Eternal Champion of Justice
"Oh god why is that safe"
"That combo does so much damage"
"Ugh why can't I do anything on their wakeup"
If after you read this you still say these things to yourself.
Your sir are a scrub.
Footsies at their core are you betting your options against someone else s. Weighing risk reward all while being aware of the space that you and your opponent both control. While it does require reactions and spacial awareness, above all it requires you to have the better ability to make decisions. What these decisions entail is first being aware of your options then being aware of your opponents. Deeper than that you have to think about what the end results if you or your opponent are successful in your gambit. This is where Risk /Reward comes in. If an opponent has a move that is damaging, has far reach and is safe or leads into a combo you should think I need to not be here(and out of instinct most people will eventually start getting out of the way), because why would your opponent not do this move right? The Risk reward is in their favor. The problem lies when a players optimal range may be INSIDE of that range or if they are competing for the same space. Most players have issue with playing at obvious disadvantage. What are you to do how do you deal with this? Well if you are a member of TYM and a scrub you probably complain that there is no footsies in the game and talk about the end result of what happened when you played the game incorrectly. IE EVERYTHING IN THE TOP OF THE THREAD.
I'm not here to bash you though I'm help you . What you need to do is think about how to make your opponent do things you want them to. First thing you have to looks at is your most important tools and these go for any character in any game ever. The lifebar, the clock, and where you stand on the screen. I promise you if you consider these things every time you commit to a decision and you aren't already, your play WILL improve EXPONENTIALLY.
Lets talk about offense and defense because this is where you are going to start data gathering and allowing your opponent to make your decisions for you. How are they approaching you? why are they approaching you. Are they down on life when they make the approach, are they up on life when they make the approach, Have they gotten most of their damage while approaching,was it during your attempts to approach them. All of these points are to be considered and to be weighed against the risk reward knowledge you have about the game. The player will tell you what they are trying to do though and why.
If a character has risk reward in their favor(ie safe launcher) when knocked down and you are performing oki maybe its best to use the knockdown as a chance just to get to optimal positioning press your least risky option. If a combo does half life from that wakeup launcher your so worried about best choice is not to apply oki unless you have half a bar to lose and still be in a winning position. The opponent obviously just dealt with failure in being knocked down to begin with mentally. You had just won in position press that especially if its your only safe option. You have an advantage even if you are down on life and pressed for time you just forced a situation. Position is the third piece of the puzzle that we just talked about(Position, Life, Time) and if oki is taken out of the equation then its just out of the equation its just an extension of the screen position portion anyway.
I could Keep writing on and on about the subject, I think TYM should take the conversation from here though. I wrote this because alot of people of TYM want to talk about how x character or move is screwed up but none of what I read applies to actual fighting game situations. Just the game specific result which is meaningless without the context. The claims about footsies are absurd specifically pertaining to Injustice. To say there are no Footsies is to say there is no decisions to be made in the game and that there is no human there to make you calculate your decisions against theirs.
"That combo does so much damage"
"Ugh why can't I do anything on their wakeup"
If after you read this you still say these things to yourself.
Your sir are a scrub.
Footsies at their core are you betting your options against someone else s. Weighing risk reward all while being aware of the space that you and your opponent both control. While it does require reactions and spacial awareness, above all it requires you to have the better ability to make decisions. What these decisions entail is first being aware of your options then being aware of your opponents. Deeper than that you have to think about what the end results if you or your opponent are successful in your gambit. This is where Risk /Reward comes in. If an opponent has a move that is damaging, has far reach and is safe or leads into a combo you should think I need to not be here(and out of instinct most people will eventually start getting out of the way), because why would your opponent not do this move right? The Risk reward is in their favor. The problem lies when a players optimal range may be INSIDE of that range or if they are competing for the same space. Most players have issue with playing at obvious disadvantage. What are you to do how do you deal with this? Well if you are a member of TYM and a scrub you probably complain that there is no footsies in the game and talk about the end result of what happened when you played the game incorrectly. IE EVERYTHING IN THE TOP OF THE THREAD.
I'm not here to bash you though I'm help you . What you need to do is think about how to make your opponent do things you want them to. First thing you have to looks at is your most important tools and these go for any character in any game ever. The lifebar, the clock, and where you stand on the screen. I promise you if you consider these things every time you commit to a decision and you aren't already, your play WILL improve EXPONENTIALLY.
Lets talk about offense and defense because this is where you are going to start data gathering and allowing your opponent to make your decisions for you. How are they approaching you? why are they approaching you. Are they down on life when they make the approach, are they up on life when they make the approach, Have they gotten most of their damage while approaching,was it during your attempts to approach them. All of these points are to be considered and to be weighed against the risk reward knowledge you have about the game. The player will tell you what they are trying to do though and why.
If a character has risk reward in their favor(ie safe launcher) when knocked down and you are performing oki maybe its best to use the knockdown as a chance just to get to optimal positioning press your least risky option. If a combo does half life from that wakeup launcher your so worried about best choice is not to apply oki unless you have half a bar to lose and still be in a winning position. The opponent obviously just dealt with failure in being knocked down to begin with mentally. You had just won in position press that especially if its your only safe option. You have an advantage even if you are down on life and pressed for time you just forced a situation. Position is the third piece of the puzzle that we just talked about(Position, Life, Time) and if oki is taken out of the equation then its just out of the equation its just an extension of the screen position portion anyway.
I could Keep writing on and on about the subject, I think TYM should take the conversation from here though. I wrote this because alot of people of TYM want to talk about how x character or move is screwed up but none of what I read applies to actual fighting game situations. Just the game specific result which is meaningless without the context. The claims about footsies are absurd specifically pertaining to Injustice. To say there are no Footsies is to say there is no decisions to be made in the game and that there is no human there to make you calculate your decisions against theirs.