Injustice is a fighting game unlike most of its competition. Its round system in particular is very unique.
Unlike most fighting games where opponents play 'best of 3/5/etc.', with the lifebar (and usually player positions on the stage as well) resetting after every round, Injustice takes a much different approach, whereby each opponent has two lifebars which last the entire match. When one lifebar is lost, there is a brief pause, but then combat is resumed as normal.
Ultimately, this can make comebacks considerably harder than a lot of fighting games, because there is no 'neutral position' that you will be returned back to. In particular, if you are stuck near the corner, and your opponent still has a large proportion of their first life bar left, you're in more than a bit of trouble.
Imagine you're in a different fighting game (we'll say Tekken Tag 2 because it's one of my faves ), with players A and B (inventive naming system, I know). In round 1, player A gets some very good reads on player B, and so manages to win the round decisively, losing only 25% of their health in the process. Then in round 2, it's a much closer call - player A and player B are down to their last 10% health. If player A wins, they now have 2 wins out of 3 necessary, while player B has none. If player B wins, they will now both be on an equal footing round-wise. Contrast this with the same case in Injustice. If player A wins the 'round', then they have won the entire match. If player B wins the 'round', they will still only have 10% health left, and their opponent will have much, much more, making victory very unlikely for player B.
This puts a lot more emphasis on momentum, especially starting momentum - once you get going, it's harder for your opponent to bring you to a stop.
So basically, do you like or dislike Injustice's round system? Further to that, if there was to be an Injustice sequel, would you like it kept the same or changed?
Unlike most fighting games where opponents play 'best of 3/5/etc.', with the lifebar (and usually player positions on the stage as well) resetting after every round, Injustice takes a much different approach, whereby each opponent has two lifebars which last the entire match. When one lifebar is lost, there is a brief pause, but then combat is resumed as normal.
Ultimately, this can make comebacks considerably harder than a lot of fighting games, because there is no 'neutral position' that you will be returned back to. In particular, if you are stuck near the corner, and your opponent still has a large proportion of their first life bar left, you're in more than a bit of trouble.
Imagine you're in a different fighting game (we'll say Tekken Tag 2 because it's one of my faves ), with players A and B (inventive naming system, I know). In round 1, player A gets some very good reads on player B, and so manages to win the round decisively, losing only 25% of their health in the process. Then in round 2, it's a much closer call - player A and player B are down to their last 10% health. If player A wins, they now have 2 wins out of 3 necessary, while player B has none. If player B wins, they will now both be on an equal footing round-wise. Contrast this with the same case in Injustice. If player A wins the 'round', then they have won the entire match. If player B wins the 'round', they will still only have 10% health left, and their opponent will have much, much more, making victory very unlikely for player B.
This puts a lot more emphasis on momentum, especially starting momentum - once you get going, it's harder for your opponent to bring you to a stop.
So basically, do you like or dislike Injustice's round system? Further to that, if there was to be an Injustice sequel, would you like it kept the same or changed?