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Having worked at Westminster recently and Sat in on some pretty important meetings, Syria is NOT going to finish any time soon.

And we should all be thanking the Russians from preventing Obama and Cameron from steaming in with guns. Getting to the point where the only special relationship between US and UK is militaristic


Come On Die Young
Having worked at Westminster recently and Sat in on some pretty important meetings, Syria is NOT going to finish any time soon.

And we should all be thanking the Russians from preventing Obama and Cameron from steaming in with guns. Getting to the point where the only special relationship between US and UK is militaristic
We can't be sure if our plan was to actually steam in with guns though. A threat is really all we need against a country like that.


Come On Die Young
. This is where you and I disagree. I think we definitely need to change the current healthcare system, because as it is now 50 million americans cannot afford healthcare and are not getting the aid they need. The problem with the healthcare system now is they will only cover you for a fair premium if you are perfectly healthy, which makes people born with a disease screwed from the beginning. If Obamacare doesnt pass the only real people who will benefit are the insurance companies that are currently cheating the american people blind. I dont think most people with good healthcare now will be that greatly affected by the law, but those without it or can't afford it will finally be able to get the care they need.
I agree with this. I don't think our plan is perfect but something had to be done. Plus, no one from the right has really put out a good alternative other than the status quo, and we can all mostly agree that our healthcare system needs to be reformed in some way.

I don't see it as an industry that should be run with money as a primary interest. It might mean that the quality of healthcare for people with plans right now might go down, but I think it's still necessary to implement this. It might sound harsh to say this, but I think it's selfish in a way to say you deserve the healthcare you have right now, and those who can't afford it don't. We need to be okay with some sacrifices if it means more people can be covered.


We can't be sure if our plan was to actually steam in with guns though. A threat is really all we need against a country like that.
And we can't be sure it wasn't jihadist militants that didn't use a chemical weapon.

Sounds like WMD in Iraq all over again..


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Because we're not really interested in involving ourselves in the actual civil war. Our objective is only to deal with the chemical weapons. Obama's actually done a good job with holding off so long on a decision and bringing it to congress (like he's supposed to) rather than going the Bush route. Right now it looks like things are going in a good direction, for us at least, with the international work to give up these weapons.

I actually think our threats at an intervention weren't much more than threats. Assad doesn't want to deal with us
I thought congress gave Bush approval for Iraq due to that whole "omg they must have" WMD bullshit? I was a teenager when we invaded so I didn't really pay much thought.

I guess my bottom line is stay out of that land. Unless they drop chemical weapons on our soil...let them deal with it. We dont need to be Daddy to the world.


Come On Die Young
And we can't be sure it wasn't jihadist militants that didn't use a chemical weapon.

Sounds like WMD in Iraq all over again..
We didn't know if the WMD's actually existed though. We know Syria has chemical weapons, and all the evidence we have points to the Syrian military being responsible. There's easily enough to implicate them in the attack.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
-Obama is the worst President ever...

-Obamacare is flawed, illogical and is NOT free...if you read everything about it, and if you already have insurance it's not necessary, I prefer to CHOOSE my options, not be forced into having insurance for the sake of having it. Quality over Quantity....and Obamacare is definitely NOT about that. Besides, even now well until few months ago at least anyone could apply for medicaid or cheaper insurance where you pay literally next to nothing(but people are just lazy and live by the "give me, give me, give me everything for free" attitude while harder working folks work their asses off, others want a free ride...

-War on Syria is nonsense, he was ignoring the issues when they were bombing each other, shooting, pretty much killing each other with NON-chemical weapons, now all of a sudden he draws the line?

-Too friendly and easy on/with terror cells...

-Hasn't created many jobs(though he'll lie)

-Completely ignored Banghazi scandals

-Getting rid of "guns" or banning guns won't solve crap, criminals still get them(I live in NYC one of the most liberal cities in the world, hard on guns) yet funny, every month, if not week I hear of a case of someone getting shot...and the good people can't get guns and thus won't be able to defend themselves..

-Gay Marriage I don't care about either way, I am not against it nor will promote it. This doesn't effect me either way, that being said do what you want but don't ask me to promote it or rub it in my face please.

-Abortion, I will ALWAYS be against unless the mother's life is literally at stake, otherwise people should seriously do homework on A. Abstinence and protection and B. Adoption. Abortion is the cowards way out 99% of the time.

