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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)

His motivations have been clear from season 1 when he wanted him and jesse to step their game up which led us to Tuco. Anyone who bought the "i want to make enoigh for my family" is gullible as hell. He had bigger aspirations from the get go. I see him as a bitter jealous man cause of what happened with grey matter. The reason i stopped watching the showwhen it first aired is i hated walt from the get go and hank was annnoying i didnt like anyone.My opinion on hank has changed and is the reason i like the show walt is still the same bitter jealous guy he always was. Hes no vic mackey as far and bad guy anti heroes go.
Do you think they will ever tie up the Grey Matter storyline, or do you think there anything left there to be discussed?


Here are my predictions for what I think could go down:

I think Hank is going to be the only one that dies in the gunfight. I believe that Jesse and Gomez are going to survive. I think this will happen from plot development standpoint.

A few things worth note, Walt drops his gun off in the distance when he gave himself up by the rocks that he had been hiding behind. At the end of the episode you can notice Jesse is beginning to try to slip away from the car. I believe he is going to and go for it and get out of the immediate gunfight.

Gomez also picks up the keys to Walt's car (this is subtle). I believe there is a possibility he might get out of the situation through this somehow.

I look at the phone call with Marie as an indicator of how the story will progress. Marie is going to wonder where her husband is, knowing that the last moments she spoke with him was that he had 'caught Walt'.

I believe she will go to the police/DEA. I believe the police will track her last conversation to determine Hanks location. They will find the remains of the firefight. Marie will end up telling everything she knows. They will find the barrels of money and may potentially use that as evidence, Walt and his family loses it all.

I believe she will give Skyler up to the police and they will both be in for questioning. I believe that both Skyler and Marie will assume that Walt put a hit out on Hank to escape the scenario.

I think there will be a big search for the arrest of Walter White, all over the news (hence why the neighbor was so afraid of Walt's return in the foreshadowing scene) that leads to the need for Walt's disappearance. Maybe Walt will take Saul up on his offer to disappear for good.

With Walt gone, I think there is a possibility that the Nazi's will force Jesse to cook for them to bring the purity levels and color up of their product (pressure from Lydia).

I think the final scene could be Walt after having lost everything (his family, money, friends), cancer in remission, coming back to save Jesse. If Jesse is forced to work for Jack/Todd/etc. it could be that Jesse is the one Walt is coming back to save.

At this point I would assume the Ricin is for Uncle Jack and Walt goes out in style.
If walt gets that send off i will be disappointed he deserves the Vic Mackey send off going out like a bitch. Ripping off Scarface would be a terrible ending. If they actually wanted to write it correctly Hank should go out in style saving Gomez by killing enough of the nazis before sacrificing himself somehow allowing gomez to escape possibly with a dieing hank with him but not dead yet cause the dudes a beast.
If walt gets that send off i will be disappointed he deserves the Vic Mackey send off going out like a bitch. Ripping off Scarface would be a terrible ending. If they actually wanted to write it correctly Hank should go out in style saving Gomez by killing enough of the nazis before sacrificing himself somehow allowing gomez to escape possibly with a dieing hank with him but not dead yet cause the dudes a beast.
The title of the next episode is Ozymandias (a poem). Vince Gilligan mentioned in an interview to pay close attention to it.

I tried reading it today and didn't know what to make of it within the context of this show:

"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear --
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

What is your interpretation?


Do you think they will ever tie up the Grey Matter storyline, or do you think there anything left there to be discussed?
I dont think there is any thing to tie up Walt was butthurt gretchen picked the other guy so walt childishly sold his shares to spite her. The truth about how they payed for the treatment has come out so there is nothing left there.


The title of the next episode is Ozymandias (a poem). Vince Gilligan mentioned in an interview to pay close attention to it.

I tried reading it today and didn't know what to make of it within the context of this show:

"I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear --
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

What is your interpretation?
Thats to wordy for me all i get is walt survives the gunfight and there is gonna be a buncha dead bodies left in the desert.


