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Kryptonite Council Episode 9: The Return Of The Brady, Post Patch Discussion, We Fire Low Shots

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Kryptonite Council Episode 9: The Return Of The Brady,Post Patch Discussion, We Fire Low Shots

AK Pig Of The Hut
Tom Brady
General M2Dave

Return Of Brady
Post Patch Discussion
CD JR Quote "Zoning ruins this game" - We discuss
Low Tier Player/Character Discussion. Which is it?
Player bitching about nerfs on Blast kinda hard
Whose the best Aquaman
Argument on how MUs are discussed
J.F.T. (Just Frame Trident)
Is Deathstroke Better in this version of the game?
Live commentary while we watch Jrosa vs kdz and Fran
Tom's Regional Win!!!
Why Do interactables whiff when using some characters
"Zod is mediocre"
The Tom Brady Guarantee is in
Breaking Bad
Reno Racks Announcement
Glass/Wood/Copper/Iron/Bronze Sword
Touch on all Scenes
Zod Buffs (Faster Trait, Faster Balls)
KI Talk
Top 3 MK Games
Worst 3 MK Games

AK GamerBlake


MK Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Its completely ok to be impressed w my Photoshop (ms Paint windows 98) skills

Hire me, My work speaks for itself
its always been a blast listening to the council, i hope you discuss kf (your personal favorite) again when i listen to it later! hahaah cause how can you punish that damned black ice slide


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
so i haven't played in a tournament nor any of the people that put a bias on their scenes flash players in over a month, yet they try to point out my weaknesses like i haven't worked on them since i played them or was last at a tournament on stream for them to watch. can't wait for NEC i may not go to the break next tuesday now that i know am off that day so they can keep thinking that come NEC.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
General M2Dave can you find a quote or somewhere where i have legitimately downplayed the flash? not obviously trolling in a stream chat or something stupid? you mention my name like i downplay one of the best characters in the damn game. i have always though he was top 5 and after the patch i think he is #5 right now in my opinion. the character now loses no MU more than 6-4 to any character. he goes 5-5 with supes and BA and batman now. i think he possibly beats MMH and aquaman when played correctly and beats characters like sinestro, raven, DS, zatanna, cyborg, grundy, and bane 6-4. the character is fucked up and am stunned that you would ever mention my name with downplayers like manny.


That Welsh Guy
Wish I had more exposure, I would love to show how people should/Could be playing Shazam currently in a pro Situation.
but PPJ and Reo have good examples themselves still.

Much respect for alot of what Tom says, those first 2 minutes, and his thoughts on MB torpedo.


Not too much in this one.

But I had to put the Deathstroke forum on blast for claiming that they can block Killer Frost's f+3 on reaction.

Nice bait there!

I'll go ahead and bite, I don't have anything going on at work right now.

You putting an entire character forum on blast for the opinion of one person leads me to wonder how on earth you ever got a job as a teacher my friend!

One person who plays deathstroke said he can block KF F3 on reaction

And then somehow the voice in your brain said "I need to put this entire character forum on blast because this guy said this"

That would be like me putting the whole Zod community on blast because YOU said he was mediocre. Unfortunately my basic logic skills prevent me from doing so. I hope yours catch up!

Glass Sword

Yeah I got a shout out. Too bad I already signed up for NEC as AK Iron Sword. Hey I won a local in Huntsville. Too bad Alabama is pretty free at getting Injustice players together.

Anyway good shit on this podcast.


Zoning Master
Nice bait there!

I'll go ahead and bite, I don't have anything going on at work right now.

You putting an entire character forum on blast for the opinion of one person leads me to wonder how on earth you ever got a job as a teacher my friend!

One person who plays deathstroke said he can block KF F3 on reaction

And then somehow the voice in your brain said "I need to put this entire character forum on blast because this guy said this"

That would be like me putting the whole Zod community on blast because YOU said he was mediocre. Unfortunately my basic logic skills prevent me from doing so. I hope yours catch up!
You said Deathstroke goes even with Aquaman and your proof was Slips vs. Tom Brady at UFGT.

That is just as bad as saying Killer Frost's f+3 can be reacted to.


You said Deathstroke goes even with Aquaman and your proof was Slips vs. Tom Brady at UFGT.

That is just as bad as saying Killer Frost's f+3 can be reacted to.

If you can find anywhere, where I said Slips beating Tom Brady at UFGT was PROOF that DS beats Aquaman I will give you a cookie and a pat on the back.

I merely used it as a reference so that you could watch it and maybe learn something about the matchup you hadn't before since your knowledge of high level play in this game seems to be so severely lacking.

Your ability to relay false information however... Is spot on!