So...I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I want to preface this by saying that I love Batman. Always will. I've loved the character since I first saw him punch dudes in the face on The Animated Series. I loved him even more when I saw loud, "POW!" signs flash across the screen as Adam West also punched dudes in the face. Basically, I like that Batman loves to punch dudes in the face.
Now I'm nowhere near high level as a player or with this character. Sometimes, I get very self-conscious and wonder where the disconnect is between myself and other Batman players. I wonder why I haven't reached their mastery of what most would call a fairly straight-forward character. Then it seems that every one and their mother HAS a pocket Batman, some of which are clearly better than mine which only compounds this. And so...I thought maybe I've Batmann'd too much. Maybe I need to step back and let old habits die.
But to moan and complain is not my goal. Instead...I had an idea. What if I dropped my main and chose a new one? What if I hit the reset button as it were and started over? For one month...I will have a new main. I will treat this character as seriously as I do Batman. I will learn the execution, the frame data, the set-ups, I will do everything I can with the time I have to play this character like a god damn pro.
The question is...who will this character be?
I want you, my NRF Brothers to decide. You have one day. Choose my main so that I may embark on my warrior's quest.
Character I play: Batman
Secondary: Nightwing. A note: Nightwing is very new. So new that I do not even know the best anti-air jump in for either of his stances. I am awful at this game.
Third: Batgirl. Kind of. Not really. I forgot which of her jump moves was the good one. I know b12, b2u3 bola, b2u3, b2u3 bola, and vortex stuff. Some corner stuff. That's about it.
Characters I've hit the lab with: Black Adam, General Zod, Harley Quinn, Scorpion, Nightwing, Batgirl, The Joker, and Deathstroke.
I have only the most basic knowledge of some of these characters and next to nothing for the others.
And begins!!!! NRF...CHOOSE...MY...MAIN!!!