Online Punching Bag
Next week

no one's cell phone works because all of them were shot, they moan for about 45 minutes until they all die. Screen fades to black and a large caption of the word FIN in pretty calligraphy writing appears. The following week, it's all about the car wash, the week after an episode about Saul Goodman's clients and the final episode is about Walt Jr learning how to break dance.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Jesus those Nazis are a few frames off with there shots (fking Spammers), and Hank not punishing them, SMH

P.S.. Breaking Bad best seriers ever better than the Wire,,, yeah i said it

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Do you think they will ever tie up the Grey Matter storyline, or do you think there anything left there to be discussed?
Really like this. The saving Jesse at the end is what I have been predicting from the very first flash forward. Everything you said about the phone call to marie and jesse going for the gun seems very likely. Good Job. And as much as I don't want Hank to die I just don't see where else his story can go. That phone call to marie was pretty much a final goodbye.


Really like this. The saving Jesse at the end is what I have been predicting from the very first flash forward. Everything you said about the phone call to marie and jesse going for the gun seems very likely. Good Job. And as much as I don't want Hank to die I just don't see where else his story can go. That phone call to marie was pretty much a final goodbye.
Im sorry but that phone call was pretty lame, lazy writing imo. They may as well have plastered HANKS GONNA DIE in giant letters.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Im sorry but that phone call was pretty lame, lazy writing imo. They may as well have plastered HANKS GONNA DIE in giant letters.
I don't think its lazy writing, Marie wanted Hank to catch Walt as much as anyone so of course he'd let his wife know what he did. Maybe the writers want us to believe that Hanks gonna die but instead he's captured (which i doubt) and keep him as insurance so Jesse or walt (but we know he flees to NH) will be forced to cook for them or he will die.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
The one thing about every post in here
How can anyone say they "KNOW" this isn't grounded in reality? Are you a meth cooking teacher? Are you a junkie who decided to join a meth cooking teacher?

Think about all the events in your life that brought you closer together with a group, with a person. You don't have to think hard do you? The most vivid thing? Emotions.

The entire show is based off of people having VIVID emotions. The writers can't predict them... they can only create them.

Even you... mr. "This show is more graphic novel than reality"

I don't really mind all the hate.... because you're having the vivid emotions the show intends for you to have.

I imagine that watching this series now in my mid 20's would have a totally different view than that of myself in my teens.... or even myself in my 40's. This show is like a great video game. You'll come back to it 20 years later.... and feel totally different things. There aren't many TV shows that can say that..... or have even come close to that.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I don't think its lazy writing, Marie wanted Hank to catch Walt as much as anyone so of course he'd let his wife know what he did. Maybe the writers want us to believe that Hanks gonna die but instead he's captured (which i doubt) and keep him as insurance so Jesse or walt (but we know he flees to NH) will be forced to cook for them or he will die.

its just something we as people say to each other when we are feeling good and want to share the things with people we love.

It sounds cliche... but I mean.... In Hank's line of work... he just won the superbowl.

It isn't lazy... it connects all blue collar viewers to their significant other.


I don't think its lazy writing, Marie wanted Hank to catch Walt as much as anyone so of course he'd let his wife know what he did. Maybe the writers want us to believe that Hanks gonna die but instead he's captured (which i doubt) and keep him as insurance so Jesse or walt (but we know he flees to NH) will be forced to cook for them or he will die.
Its lazy writing. Marie wanting him to catch Walt doesnt matter. If he survives its blatant misdirection which is a gimmick. If he dies well then duh they couldnt have made it anymore obvious.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Its lazy writing. Marie wanting him to catch Walt doesnt matter. If he survives its blatant misdirection which is a gimmick. If he dies well then duh they couldnt have made it anymore obvious.
It's one of those moments where these characters get a great victory, but you know that it's going to be taken away from them. Which it makes it devastating for them. I don't understand how that's lazy. And it's obvious that someone is going to die either way because you know that Uncle jack and his goons were going to show up anyway.


The one thing about every post in here
How can anyone say they "KNOW" this isn't grounded in reality? Are you a meth cooking teacher? Are you a junkie who decided to join a meth cooking teacher?

Think about all the events in your life that brought you closer together with a group, with a person. You don't have to think hard do you? The most vivid thing? Emotions.

The entire show is based off of people having VIVID emotions. The writers can't predict them... they can only create them.

