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Sector: no super-armor at the end of the X-Ray?

Today me and my friend playing offline match (Sektor vs Cyber Sub-Zero). Sektor launch X-RAY from full screen distance, CSub launch ice ball, and freeze Sektor at the end of his X-RAY!!! At this time Csub fly in the air (because X-RAY missile was hit him) and fall over the ground with "only rocket" received damage.


Today me and my friend playing offline match (Sector vs Cyber Sub-Zero). Sector launch X-RAY from full screen distance, CSub launch ice ball, and freeze Sector at the end of his X-RAY!!! At this time Csub fly in the air (because X-RAY missile was hit him) and fall over the ground with 0 received damage.
Whoa. If true, good find. Can anyone else confirm?