1.) Abortion: I'm pro choice...although I do believe "it" is alive at inception. Also, with the exception of rape or what have you, I think there should be a legal limit or something. I read a statistic about how it's common for everyday women to have like 3 a year or something...
2.) Gun Control: Absolutely against it. Government statistics prove that there is less crime when more law abiding citizens are carrying. I believe in background checks and all that...but no way in hell can you strip the law abiding citizens of their second amendment right. Chicago is a fine example of why gun control is a complete and utter failure. They have some of the strictest gun control laws and it's like GTA over there.
3.) Weed: Absolutely in favor of it's legalization. I don't smoke it...but the research and statistics add up to me. Rarely are crimes committed while on it...no one has ever OD'd while using it...and quite frankly our economy would be booming if it could be taxed and regulated. Also, I work in HealthCare, and so many of the patients I help just want their pain to go away...I'm all for it. I think it's absurd that people can be jailed for smoking or obtaining a plant, lol.
4.)Syria: I think this is the President's own little agenda...the majority of Americans (republicans/democrats) are opposed to going over and helping the rebels (essentially fighting for Al Quieda) and there is plenty of evidence that supports the fact that Bashar Al-Assad was set up. No way in hell, as evil as he is, would a dictator PUBLICLY use chemical weapons on his own people knowing full well what the international community would do to him/them. Even our allies don't buy the "official report"...I say stay out.
5.) Like 70% of hard working tax payers (American citizens) oppose Obamacare. I guess if you want your premiums to skyrocket and your doctors office to be turned into your local DMV...then sure. I'm for free market competition and that's what makes healthcare affordable. Whenever the Government takes a hold of something it turns to shit. Competition and the free market is what makes cell phones and computers reasonably priced...if the Government had full control over the I-Phone...trust me...only the elite would have them.
6.) War on terror: I'm for defending our nation and other nations from "terrorists". However, this topic is so convoluted and hard to define that it's hard for me to give a definitive answer. I think most of the stories we hear about "terrorists" or the "war on terror" is fabricated and just an excuse for governments to invade.
Just my two cents