has been discovered so far, so pick a character you click with and start finding that tech!

Btw GGs the other night R3CK3Dx

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
A character like lex luthor will definitely make you think, you have yo plan ahead and set things up while also adapting on the fly to unique situations that appear due to his tools. I would go with him.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
Flash. you have so many corner resets and midscreen resets you wont even know which one to use.


Define tech.

If you want Set ups and that style of tech then Lex/ Zatana

If you want 2 combo off of nearly everything in any situation batman batgirl.

I have been on a batman stint for the last month and I end up thinking of new ways to combo a lot. clashable vs unclashable, set ups, setting up stage breaks, leaving enemies near an interactable. I am having a blast.