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General/Other Why Ares's Corner Game Sucks + Some Other Ridiculous Stuff


Dojo Trainee
It's somewhat well known (though not well documented) that Ares loses really good options in the corner over a glitch and not something intentional in the game. It is for this reason I've decided to (crudely) record some of these in the hopes that it will bring more attention to the character and his big issues.

Here's what's being documented:

1. A good example of Ares's trait whiffing in the corner during a legitimate combo. In most cases this leads him to getting full combo punished.

2. Ares's f23 somehow becoming reversed even though it was inputted correctly. This string is one of the best strings for him to use in the corner and it fails unless you wait so long that you get less damage and less options from the combo.

3. Ares's trait completely whiffing in the corner from a 22 string, one of the best strings he has. Enjoy standing there and getting punished.

4, 5, & 6. Me poking the hell out of Batman, Wonder Woman, and Raven to demonstrate how Ares's d1, one of (if not his) most important tools whiffs on floating characters! Wonder Woman and Raven are not the only characters this happens against!

Now, if anyone dare says that any of these are insignificant, any Ares main and I can completely assure you it is very significant! Matches have been lost because of things like these which are glitches and bugs! Also, let it be known that there is a lot more stuff out there that messes up Ares that is very similar to this. I'm not able to record them, however, because it's difficult to demonstrate them with only one person using the game's Record/Playback feature. NRS, please fix this before the major balance patch!

colt hecterrific DownfouralitY InFlames 4x4lo8o Mr Aquaman Astrocytic Dislexsik xInfra Deadx and @AnyOtherAresMainOrPersonWhoCanChangeAndOrDiscussThisThatIMayHaveForgotten420yoloswag


1 2 3 drink
2. Ares's f23 somehow becoming reversed even though it was inputted correctly. This string is one of the best strings for him to use in the corner and it fails unless you wait so long that you get less damage and less options from the combo.
Very annoying!

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
#2 I believe happens because you passed him. Basically your hitbox is read as if you're in the korner but since your inputs were buffered they are auto korrected to attack in the direction of the opponent.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
d1 issue, at least in those cases, stems from hurtboxes matching models to a T.


And it's not just trait after 22 whiffing in the corner. b1 does it as well and Ares is completely unable to combo after those strings.
It also occasionally happens after 3(3~d4 whiffs) and b2.

Why on earth does Ares lose launchers because he got the opponent in the corner?


It's somewhat well known (though not well documented) that Ares loses really good options in the corner over a glitch and not something intentional in the game. It is for this reason I've decided to (crudely) record some of these in the hopes that it will bring more attention to the character and his big issues.

Here's what's being documented:

1. A good example of Ares's trait whiffing in the corner during a legitimate combo. In most cases this leads him to getting full combo punished.

2. Ares's f23 somehow becoming reversed even though it was inputted correctly. This string is one of the best strings for him to use in the corner and it fails unless you wait so long that you get less damage and less options from the combo.

3. Ares's trait completely whiffing in the corner from a 22 string, one of the best strings he has. Enjoy standing there and getting punished.

4, 5, & 6. Me poking the hell out of Batman, Wonder Woman, and Raven to demonstrate how Ares's d1, one of (if not his) most important tools whiffs on floating characters! Wonder Woman and Raven are not the only characters this happens against!

Now, if anyone dare says that any of these are insignificant, any Ares main and I can completely assure you it is very significant! Matches have been lost because of things like these which are glitches and bugs! Also, let it be known that there is a lot more stuff out there that messes up Ares that is very similar to this. I'm not able to record them, however, because it's difficult to demonstrate them with only one person using the game's Record/Playback feature. NRS, please fix this before the major balance patch!

colt hecterrific DownfouralitY InFlames 4x4lo8o Mr Aquaman Astrocytic Dislexsik xInfra Deadx and @AnyOtherAresMainOrPersonWhoCanChangeAndOrDiscussThisThatIMayHaveForgotten420yoloswag

Just a couple notes.

2)This is actually a game-wide thing, Ares isn't the only character it happens to. It's dumb, but Ares isn't the only character who has to put up with it. He might have it worse than most, but I don't really know.

3) This is just complete bullshit.
For the record, on block all of these whiff:
Some of these are situational - dependent on character or some other variable that I haven't figured out - and in most cases if d4 whiffs then u4, dd4, and uu4 will whiff as well. Trait whiffing on block is a huge deal because he gets mix ups off of it. It's part of how he opens up the opponent. For example, 3~d4 is part of his 50/50. He no longer has that 50/50 in the corner.
On hit 22~d4 and b1~d4 both whiff. This is huge because he can't combo off of either of those strings with out trait. 22 is his fastest mid hitting string and b1 is his best footsies string. These are huge tool being taken away from him.

Just to reiterate - ARES LOSES COMBO STARTERS AND MIX UPS - INCLUDING HIS ONLY 50/50 - WHEN HE PUTS THE OPPONENT IN THE CORNER. How is this not a bigger deal? It's complete horseshit.

456) I recorded another video just to try to show this off a little better by comparing the range of Ares d1 to the range of his s1 against different characters.

Notice how against Nightwing d1 has better range than 1, but against floating range 1 has significantly better range


Normals whiffing on floating characters happens with more characters than just Ares!
It is a random and bad design

That's true, but it's a particularly big deal for Ares. Nothing else he has is any good at all up close if he can't ever land d1. His entire pressure and mix up game depends on his d1


Dojo Trainee
Just to re-iterate and clarify, this is not a downplaying or a buff request thread. This is a thread to expose bugs in the game that haunt not only Ares, but quite a few other characters as well. I'd love for this to be fixed, so yeah, just throwing it out there.


Just to re-iterate and clarify, this is not a downplaying or a buff request thread. This is a thread to expose bugs in the game that haunt not only Ares, but quite a few other characters as well. I'd love for this to be fixed, so yeah, just throwing it out there.
Exactly. If any other character completely lost their ability to launch of off multiple strings and had a bunch of their mix ups disappear as soon as they got into the corner it'd be a huge deal and lots of people would be talking about it