Even you... mr. "This show is more graphic novel than reality"

I don't really mind all the hate.... because you're having the vivid emotions the show intends for you to have.

I imagine that watching this series now in my mid 20's would have a totally different view than that of myself in my teens.... or even myself in my 40's. This show is like a great video game. You'll come back to it 20 years later.... and feel totally different things. There aren't many TV shows that can say that..... or have even come close to that.
What do you mean how do i know its not grounded in reality. Twin assassins worshipping the god of death. Tuco straight of a crank movie. Are you serious? Ive known pretty well 6 people who have died of cancer none of them showed any similarities wirh Walt but they all shared similarities with one another in how the acted. Nothing in this show is grounded in reality. Walt watches Jane die gets a drink and happens to sit next to her grieving father, said father then crashes 2 planes, please.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Its lazy writing. Marie wanting him to catch Walt doesnt matter. If he survives its blatant misdirection which is a gimmick. If he dies well then duh they couldnt have made it anymore obvious.
what are you thinking when you watch the show? Like.... I get what you're saying.... but you make it sound like someone is holding you hostage.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
What do you mean how do i know its not grounded in reality. Twin assassins worshipping the god of death. Tuco straight of a crank movie. Are you serious? Ive known pretty well 6 people who have died of cancer none of them showed any similarities wirh Walt but they all shared similarities with one another in how the acted. Nothing in this show is grounded in reality. Walt watches Jane die gets a drink and happens to sit next to her grieving father, said father then crashes 2 planes, please.
people do crazy things

I mean its not like you've strolled down to good ole' Mexico in the worst part of town and talk to them... live with them.

You're getting mad at the show for being crazy......
how do you KNOW there aren't people like this. I mean... there are people in jail for WORSE things than the people in the show.

I honestly think you watch TOOOO many movies and have become jaded by them.


It's one of those moments where these characters get a great victory, but you know that it's going to be taken away from them. Which it makes it devastating for them. I don't understand how that's lazy. And it's obvious that someone is going to die either way because you know that Uncle jack and his goons were going to show up anyway.
Yes its obvious someone is gonna die it could have been gomez. How can you not see the laziness? Yes the death is devastating for marie bjt so what its not devastating for us cause we see it coming from a mile away. Could you imagine omar calling bunk and saying " hey man i wanna get outta the life i want to go straight can you help me? Thank you" right before he walked in the convenient store. Plus the entire scenario isnt plausible jesse had no idea were his money was how could walt not know that? Isnt he supposed to be a genius. The only person who could possibly know where the money was is walt he was alone when he buried it.


people do crazy things

I mean its not like you've strolled down to good ole' Mexico in the worst part of town and talk to them... live with them.

You're getting mad at the show for being crazy......
how do you KNOW there aren't people like this. I mean... there are people in jail for WORSE things than the people in the show.

I honestly think you watch TOOOO many movies and have become jaded by them.
What does mexico have to do with anything walt never goes to mexico in the entire series. Yes there are people in jail for worse things that doesnt make the plot and characters any less ridiculous.im not jaded at all i love the show but i love it for what it is a adrenaline rush story of a man with nothing to lose not for what people pretend it to be. Again its not some glimpse into the psyche of a man become sociopath.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Yes its obvious someone is gonna die it could have been gomez. How can you not see the laziness? Yes the death is devastating for marie bjt so what its not devastating for us cause we see it coming from a mile away. Could you imagine omar calling bunk and saying " hey man i wanna get outta the life i want to go straight can you help me? Thank you" right before he walked in the convenient store. Plus the entire scenario isnt plausible jesse had no idea were his money was how could walt not know that? Isnt he supposed to be a genius. The only person who could possibly know where the money was is walt he was alone when he buried it.
Because walt is not thinking straight, he's paranoid with everything thats going on lately. He has Hank all over his ass, Jesse flat out said that he was coming for him. He even explained to walt how he figured out where the money was even though he didn't. The GPS in the van, how would even know if the van had GPS or not. He was in the moment and was reacting to what Jesse was saying, he was rather convincing. Like i said you may find it lazy but I don't. There is no right or wrong here.