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HOW do you setup a successful jump in punch pressure?

I seem to have trouble rushing down with jump ins. I'm always getting nailed or force pushed or frozen or uppercutted yet when I do this people land their shit on me.

What do I have to be doing to setup jump in punchs so I can cause pressure?

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
I'm a Johnny Cage player, but I kind of use the same tactic with almost every character. I tend to try and get in close and start by low poking and then standing up into a very short block string. The second they are on the defensive cross over jump punch them. If you try to just dash in and jump over you're asking for trouble.

I guess the point is, make them go on defense and then jump over.
so when i want to go on the offense should i try to position myself at jump distance or sweep distance?

and once i am at the correct position, what do i do if my opponent reacts before me with a jump in? how do I defend that?


so when i want to go on the offense should i try to position myself at jump distance or sweep distance?

and once i am at the correct position, what do i do if my opponent reacts before me with a jump in? how do I defend that?
What Name v.5.0 said above is correct. I will further elaborate.

Fisrt thing you need to do is for your opp to go on the defensive. You want to end up right in their face, not sweep, not jump distance... in their face. You can achieve this in several ways although it does depend on which character youre facing.

Just to give you a broad example, if they jump towards you, use your uppercut (d2) for anti air; it is one of the fastest in the game and with practice and the right mindset you´ll find you can uppercut most jump ins on reaction. If they jump away from you, do dash, flash kick so it hits them on the way down. As you do both of these you continually move forward (dash block) in order to push the opp towards the corner. Remember, you want to be as close to the opp as possible, so there is no need to risk a flash kick if the opp remains grounded (you can be punished), simply dash block forward.

Once you are in their face the fun begins. Cage has advantage on several of his block strings, meaning that you are able to repeat the string in order to continue pressure before the opp can recover from blocking them. Notably: f3,3 and f3,2. Also Cages pokes are very fast and if applied in between block strings they can lead to sustained pressure. As a basic excercise I recommend you go to practice mode, set the dummy on block and practice the following:

f3,3 > d1 > f3,3 > d1 > repeat until you get it to come out as fast as possible.

Also switch it up such as:

f3,3 > d1 > f3 > f3,3 > d3 > f3,2 > d1 > f3,3

If you execute these strings as fast as possible while switching them around your opp will have a VERY hard time escaping your pressure. Make sure you slip a poke in there (d1,d3 or d4) regularly so the opp is not able to poke you out of pressuring them.

Now this is where the jump in punch comes in. For example, after you pressure with any of the above block strings (f3,3 or f3,2) instead of continuing pressure you can crossover punch them. Remember that both of Cages 1 hit launchers (b3 & f4) can combo after a jump in punch. So if the crossover punch connects you get to launch them into a combo. Finish all combos with nut punch so as to remove their wake up options in order to continue relentless pressure.

Let me also direct you to this thread: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?7584-Examing-REO-s-Johnny-Cage

Where you get to watch the almighty REO Cage troll (Phill dixit) and watch these techniques and more advanced ones as well.

Hope it helps!
What Name v.5.0 said above is correct. I will further elaborate.

Fisrt thing you need to do is for your opp to go on the defensive. You want to end up right in their face, not sweep, not jump distance... in their face. You can achieve this in several ways although it does depend on which character youre facing.

Just to give you a broad example, if they jump towards you, use your uppercut (d2) for anti air; it is one of the fastest in the game and with practice and the right mindset you´ll find you can uppercut most jump ins on reaction. If they jump away from you, do dash, flash kick so it hits them on the way down. As you do both of these you continually move forward (dash block) in order to push the opp towards the corner. Remember, you want to be as close to the opp as possible, so there is no need to risk a flash kick if the opp remains grounded (you can be punished), simply dash block forward.

Once you are in their face the fun begins. Cage has advantage on several of his block strings, meaning that you are able to repeat the string in order to continue pressure before the opp can recover from blocking them. Notably: f3,3 and f3,2. Also Cages pokes are very fast and if applied in between block strings they can lead to sustained pressure. As a basic excercise I recommend you go to practice mode, set the dummy on block and practice the following:

f3,3 > d1 > f3,3 > d1 > repeat until you get it to come out as fast as possible.

Also switch it up such as:

f3,3 > d1 > f3 > f3,3 > d3 > f3,2 > d1 > f3,3

If you execute these strings as fast as possible while switching them around your opp will have a VERY hard time escaping your pressure. Make sure you slip a poke in there (d1,d3 or d4) regularly so the opp is not able to poke you out of pressuring them.

Now this is where the jump in punch comes in. For example, after you pressure with any of the above block strings (f3,3 or f3,2) instead of continuing pressure you can crossover punch them. Remember that both of Cages 1 hit launchers (b3 & f4) can combo after a jump in punch. So if the crossover punch connects you get to launch them into a combo. Finish all combos with nut punch so as to remove their wake up options in order to continue relentless pressure.

Let me also direct you to this thread: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?7584-Examing-REO-s-Johnny-Cage

Where you get to watch the almighty REO Cage troll (Phill dixit) and watch these techniques and more advanced ones as well.

Hope it helps!
One of the best replies ive seen on this site.


so when i want to go on the offense should i try to position myself at jump distance or sweep distance?

and once i am at the correct position, what do i do if my opponent reacts before me with a jump in? how do I defend that?
The fact is that with Cage as with others, you basically need to find a way to get the advantage in order to get your jump in punch setup. For Cage is blockstring pressure into crossover. But this is also viable for many other characters. If you fight a projectile happy opp you can read the projectile coming and jump over it for your jump in punch. If you perform a move that leaves the opp in a stagger state (ie Cage´s nut punch, Cyrax command throw) you get a free jump in punch.

Basically dont randomly attempt it, make it out of a read or because you have the advantage

Be careful as not all characters are able to perform jp setups since their playstyle is different and does not include them as much (ie Sheeva) although all characters share some common instances where jp is useful.


Guardian of Outworld
You can't use jump as an approach all the time. Only sparingly, and most of the time, to be successful, you have to catch them off guard.

Whether or not you should jump depends on your spacing. Not many opponents will fire off a projectile within jumping distance, for you to land a free combo.

From my understanding, the only times when you can jump, is if:
- you go for the cross over jump punch, during their wakeup (watching out for wake up attacks) or when you cut your block string unexpectedly short and then jump
- when you think your opponent will startup a combo string, could depend on the combo hitting high or mid
- when you think your opponent will do a sweap, throw, or low poke such as D+3 or D+4
- projectiles or anything punishable is a granted scenario.

@Noobhavester: When you go on the offensive, you want to get as close as possible, and you want to use fast startup low or mid hitting strings or pokes that can't be ducked and uppercutted. I don't think jump spacing will do you any good, unless your pokes can reach that far like in street fighter.

If they try to jump you, you can answer with an anti-air special if you have one (ice clone, flip kick, spin, enhanced spear), fast uppercut (depending on your character, this would have to be predicted), jump backwards in the air and kick, hop kick - the neutral jump kick (depends on timing), not sure about hop punch (neutral jump punch) - might work, or back dash to retreat.