You see a lot of this on the forums:
"Killer Frost is a top-tier character"
"She has:
(They list all her good attributes and the ideal cases for everything)
She beats:
(list of unsubstantiated matchups)
for free."
Then you watch Killer Frost go to a number of tournaments, maybe make Top 8, get beat by jump-back randomness. And then there are 2 camps of people:
-The ones that still believe KF is gdlk because they crunched some math in their head and she's supposed to be one of the top characters. They refuse to believe otherwise. These are the people that usually say stuff like "everyone is playing her wrong, X player doesn't know how to play the character, etc.".
-The ones that look at the results and go "well maybe she's good, but isn't as godlike as people thought".
Could the answer be somewhere in the middle?
I had people argue with me that Catwoman is an S-tier character and is as good as pretty much anyone in the game (based on their calculations/theory/mental matchups). If that's the case, shouldn't someone actually have to prove that at some point?
I also had people tell me that theoretically "You should never get hit by Sinestro's zoning". Well that's all well and good; but what tournament have you seen where no one ever gets hit by a MB fear blast, trait or a boulder, just because it's theoretically possible to block them? But maybe "everyone is playing the MU wrong." Stuff like that just sounds hollow if there is no real-world evidence to back it up.