-Marijuana should only be legalized or monitored IF there's a medical reason, use for it....if you make it legal, we'll have people drunk AND stoned in many incidents, accidents and god knows we don't need more of that shit...so no, for recreational reasons=NOT for weed. For medical or dying reasons=YES via doctor's orders. Legalizing all drugs is a dumb idea, people forget A. black market will always exist so it's not necessary B. The world is shit now, legalize all drugs and that will only get worse. C. We can live without that crap...People are often selfish on this topic, they want drugs for free or legalized but ignore how it'll effect the rest of the world. People will market it towards kids(because that's great), sell it easier then they do now(being illegal) and just have more drug related deaths per year...but feel free to ignore this.

War on Terror-Kill them, nuff said. They have no wish to negotiate with us, they want us to CAVE and bow to their demands, fuck that...Obama's a pussy with this, releasing terror cells connected to 9/11 from G. bay and wanting to negotiate and give them "fair trials" yet completely ignored Banghazi....and apparently had no issues with Arabs killing Jews, until he got a tip that they're using "Chemical" weapons....

Big Brother-Governments have been monitoring people for years, but at least with Bush it was selected phone taps. Obama is far worse, he's having people tap cell phones, internet monitoring, facebook etc, etc and said he's for cameras on streets..Seriously, this guy is not a President, he's a Dictator...with very extremely liberal, socialist ideals.

This topic always ends well on the Internet.

lol was just thinking the same thing haha.


We didn't know if the WMD's actually existed though. We know Syria has chemical weapons, and all the evidence we have points to the Syrian military being responsible. There's easily enough to implicate them in the attack.
No, it was used to seize those oil fields though, oil fields of which Iraq was willing to hand over some over them in exchange for lifted sanctions, we had other plans and wanted them all.

It's no coincidence that Iraq and Afghanistan has turned out to be a massive burden on both the US and UK economies.

If it was Assad that used a chemical weapon again, he'll never do so, because they cant afford to lose Russia. Russia cannot afford to lose Syria because Syria is it's eye in the middle east in the same vein that Israel is America's eye into the middle east.

There are now more terrorist cells in Iraq today than there ever was under Hussein. You remove Assad from power, exactly the same will happen there. The jihadists will get in.

There was no reason to even consider using drones. Dismantling the chemical weapons was. I dont know how it was in the US, but most of the UK government were firmly AGAINST going into Syria. I thought Obama would be different to Bush, evidently not!


Come On Die Young
No, it was used to seize those oil fields though, oil fields of which Iraq was willing to hand over some over them in exchange for lifted sanctions, we had other plans and wanted them all.

It's no coincidence that Iraq and Afghanistan has turned out to be a massive burden on both the US and UK economies.

If it was Assad that used a chemical weapon again, he'll never do so, because they cant afford to lose Russia. Russia cannot afford to lose Syria because Syria is it's eye in the middle east in the same vein that Israel is America's eye into the middle east.

There are now more terrorist cells in Iraq today than there ever was under Hussein. You remove Assad from power, exactly the same will happen there. The jihadists will get in.

There was no reason to even consider using drones. Dismantling the chemical weapons was. I dont know how it was in the US, but most of the UK government were firmly AGAINST going into Syria. I thought Obama would be different to Bush, evidently not!
He's not though. Obama's supporting the resolution to get rid of the weapons. I don't get what we're still paranoid about.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Abortion - Babies are cool, honestly I'm just against the misuse of abortion as a ticket to no-responsibility. If you got preggers and you honestly can't afford to give the baby a good life then put it into adoption... But if you are just getting an abortion because you don't want to deal with it, then no. Basically, I'd say give it the doctor's note policy that if a credited doctor says you NEED this abortion for whatever reason then ok, but if not then balls to you.

Gun Control - You don't need an assault rifle to defend your home in the suburbs, I'm okay with carrying a gun around but you don't need to flaunt it around. Nothing about 10mm, you can't keep a cap on guns because they are so accessible, but some better background checks and a bit heavier watch on the online gun trades would be keen.

Marijuana legalization - Tax it properly if you are going to do it, chances are most companies won't let you come to work high even if it is legal so the only change would be it would create some jobs here and there and free up some jail space.

Syria - No one knows the full story, so I tend to keep my nose clean by keeping it out of bullshit. As it evolves I'm sure more will come to light, but the whole "get rid of all the weapons" seemed like a good approach and them holding off on the rash action was, in the grand scheme of world politics, a very wise move.

