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League of Legends


Yo to all my fellow TYM LOL players, lets use this thread as a way of match making so none of us have to suffer the terrors of solo queue and as a general way to discuss things in the game. Tell me your Summoners name and what Region you're in and I'll add it to the list

Haketh: Jon Talbain

@Altaire: Altaire V
@ArchMagus88 : ArchMagus88
@AYSAMO : Aysamo
@BCRayman : BCRayman
@BookBurning : LegendaryOtaku
@Gamma : MK Gamma, GammaisBack
@GGA Jeremiah : GGA Jeremiah
@GGA pimpimjim : PimPimJim, GandhiNipple
@HGTV Ermacio : DanTheEmoFreak
@HGTV DrFlash44 : DrFlash44
@HGTV Ozzyguitar : OzzyGuitar
@IIWade3II : iiwade3ii
@J360 : ScreamingVagrant
@Karried : i Karried i
@Playpal : Playpal67
@Reedoms : Viperius2112
@Relaxedstate : RelaxedState
@Sao87 : Sao87
@subzerosmokerain : SubZeroSmokerain
@Tolkeen : Tolkeen
@Wafflez : Breakker
@Winter : TheLordOfWinter
@xSMoKEx : xsmokex1
Yojimzo: Yojimzo


i Use a modded cyber now
Why isnt this thread booming?

SN: ScreamingVagrant

Get at the best pantheon/viktor in the world
I played during beta and for about 3 years total. I just got burnt out on it. Used to be a really solid Maokai tho.

Sent from my Gameboy Color using Tapatalk 2


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
NA: cpmd4

I play mostly Dominion and ARAM, only play SR with friends but I'm not terrible at it.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Da Krew:
Altaire: Altaire V
@ArchMagus88 : ArchMagus88
AYSAMO : Aysamo
@BCRayman : BCRayman
BookBurning : LegendaryOtaku
Gamma : MK Gamma, GammaisBack
GGA Jeremiah : GGA Jeremiah
GGA pimpimjim : PimPimJim, GandhiNipple
HGTV Ermacio : DanTheEmoFreak
HGTV DrFlash44 : DrFlash44
@HGTV Ozzyguitar : OzzyGuitar
IIWade3II : iiwade3ii
J360 : ScreamingVagrant
Karried : i Karried i
Playpal : Playpal67
Reedoms : Viperius2112
Relaxedstate : RelaxedState
Sao87 : Sao87
subzerosmokerain : SubZeroSmokerain
Tolkeen : Tolkeen
Wafflez : Breakker
Winter : TheLordOfWinter
xSMoKEx : xsmokex1


Gonna list roles and champs I'm comfortable with
Jungle: Trundle, Hecarim, Eve
Mid: Lissandra *Fave champ*, Annie, Kha'Zix, Morg
Top: Jayce, Kennen, Kayle, Darius *Second favorite, get dunked*, Renekton, Nasus, Karma
ADC: Miss Fortune, Ashe, Varus, Quinn
Support: Nami, Soraka, Thresh, Fiddlesticks


i Use a modded cyber now
OP can you make a master list with all the names put in this thread? haketh

PS: i play viktor/pantheon any role.... literally


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
i started playing dota 2 like 2 weeks ago and been hooked to it. :x can someone explain major differences and why LoL is better in their opinion?


i started playing dota 2 like 2 weeks ago and been hooked to it. :x can someone explain major differences and why LoL is better in their opinion?
It's all preference, I think DOTA2 is better because I have enve more influence on how my lane can go due to denying and creep pulling. Plus items are way way way more itneresting, same with the champs.
I wanna get back into it and more seriously this time. Twisted Fate looks cool, I said I was gonna play it over the summer but, ya it was summer, I was out most of the times.


i started playing dota 2 like 2 weeks ago and been hooked to it. :x can someone explain major differences and why LoL is better in their opinion?

The difference is DotA 2 has way deeper mechanics and is much harder to learn imo. There's also no pay walls, no runes/masteries either which I actually fucking love. But since everyone refuses to play it I have to stick with LoL. Being able to deny farm and towers is so huge.

LoL has no turn speed though, which makes it feel faster and more responsive. There's a lot more emphasis on skillshots in this game as well. The meta is also much stricter. There's tons of different ways to lane in dota 2, but LoL you almost always have APC mid, ADC and Support bot, with jungle and top lane being the most flexible.

In dota 2 squishy carries like Anti Mage are much more commonly seen in a lane with 2 supports for a tri-lane because it's incredibly difficult to protect them and ensure they are farmed. Dying in dota 2 is BAD. Way worse then LoL. When you die you lose "unreliable gold", which is mostly from farming or gp/x. You are always worth money afaik, and you die WAY faster in dota. Stuns in that game last on average probably 2-3 seconds or more. If you get stunned you are fucked. Team Fights are by consequence way shorter and more frantic. The way you lose gold in fights also makes it really hard to make a comeback, especially harder because your barracks (inhibitors) do not respawn. You become 100% defensive and winning becomes a miracle chance at that point.


The difference is DotA 2 has way deeper mechanics and is much harder to learn imo. There's also no pay walls, no runes/masteries either which I actually fucking love. But since everyone refuses to play it I have to stick with LoL. Being able to deny farm and towers is so huge.

LoL has no turn speed though, which makes it feel faster and more responsive. There's a lot more emphasis on skillshots in this game as well. The meta is also much stricter. There's tons of different ways to lane in dota 2, but LoL you almost always have APC mid, ADC and Support bot, with jungle and top lane being the most flexible.

In dota 2 squishy carries like Anti Mage are much more commonly seen in a lane with 2 supports for a tri-lane because it's incredibly difficult to protect them and ensure they are farmed. Dying in dota 2 is BAD. Way worse then LoL. When you die you lose "unreliable gold", which is mostly from farming or gp/x. You are always worth money afaik, and you die WAY faster in dota. Stuns in that game last on average probably 2-3 seconds or more. If you get stunned you are fucked. Team Fights are by consequence way shorter and more frantic. The way you lose gold in fights also makes it really hard to make a comeback, especially harder because your barracks (inhibitors) do not respawn. You become 100% defensive and winning becomes a miracle chance at that point.
I main heimerdinger and the fedora. Get at me.


thugs bunny
SN: Klasek

Champs I use:

Top: Rumble, Yorick, Jayce
ADC: Quinn, Twitch
Mid: Ziggs, Annie, Kennen
Jungle: Fiora, Vi
Support: Lulu, Nami, Soraka, Sona, Zilean