Obamacare - I read it, its actually not a bad thing as it is, but compromise and a stalling congress kinda killed it. I have insurance so it doesn't affect me.

War on terror - Go team? I don't know, you can't stop extremists from other countries any more than you can stop the ones in your own so take from that what you will, I don't pay attention to it since it seems like a pointless battle atm. Beefing up some security is fine, I don't mind that, but don't manhandle the situation.

Gay Marriage - Homosexual people are just regular people. Not everyone follows Christianity, not everyone who does cares, why are we letting a vocal minority dictate the human rights of a group that's even bigger than theirs? We're taking steps in the right directions, but its steps we honestly shouldn't even have to take. Don't like homosexual marriage? Don't marry them in your church, but don't tell the people who don't mind it that they aren't allowed to either, imo that's overstepping your bounds and going against your teachings.


He's not though. Obama's supporting the resolution to get rid of the weapons. I don't get what we're still paranoid about.
He wanted to send in Drones.

He's supporting it AFTER it was the Russians that suggested that was the best course of action.

Syria is going to go on for around 10 years, with or without Western intervention. I don't see the other Muslim nations doing anything about this, so much for the Arab Spring.

The Western economies are on their knees at the moment, bar Australia. We cannot afford to get involved in this. People are getting butchered every day all over the world.


I tell you something i'll be fucking relieved once the last drop of oil is fired off into the atmosphere because Muslim fascism will finally be at an end then.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
1.) Abortion: I'm pro choice...although I do believe "it" is alive at inception. Also, with the exception of rape or what have you, I think there should be a legal limit or something. I read a statistic about how it's common for everyday women to have like 3 a year or something...

2.) Gun Control: Absolutely against it. Government statistics prove that there is less crime when more law abiding citizens are carrying. I believe in background checks and all that...but no way in hell can you strip the law abiding citizens of their second amendment right. Chicago is a fine example of why gun control is a complete and utter failure. They have some of the strictest gun control laws and it's like GTA over there.

3.) Weed: Absolutely in favor of it's legalization. I don't smoke it...but the research and statistics add up to me. Rarely are crimes committed while on it...no one has ever OD'd while using it...and quite frankly our economy would be booming if it could be taxed and regulated. Also, I work in HealthCare, and so many of the patients I help just want their pain to go away...I'm all for it. I think it's absurd that people can be jailed for smoking or obtaining a plant, lol.

4.)Syria: I think this is the President's own little agenda...the majority of Americans (republicans/democrats) are opposed to going over and helping the rebels (essentially fighting for Al Quieda) and there is plenty of evidence that supports the fact that Bashar Al-Assad was set up. No way in hell, as evil as he is, would a dictator PUBLICLY use chemical weapons on his own people knowing full well what the international community would do to him/them. Even our allies don't buy the "official report"...I say stay out.

5.) Like 70% of hard working tax payers (American citizens) oppose Obamacare. I guess if you want your premiums to skyrocket and your doctors office to be turned into your local DMV...then sure. I'm for free market competition and that's what makes healthcare affordable. Whenever the Government takes a hold of something it turns to shit. Competition and the free market is what makes cell phones and computers reasonably priced...if the Government had full control over the I-Phone...trust me...only the elite would have them.

6.) War on terror: I'm for defending our nation and other nations from "terrorists". However, this topic is so convoluted and hard to define that it's hard for me to give a definitive answer. I think most of the stories we hear about "terrorists" or the "war on terror" is fabricated and just an excuse for governments to invade.

Just my two cents ;)

Agreed on all counts.


Political opinions of mine yay:

Abortion - Completely, totally, unambiguously pro-choice. A pregnant person has the right to terminate their pregnancy at any time for any reason, period.

Gun control - I live in the UK, which has much stricter gun control than the USA, and also guns scare the fuck out of me, so I shall refrain commenting on this.

Marijuana legalisation - It should be legalised and taxed, just like cigarettes. In a world where alcohol and nicotine are legal, it's ridiculous that marijuana is not legal.

Syria - Us Western countries need to butt the fuck out a lot more tbqh - we don't have a great history of dealing with other countries, do we?

Obamacare - How anyone can be against healthcare for everyone is beyond me. :/

War on terror - See Syria - Western countries do far more harm than anywhere else.

Gay marriage - there is literally not a single legitimate reason to oppose this.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Obamacare - How anyone can be against healthcare for everyone is beyond me. :/

The reason why people are against it is because companies might decide that they don't need to provide health insurance for their employees anymore so they could cut their service and save money by forcing them to buy the government run one. Obviously it will be cheaper, but being controlled by the government, the service is bound to be terrible.

EDIT: In addition to the reasons provided by Runway.


Truth, justice and the American way.
He's not though. Obama's supporting the resolution to get rid of the weapons. I don't get what we're still paranoid about.

Only because Putin cockblocked him on his proposed strikes.

Abortion: Government has no place in this.​
Gun Control: A government SHOULD be afraid of it's people.​
Marijuana legalization: Legalize all the drugs. No sarcasm. We drop 40 billion into cartels pockets every year. This should be our money.​
Syria: And the rest of the middle east can go fuck themselves. There aren't enough chemical weapons being used in that shithole region.​
Obamacare: Obama's name on a steaming pile of shit.​
War on terror: I agree with the premise, not the manner in which the war is being conducted. Killing bad people is a good thing, but most the people we are fighting in those regions have no idea what the significance of 9/11 is. This is a war for the CIA and SOF.​
Gay Marriage: Marriage, whether gay or straight, should not be incentivised by the government. Government has no place in marriage.

I'm an OEF Veteran and full time college student from California.


Come On Die Young
Syria: And the rest of the middle east can go fuck themselves. There aren't enough chemical weapons being used in that shithole region.​


Also the Putin thing is favorable for Obama. Getting what you want without having to send people to die isn't really cockblocking

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Come On Die Young
The reason why people are against it is because companies might decide that they don't need to provide health insurance for their employees anymore so they could cut their service and save money by forcing them to buy the government run one. Obviously it will be cheaper, but being controlled by the government, the service is bound to be terrible.

EDIT: In addition to the reasons provided by Runway.
The benefits outweigh the negatives here, IMO. Many more people being covered is worth the problem of having inferior plans.

And the way some businesses have been going about this makes me sick. Many of them are threatening to cut benefits and employees because of this when they don't have to. Yet they're the victim...

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This mean you don't like me?
Only because Putin cockblocked him on his proposed strikes.

Syria: And the rest of the middle east can go fuck themselves. There aren't enough chemical weapons being used in that shithole region.

I'm an OEF Veteran and full time college student from California.
Wow......kinda didn't expect that from you but okaaaay....


biggest cyborg upplayer
As a 16 year old mexican teenager, I am not aware of what the "Obamacare", "Syria" and the "War on terror" situations are, so, if anyone can explain these, it would be great, thank you.

Abortion: Pro, there have been many cases of women who have been raped, but it was never proved, so they were not able to "justify" their abortions to our goverment, so they got in jail.
Drugs: Just to think about the thousands of people that died in "Cartel wars"... It is not really sane to think about keeping drugs illegal, knowing what this can cause.
Gun control: Here in Mexico, it is REALLY hard to get a gun legally, most of our weapons are brought from you actually, so I am against it.
Gay marriage: They must have the same rights as us, we are all human.


Come On Die Young
He wanted to send in Drones.

He's supporting it AFTER it was the Russians that suggested that was the best course of action.
He wanted it, as in, that was our only option at the time to accomplish what we want. We had to count on Russia's diplomatic ties, which we do not have, to help us out.

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He wanted it, as in, that was our only option at the time to accomplish what we want. We had to count on Russia's diplomatic ties, which we do not have, to help us out.

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To accomplish what you want? Since when is Syria anyones business BUT Syria? Since when is it Americas business to interfere in the going's on of another sovreign nation?

The UK have had civil wars, same as America and neither of us turned out all that bad in the end.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
To accomplish what you want? Since when is Syria anyones business BUT Syria? Since when is it Americas business to interfere in the going's on of another sovreign nation?

The UK have had civil wars, same as America and neither of us turned out all that bad in the end.
The Troubles weren't "that bad?" Jim Crow wasn't "that bad?" C'mon, now.

I don't agree with taking action in Syria, but let's not dehumanize the conflict.

I have a lot to add to this thread. More later.


Come On Die Young
To accomplish what you want? Since when is Syria anyones business BUT Syria? Since when is it Americas business to interfere in the going's on of another sovreign nation?

The UK have had civil wars, same as America and neither of us turned out all that bad in the end.
It's because of the chemical weapons attack, I don't agree with getting involved in a civil war otherwise. No one should be allowed to use them and there should be consequences when it happens.

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